Nina Klang
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
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- 018-471 16 74
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Senaste publikationer
- Construction of learning environments (2024)
- Positive behavior support in school (2024)
- Different types of talk in mixed-attainment problem-solving groups (2024)
- Viewing inclusion through the lens of democracy-Conceptualizations and enactments in three early childhood educational settings (2024)
- Partnering for change (P4C) in Sweden- a study protocol of a collaborative school-based service delivery model to create inclusive learning environments (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Construction of learning environments (2024)
- Positive behavior support in school (2024)
- Different types of talk in mixed-attainment problem-solving groups (2024)
- Viewing inclusion through the lens of democracy-Conceptualizations and enactments in three early childhood educational settings (2024)
- Partnering for change (P4C) in Sweden- a study protocol of a collaborative school-based service delivery model to create inclusive learning environments (2023)
- A review of interventions for children and youth with severe disabilities in inclusive education (2023)
- Segregated Education as a Challenge to Inclusive Processes: A Total Population Study of Swedish Teachers’ Views on Education for Pupils with Intellectual Disability (2022)
- The Importance of School Pedagogical and Social Climate to Students’ Unauthorized Absenteeism (2022)
- Intervention combining cooperative learning and instruction in reading comprehension strategies in heterogeneous classrooms (2022)
- Special needs educators’ roles and work in relation to recently arrived immigrant pupils in need of special educational support (2021)
- Mathematical problem-solving through cooperative learning - the importance of peer acceptance and friendships (2021)
- Knowledge and Will (2021)
- Instructional Practices for Pupils with an Intellectual Disability in Mainstream and Special Educational Settings (2020)
- A Cooperative Learning Intervention to Promote Social Inclusion in Heterogeneous Classrooms (2020)
- Professionalism, governance and inclusive education – (2019)
- Bureaucracies in Schools—Approaches to Support Measures in Swedish Schools Seen in the Light of Skrtic’s Theories (2019)
- Reporting of Cultural Factors in Autism Research Publications in Sweden (2018)
- Enacting the role of special needs educator (2017)
- The Content of Goals in Individual Education Programs for Students with Complex Communication Needs (2016)
- Biopsychosocial model and the ICF-CY in in-service training (2012)
- Using content analysis to link texts on assessment and intervention to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2011)
- The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and the version for children and youth as a tool in child habilitation/early childhood intervention (2010)
- The Professional Role of Special Needs Educators in Sweden Related to Special Support and Development of Learning Environments for Immigrant Students (2023)
- Att stödja och underlätta för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (2023)
- Pedagogiska övergångar för elever som har lindrig intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (2021)
- Undervisning i grundsärskolan: fyra olika lärandemiljöer (2021)
- Lärares uppfattningar om skola och undervisning för elever som läser enligt grund- och gymnasiesärskolans läroplaner (2021)
- Inkluderande beteendestöd i skolan (IBIS) - proaktivt arbete med relationer, struktur och arbetsro (2021)
- På spaning efter "Superläraren" - om synen på stödinsatser i skolan i relation till visionen om ökad inkludering (2017)
- Sweden (2017)
- Att koda enligt ICF (2011)
- ICF som klassifikation (2011)
- ICF som tankemodell (2011)
- ICF som tankemodell (2011)
- Internationell klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (2009)
- Barn med flerfunktionsnedsättning - samspel och social inkludering (2019)
- Specialpedagogers/speciallärares arbete i den dagliga skolpraktiken (2017)
- Speciella yrken? Specialpedagogers och speciallärares arbete och utbildning (2015)
- Speciella yrken? Specialpedagogers och speciallärares arbete och utbildning: en enkätstudie (2015)