Mikael Karlsson
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling; Klimatledarskap
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-316 27 22
- E-post:
- mikael.karlsson@geo.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Docent i miljövetenskap, universitetslektor i klimatledarskap
Associate Professor Environmental Science, Associate Professor Climate Change Leadership
- biodiversity
- biodiversity offsets
- bioenergy
- chemicals legislation
- climate governance
- climate policy
- climate policy co-benefits
- decision-making
- environmental ethics
- environmental law
- environmental objectives
- environmental policy
- environmental politics
- environmental risk governance
- forest policy
- marine governance
- natural resources management
- nature conservation
- nuclear waste management
- precautionary principle
- science-policy interactions
- sustainable development
- sustainable procurement
Senaste publikationer
- Estimating countries' additional carbon accountability for closing the mitigation gap based on past and future emissions (2024)
- Public acceptability of climate-motivated rationing (2024)
- Exploring the democracy-climate nexus (2024)
- The Role of Fairness for Accepting Stricter Carbon Taxes in Sweden (2024)
- Counteracting climate denial (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Estimating countries' additional carbon accountability for closing the mitigation gap based on past and future emissions (2024)
- Public acceptability of climate-motivated rationing (2024)
- Exploring the democracy-climate nexus (2024)
- The Role of Fairness for Accepting Stricter Carbon Taxes in Sweden (2024)
- Counteracting climate denial (2024)
- Climate-Related Co-Benefits and the Case of Swedish Policy (2023)
- Exploring sufficiency in energy policy (2023)
- Exploring the Democracy-Climate Nexus (2023)
- Faithful Stewards of God's Creation? (2022)
- Biodiversity Offsetting (2022)
- Sweden's Climate Act (2021)
- Ethics and biodiversity offsetting (2021)
- Climate policy co-benefits (2020)
- Closing marine governance gaps? (2019)
- Chemicals denial-a challenge to science and policy (2019)
- Climate and environmental science denial (2017)
- Knowledge challenges for responsible supply chain management of chemicals in textiles - as experienced by procuring organisations (2015)
- Vägar till en friskare Östersjö (2015)
- Unravelling science-policy interactions in environmental risk governance of the Baltic Sea (2014)
- Responsible procurement and complex product chains (2012)
- Coping with complexity in baltic sea risk governance (2011)
- Technocracy, Politicization and Non-Involvement (2010)
- The precautionary principle, Swedish chemicals policy and sustainable development (2006)
- Science and norms in policies for sustainable development (2006)
- Biosafety principles for GMOs in the context of sustainable development (2003)
- Ethics of sustainable development - a study of Swedish regulations for genetically modified organisms (2003)
- Green Chemistry, the REACH Regulation and Textile Companies
- Theories on Risk, and the Management of Genetically Modified Organisms
- Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea (2016)
- AMBIO Special Issue (2011)
- Managing complex environmental risks for sustainable development (2005)
- Seeking Pathways Towards Improved Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea (2016)
- Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea (2016)
- Governance of Chemicals in the Baltic Sea Region (2016)
- Eutrophication and the Ecosystem Approach to Management (2016)
- Science-Policy Interfaces in Baltic Sea Environmental Governance (2016)
- Science and Policy in the Governance of Europe's Marine Environment (2015)
- Scientific Committees and EU Policy (2010)
- The precautionary principle in EU and US chemicals policy (2010)
- Genmodifiering av skogsträd i perspektivet hållbar utveckling (2004)
- Konflikthantering för hållbar utveckling (2004)
- Hållbar utveckling i skogslandskapet (2004)
- Beyond the limits (2006)
- Nuclear Waste, Risks andSustainable Development (2006)
- Understanding Sustainable Development (2001)
- Regulatory frameworks for sustainable control of genetically modified organisms (2000)
- Investeringars betydelse för klimatomställningen (2023)
- Klimatpolitiska synergier (2022)
- Utbytbar natur? (2021)
- IKEA and the Responsible Governance of Supply Chains (2013)
- Towards responsible procurement in relation to chemical risks in textiles? (2011)
- Interactions between risk assessment and risk management for environmental risks in the Baltic Sea (2011)
- Hazardous substances (2010)
- Hållbar utveckling i Värmland (2002)