Katarina Blomkvist
Universitetslektor vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 13 78
- E-post:
- katarina.blomkvist@fek.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent
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Dr. Blomkvist is an Associate Professor at Uppsala University's Department of Business Studies with expertise in entrepreneurship and international business. She earned her Ph.D. in October 2009 with an emphasis on international entrepreneurship from Uppsala University.Her research is primarily concerned with corporate entrepreneurship and innovation development in established corporations. .
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Dr. Katarina Blomkvist is an Associate Professor at Uppsala University's Department of Business Studies with expertise in entrepreneurship and international business. She earned her Ph.D. in October 2009 with an emphasis on international entrepreneurship from Uppsala University.
Her research is primarily concerned with corporate entrepreneurship and innovation development in established corporations. Currently she is working on a project concerning the underlying drivers of intrapreneurship and the significance of individual intrapreneurs for form growth. Furthermore, she is looking at the development and transfer of technology within established firms, with a specific focus on the evolution of subsidiary technological capabilities and the drivers of innovation.
Dr. Blomkvist has published in top-ranked academic journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Management of International Review, Long Range Planning, Research Policy and Journal of Knowledge Management.
Dr. Blomkvist is a member of the European International Business Association, the Academy of International Business, the Academy of Management. She has been a visiting scholar at Rutgers University and worked for the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.
Reserach Projects
Innovation and Strategic Renewal of the Multinational Corporation
Senaste publikationer
- Exploring innovative work behavior (2025)
- How organizational conditions affect employees' intentions to engage in intrapreneurial new venturing (2024)
- Weathering storms (2023)
- Globalization Strategies (2021)
- Globala strategier (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Exploring innovative work behavior (2025)
- How organizational conditions affect employees' intentions to engage in intrapreneurial new venturing (2024)
- Weathering storms (2023)
- Globala strategier (2021)
- Who is in and who is out? (2019)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the ‘modern’ MNC (2017)
- Chinese outward foreign direct investments in Europe (2016)
- On the emergence and diffusion of technological capabilities and the theory of the MNC (2015)
- On the emergence and diffusion of technological capabilities and the theory of the MNC (2015)
- Superstar inventors - Towards a people-centric perspective on the geography of technological renewal in the multinational corporation (2014)
- Win, Place, or Show? (2014)
- Superstar inventors (2014)
- Superstar Subsidiaries (2013)
- The Impact of Psychic Distance on Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investments (2013)
- Drivers and Motives for Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investments in Africa (2013)
- Knowledge management in MNCs (2012)
- Quo Vadis? (2010)
- Reverse Technology Diffusion: On the Diffusion of Technological Capabilities from Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries to Headquarters of the MNC
- Diffusion Patterns of Technological Capabilities - The Difference between Greenfield and Acquired Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries
- A gender sensitive perspective of corporate culture and the spawning of intrapreneurs
- How planned behavior drives employee intentions to pursue new product and service development
- Quo Vadis? The Entry into New Technologies in Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries of the Multinational Corporation
- Growth Engines of the Multinational Corporation - A Longitudinal Study of the Sources of Entry into New Technologies in Foreign Locations
- Quo Vadis? The Entry into New Technologies in Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries of the Multinational Enterprise (2015)
- Reverse Technology Diffusion (2013)
- Superstar Subsidiaries of the Multinational Corporation (2012)
- Does cultural distance influence Chinese outward foreign direct investmetns? (2012)
- Weathering storms (2019)
- The apple falls close to the tree (2017)
- Animal farm (2015)
- The adventurous gene (2013)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the modern MNC (2013)
- Win, place, or show? (2012)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? (2012)
- Superstar inventors in foreign subsidiaries of the MNC (2012)
- The Impact of a common EU FDI approach on Individual Member States and overall EU Competitiveness. (2011)
- A conceptual study of subsidiaries´ability to influence technology transfer within multinational corporations (2011)
- Superstar subsidiaries of the multinational corporation - in search of origins and drivers (2011)
- Superstar subsidiaries of the MNC (2010)
- Diffusion patterns in new technological capabilities of Greenfield and acquired subsidairies (2009)
- Reverse Technology Diffusion: On the Diffusion of Technological Capabilities from Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries to Headquarters of the MNC (2009)
- Exploring the drivers of "superstar" foreign subsidiaries of the MNC (2009)
- Growth engines of the multinational corporation (2008)
- Growth engines of the multinational corporation (2008)
- Animal Farm (2008)
- Knowledge transfer effectiveness in the multinational corporation – motivational barriers and formal control (2007)
- The Dual Role of External Embeddedness on Excess Innovations by Subsidiaries in the MNC (2007)
- Revisiting the Sherwood forest (2007)
- Quo vadis? (2007)