Ellika Schalling
Professor vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 46 44
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-469 72 17
- E-post:
- ellika.schalling@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Professor vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedprogrammet
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-469 72 17
- E-post:
- ellika.schalling@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Sedan september 2021 anställd som professor i logopedi vid Uppsala universitet med förenad anställning som logoped vid Akademiska sjukhuset. Jag arbetar med forskning och undervisning med fokus på tal- och språkstörningar vid förvärvade hjärnskador och neurologisk progredierande sjukdom. I olika projekt utvecklas och utvärderas metoder för bedömning och intervention. Symptomprofiler och förändringar efter intervention undersöks också i relation till resultat från hjärnavbildningsstudier.
Logopedexamen vid Karolinska Institutet 1986 och Masterexamen i logopedi vid Boston University, USA, 1992. Doktorsexamen i logopedi vid Karolinska Institutet 2007 med en avhanding med titeln: ”Speech, Voice, Language and Cognition in Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)". Docent i logopedi vid Karolinska Institutet 2018. Professor i logopedi vid Uppsala universitet sedan 1 september 2021.
Forskningen fokuserar på tal-, röst-, och språkfunktion hos personer som drabbas av neurologisk sjukdom eller skada. Symtom karaktäriseras och relateras till neuroradiologiska fynd. Bedömningsmetoder, även gällande kommunikativ delaktighet utvecklas, och effekter av logopediska insatser studeras. Utvärdering görs av en ny gruppbehandling (HICommunication) som utvecklats för personer med Parkinsons sjukdom och tal- och kommunikationssvårigheter. I ett annat projekt undersöks effekter av ett program för intensivträning vid förvärvad språkstörning (afasi). Implementering av intensivrehabilitering av afasi enligt Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer för vård vid stroke studeras också. Röstanvändning i vardagssituationer, överensstämmelse mellan data från inspelningar i studiomiljö och vardagssituationer samt effekter av feedback gällande röststyrka studeras med en bärbar röstackumulator hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom.
Senaste publikationer
- Speech and neuroimaging effects following HiCommunication (2024)
- Using Portable Voice Accumulators to Study Transfer of Speech Outcomes Following Intervention – A Feasibility Study (2024)
- “I Just Want People to Think I'm Normal” (2023)
- Behavioural and neuroplastic effects of a double-blind randomised controlled balance exercise trial in people with Parkinson's disease (2022)
- Longitudinal changes in functional connectivity in speech motor networks in apraxia of speech after stroke (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Speech and neuroimaging effects following HiCommunication (2024)
- Using Portable Voice Accumulators to Study Transfer of Speech Outcomes Following Intervention – A Feasibility Study (2024)
- “I Just Want People to Think I'm Normal” (2023)
- Behavioural and neuroplastic effects of a double-blind randomised controlled balance exercise trial in people with Parkinson's disease (2022)
- Longitudinal changes in functional connectivity in speech motor networks in apraxia of speech after stroke (2022)
- A Cross-Sectional Investigation of the Impact of Stuttering on Swedish Females and Males in Childhood, Adolescence, and Young Adulthood (2022)
- Characterization of Mild and Moderate Dysarthria in Parkinson's Disease (2022)
- Recovery of Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia in Patients With Hand Motor Impairment After Stroke (2021)
- Intra- and Interjudge Reliability of the Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale in Early Stroke Patients (2021)
- Larger reported impact of stuttering in teenage females, compared to males – A comparison of teenagers’ result on Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (OASES) (2021)
- Speech Function Following Deep Brain Stimulation of the Caudal Zona Incerta: Effects of Habitual and High-Amplitude Stimulation (2021)
- HiCommunication as a novel speech and communication treatment for Parkinson's disease: A feasibility study (2021)
- Feasibility Aspects of Exploring Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity in Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (2020)
- Self-Reported Changes in Cognition, Communication and Swallowing in Multiple Sclerosis: Data from the Swedish Multiple Sclerosis Registry and from a National Survey (2020)
- Assessment of speech impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease from acoustic quantifications of oral diadochokinetic sequences (2020)
- The EXPANd trial: effects of exercise and exploring neuroplastic changes in people with Parkinson’s disease: a study protocol for a double-blinded randomized controlled trial (2019)
- Voice Use in Daily Life Studied With a Portable Voice Accumulator in Individuals With Parkinson's Disease and Matched Healthy Controls (2019)
- Development of a method for assessment of dysarthria in a foreign language: a pilot study (2019)
- Assessment of voice, speech and communication changes associated with cervical spinal cord injury (2018)
- Long-term effects of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment on daily voice use in Parkinson’s disease as measured with a portable voice accumulator (2018)
- Speech and Communication Changes Reported by People with Parkinson’s Disease (2017)
- Motor-Learning-Based Adjustment of Ambulatory Feedback on Vocal Loudness for Patients With Parkinson's Disease (2016)
- Treatment for dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) in hereditary ataxia (2015)
- Perceptual assessment of dysarthria: Comparison of a general and a detailed assessment protocol (2015)
- Effects of Tactile Biofeedback by a Portable Voice Accumulator on Voice Sound Level in Speakers with Parkinson's Disease (2013)
- Speech in spinocerebellar ataxia (2013)
- Effects of glossopharyngeal breathing on speech and respiration in multiple sclerosis: a case report (2011)
- Perceptual and acoustic analysis of speech in individuals with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) (2007)
- Acoustic Analysis of Speech Tasks Performed by Three Individuals with Spinocerebellar Ataxia (2004)