Shafqat Ahmad
Forskare Docent i molekylär epidemiologi vid Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper; Molekylär epidemiologi
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Kort presentation
I am Shafqat Ahmad, Associate Professor (Docent) in Molecular Epidemiology. My research focuses on understanding cardiovascular disease development. My research combines methods from the molecular and genetic epidemiology field including biochemistry, genomics, metabolomics, microbiota with relation to lifestyle factors in large scale population based studies to better understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and to improve disease prediction.
- cardiovascular disease
- epidemiology
- gut microbiota
- metabolomics
- obesity
- population genetics
- type 2 diabetes
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
-2019 Rising Star Award, European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
-2018 Best Young Researcher Award, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University Sweden
-2018 Finalist for the Young Investigator Award, American Heart Association
-2018 Top candidate for the Postdoctoral Position at Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University
-2015 Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation Fellow, Sweden
-2015 Nutricia Research Fellow, Singapore
-2015 Henning och Johan Throne-Holst stiftelse Fellow, Sweden
Selected Publications
Ahmad S, Mora S, Ridker PM, Hu FB, Chasman DI. Gene-Based Elevated Triglycerides and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk in the Women's Genome Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2019 Jan;39(1):97-106. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311562.
Ahmad S, Moorthy MV, Demler OV, Hu FB, Ridker PM, Chasman DI, Mora S. Assessment of Risk Factors and Biomarkers Associated With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women Consuming a Mediterranean Diet. JAMA Netw Open. 2018 Dec 7;1(8):e185708. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.5708.
Ahmad S, Mora S, Franks PW, Orho-Melander M, Ridker PM, Hu FB, Chasman DI. Adiposity and Genetic Factors in Relation to Triglycerides and Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins in the Women's Genome Health Study. Clin Chem. 2018 Jan;64(1):231-241. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2017.280545.
Ahmad S, Poveda A, Shungin D, Barroso I, Hallmans G, Renström F, Franks PW. Established BMI-associated genetic variants and their longitudinal associations with cardiometabolic traits: the GLACIER Study. (Int J Obes (Lond). 2016 Sep;40(9):1346-52. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2016.72.
Ahmad S, Zhao W, Renström F, Rasheed A, Samuel M, Zaidi M, Shah N, Mallick NH, Zaman KS, Ishaq M, Rasheed SZ, Memon FU, Hanif B, Lakhani MS, Ahmed F, Kazmi SU, Frossard P, Franks PW, Saleheen D. Physical activity, smoking, and genetic predisposition to obesity in people from Pakistan: the PROMIS study. BMC Med Genet. 2015 Dec 18; 16:114. doi: 10.1186/s12881-015-0259-x.
Ali MK, Kadir MM, Gujral UP, Fatima SS, Iqbal R, Sun YV, Narayan KMV, Ahmad S. Obesity-associated metabolites in relation to type 2 diabetes risk: A prospective nested case-control study of the CARRS cohort. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022 Oct;24(10):2008-2016. doi: 10.1111/dom.14788.
Ahmad S, Zhao W, Renström F, Rasheed A, Zaidi M, Samuel M, Shah N, Mallick NH, Shungin D, Zaman KS, Ishaq M, Rasheed SZ, Memon FU, Hanif B, Lakhani MS, Ahmed F, Kazmi SU, Deloukas P, Frossard P, Franks PW, Saleheen D. A novel interaction between the FLJ33534 locus and smoking in obesity: a genome-wide study of 14 131 Pakistani adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 Aug 17. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2015.152.
Ahmad S, Rukh G, Varga TV, Ali A, Kurbasic A, Shungin D, Ericson U, Koivula RW, Chu AY, Rose LM, Ganna A, Qi Q, Stančáková A, Sandholt CH, Elks CE, Curhan G, Jensen MK, Tamimi RM, Allin KH, Jørgensen T, Brage S, Langenberg C, Aadahl M, Grarup N, Linneberg A, Paré G; InterAct Consortium; DIRECT Consortium, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Boehnke M, Hamsten A, Mohlke KL, Pasquale LT, Pedersen O, Scott RA, Ridker PM, Ingelsson E, Laakso M, Hansen T, Qi L, Wareham NJ, Chasman DI, Hallmans G, Hu FB, Renström F, Orho-Melander M, Franks PW. Gene × physical activity interactions in obesity: combined analysis of 111,421 individuals of European ancestry. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(7):e1003607. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003607.
Ahmad S, Demler OV, Sun Q, Moorthy MV, Li C, Lee IM, Ridker PM, Manson JE, Hu FB, Fall T, Chasman DI, Cheng S, Pradhan A, Mora S. Association of the Mediterranean Diet With Onset of Diabetes in the Women's Health Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Nov 2;3(11):e2025466. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.25466.
Ahmad S, Hammar U, Kennedy B, Salihovic S, Ganna A, Lind L, Sundström J, Ärnlöv J, Berne C, Risérus U, Magnusson PKE, Larsson SC, Fall T. Effect of General Adiposity and Central Body Fat Distribution on the Circulating Metabolome: A Multicohort Nontargeted Metabolomics Observational and Mendelian Randomization Study. Diabetes. 2022 Feb 1;71(2):329-339. doi: 10.2337/db20-1120.
Senaste publikationer
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- The interaction of genetics and physical activity in the pathogenesis of metabolic dysfunction associated liver disease (2024)
- OSA Is Associated With the Human Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Potential in the Population-Based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (2023)
- The metabolic profile of waist to hip ratio-A multi-cohort study (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Risk of All-Cause Mortality in Women (2024)
- Accelerometer-based physical activity is associated with the gut microbiota in 8416 individuals in SCAPIS (2024)
- The interaction of genetics and physical activity in the pathogenesis of metabolic dysfunction associated liver disease (2024)
- OSA Is Associated With the Human Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Potential in the Population-Based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (2023)
- The metabolic profile of waist to hip ratio-A multi-cohort study (2023)
- Streptococcus Species Abundance in the Gut Is Linked to Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis in 8973 Participants From the SCAPIS Cohort (2023)
- Genetically Predicted Circulating Copper and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease (2022)
- Genetics of liver fat and volume associate with altered metabolism and whole body magnetic resonance imaging (2022)
- Effect of General Adiposity and Central Body Fat Distribution on the Circulating Metabolome (2022)
- Obesity‐associated metabolites in relation to type 2 diabetes risk (2022)
- An online atlas of human plasma metabolite signatures of gut microbiome composition (2022)
- Evidence of a Causal Link Between the Well-Being Spectrum and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction (2022)
- Association of the Mediterranean Diet With Onset of Diabetes in the Women’s Health Study (2020)
- Additive and Multiplicative Interactions Between Genetic Risk Score and Family History and Lifestyle in Relation to Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (2020)
- Association of Established Blood Pressure Loci With 10-Year Change in Blood Pressure and Their Ability to Predict Incident Hypertension (2020)
- Editorial (2019)
- Gene Lifestyle Interactions With Relation to Obesity, Cardiometabolic, and Cardiovascular Traits Among South Asians (2019)
- Gene-Based Elevated Triglycerides and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk in the Women's Genome Health Study (2019)
- Mendelian randomisation analyses find pulmonary factors mediate the effect of height on coronary artery disease (2019)
- Dietary Pattern Specific Protein Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Disease (2019)
- Assessment of Risk Factors and Biomarkers Associated With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women Consuming a Mediterranean Diet (2018)
- Adiposity and Genetic Factors in Relation to Triglycerides and Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins in the Women's Genome Health Study (2018)
- Genetic Variation and Sex-Stratified Advanced Body Composition Analysis