Emin Poljarevic
Universitetslektor i islamisk teologi och filosofi vid Teologiska institutionen; Systematisk teologi
- E-post:
- emin.poljarevic@teol.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 B
- Postadress:
- Box 511
751 20 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Emin Poljarevic vid Teologiska institutionen; Systematisk teologi
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent
- 0000-0002-0152-0986
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Kort presentation
Emin Poljarević (Associate Professor) is (currently on leave) a sociologist of religion and systematic theologian specializing in social mobilization in Muslim minority and majority contexts during developments in the classical period, contemporary Muslim civil rights activism, Political theology in Islamicate contexts, Islamic liberation theology, and in Malcolm X-studies.
Emin Poljarević (currently on leave) is a sociologist of religion and systematic theologian specializing in social mobilization in Muslim minority and majority contexts, Muslim civil rights activism, Political theology in Islamicate contexts, Islamic liberation theology, and in Malcolm X-studies. Poljarević received his doctoral training at the European University Institute (PhD awarded in 2012) and has held a postdoctoral position at the University of Edinburgh (Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies) in Edinburgh University 2013-2014. Prior to his current position at Uppsala University in 2017, he was a part-time Senior Lecturer at Södertörn College and Stockholm University.
He is a co-author of Social Movement and Civil War: When Protests for Democratization Fail together with Donatella della Porta, Teije Hidde Donker, Bogumila Hall, and Daniel Ritter (Routledge, 2018), a selected number of his articles, book-chapters, and other publications can be found on Academia.edu and Researchgate, and also on DiVA, Uppsala University’s Academic Archive Online. He is a member of the Centre on Social Movement Studies at Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa/Florence. He is also a member of the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society’s (CRS Uppsala) Scientific Advisory Board 2020-2022 and a co-leader of the Center’s research area: “Family, Gender and Demography.” In 2022, Poljarević received the "Award for Good Teaching" ("Årets lärare") from the Department of Theology's Student Union.
Urval av publikationer
- New Islamic Movements and Concepts of Citizenship (2021)
- The Political Theology of Malcolm X (2020)
- Towards an Understanding of the Political Theology of Malcolm X (2020)
- Religion och samhällsengagemang bland unga svenskar (2019)
- The Ambiguity of Citizenship in Contemporary Salafism (2017)
- Social Movements and Civil Wars (2017)
- The Power of Elective Affinities in Contemporary Salafism (2016)
- Malik al-Shabazz’s Practice of Self-Liberation (2016)
- Les Salafistes and a French Reproduction of Certainties in a World of Uncertainties (2016)
- Muhammeds efterträdare (2015)
- Islamic Tradition and Meanings of Modernity (2015)
- Islamism (2014)
- In Pursuit of Authenticity (2012)
- Penningtvätt och Finansiell Brottslighet i Östersjöområdet (2006)
- Societal Security in the Baltic Sea Region (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- A Critical Examination of the Theoretical Foundations of Wasaṭī Minority Jurisprudence (2024)
- Islam as method (2024)
- Prospects of Reviving Islamic Civilisation Through Public Spaces (2024)
- Editor's Note (2024)
- Introduction to Political Theology (2023)
Alla publikationer
- A Critical Examination of the Theoretical Foundations of Wasaṭī Minority Jurisprudence (2024)
- Islam as method (2024)
- Prospects of Reviving Islamic Civilisation Through Public Spaces (2024)
- Editor's Note (2024)
- Introduction to Political Theology (2023)
- The Political Theology of Malcolm X (2020)
- The Political Theology of Malcolm X (2020)
- Towards an Understanding of the Political Theology of Malcolm X (2020)
- Sectarianization: Book review (2018)
- The Power of Elective Affinities in Contemporary Salafism (2016)
- Les Salafistes and a French Reproduction of Certainties in a World of Uncertainties (2016)
- Islamic Tradition and Meanings of Modernity (2015)
- Contemporary Salafism (2014)
- In Pursuit of Authenticity (2012)
- Ventures into a ’New’ Paradigm of Social Reality (2011)
- Exploring the Islamic State (2008)
- Muslim Immigrants from Post-Soviet States in Europe (2006)
- Kriminella nätverk föredrar Sverige för att tvätta pengar (2006)
- Bosnien (2005)
- New Islamic Movements and Concepts of Citizenship (2021)
- Islamofobi, kritisk reflektion och religionsundervisning (2021)
- Theology of Violence-oriented Takfirism as a Political Theory (2021)
- Islamisk tro mellan vittnesbörd och respons (2021)
- Religion och samhällsengagemang bland unga svenskar (2019)
- The Ambiguity of Citizenship in Contemporary Salafism (2017)
- Malik al-Shabazz’s Practice of Self-Liberation (2016)
- Muhammeds efterträdare (2015)
- Islamism (2014)
- Somalia: Civil War since 1991 (2006)