Hanne Fjelde
Professor Akademiforskare KVA vid Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning
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Kort presentation
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Hanne Fjelde is a Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University. She is a Research Fellow at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities a Wallenberg Academy Fellow.
Fjelde’s main research focuses on the relationship between political institutions and armed conflict; the causes and consequences of electoral violence; and the impact of violence and contentious politics on democratic institutions.
Personal webpage: www.hannefjelde.com
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Hanne Fjelde is a Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University. Fjelde is a Research Fellow at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Fjelde is a Wallenberg Academy Fellow.
Fjelde’s research focuses on the relationship between political institutions and armed conflict; the causes and consequences of electoral violence; and the impact of violence and contentious politics on democratic institutions.
Fjelde also studies the security implications of climate change; violence against non-combatants; and conflicts between non-state actors.
Personal webpage: www.hannefjelde.com
Urval av publikationer
- Offsetting Losses (2016)
- Electoral Institutions and Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa (2016)
- Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought (2016)
- Farming or Fighting? (2015)
- Weakening the Enemy (2014)
- Socioeconomic Inequality and Communal Conflict (2014)
- Property rights in dictatorships (2013)
- Including Peace (2013)
- Rebels against Rebels (2012)
- Climate triggers (2012)
- Post-Conflict Democracy and Conflict Recurrence (2010)
- Buying Peace? Oil Wealth, Corruption and Civil War, 1985-99 (2009)
- Coercion, Co-optation , or Co-operation? (2009)
Senaste publikationer
- The impacts of armed conflict on human development (2025)
- Violent Elections and Citizens' Support for Democratic Constraints on the Executive (2024)
- Could vote buying be socially desirable? (2024)
- Electoral Violence, Partisan Identity, and Perceptions of Election Quality (2022)
- Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO) (2022)
Alla publikationer
- The impacts of armed conflict on human development (2025)
- Violent Elections and Citizens' Support for Democratic Constraints on the Executive (2024)
- Could vote buying be socially desirable? (2024)
- Electoral Violence, Partisan Identity, and Perceptions of Election Quality (2022)
- Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO) (2022)
- Protecting the Vote? (2022)
- A conditional model of local income shock and civil conflict (2021)
- Introducing the Ethnic One-Sided Violence Dataset (2021)
- Which institutions matter? (2021)
- Electoral violence and the legacy of authoritarian rule in Kenya and Zambia (2020)
- Mapping Blue Helmets: Introducing the Geocoded Peacekeeping Operations (Geo-PKO) dataset (2020)
- Political party strength and electoral violence (2020)
- The Consequences of Contention (2019)
- Protection Through Presence (2019)
- ViEWS (2019)
- The Rise of Rebel Contenders (2018)
- Offsetting Losses (2016)
- Electoral Institutions and Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa (2016)
- Electoral Violence: The Emergence of a Research Field (2016)
- Transboundary Conservation and Conflict (2016)
- Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought (2016)
- Farming or Fighting? (2015)
- One effect to rule them all? (2014)
- Political Corruption and Institutional Stability (2014)
- Weakening the Enemy (2014)
- Socioeconomic Inequality and Communal Conflict (2014)
- Pre-designing democracy (2014)
- Fredslobotomi eller hållbar demokrati? (2013)
- Property rights in dictatorships (2013)
- Including Peace (2013)
- Rebels against Rebels (2012)
- Climate triggers (2012)
- Is the hidden hand an iron fist? (2010)
- Generals, Dictators, and Kings (2010)
- Buying Peace? Oil Wealth, Corruption and Civil War, 1985-99 (2009)
- Coercion, Co-optation , or Co-operation? (2009)
- Spatial Patterns of Violence against Civilians (2018)
- Ethnic Politics and Elite Competition (2018)
- När val leder till konflikt (2016)
- Violence against Civilians in Civil War (2016)
- Orsaker till krig och väpnade konflikter (2012)
- Transnational Dimensions of African Civil Wars and the Triple-R Framework (2012)
- Building Peace, Creating Conflict? (2011)
- Post-Conflict Democracy and Conflict Recurrence (2010)
- Weakening Your Enemy (2010)
- Fighting Yet Another Fight (2010)
- Economic Inequality and Non-state Conflict in Africa (2010)
- Economic Inequality and Non-state Conflict in Africa (2010)