Mats Målqvist
Professor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Centrum för hälsa och hållbarhet
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Föreståndare vid Institutet för forskning om målkonflikter i hållbar samhällsomställning/ Uppsala
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- 0000-0002-8184-3530
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Kort presentation
Mats Målqvist är professor i global hälsa och föreståndare för UUniFI Institute for Sustainable Transformations. Han leder även Swedesd - ett centrum för lärande för hållbar utveckling och global hälsa på den medicinska fakulteten ( Mats forskning fokuserar på social hållbarhet, med ett särskilt fokus på jämlik hälsa och möjligheter. Han har publicerat 120+ artiklar i vetenskapliga tidskrifter inom SRHR, mödra- och barnhälsa och hälsosystemsforskning.
- child health
- envmed008
- health equity
- health systems
- maternal health
- neonatal health
- sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr)
- social sustainability
- sustainable development
Mats Målqvist är föreståndare för Institute for Sustainable Transformations, en del av Uppsala universitets framtidsinstitut (UUniFI).
Vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa leder han Swedesd, ett tvärvetenskapligt centrum för jämlikhet i hälsa, hållbarhet och transformation (
Mellan 2013-2016 utvecklade och etablerade han, på uppdrag av Svenska kyrkan, Siphilile Maternal and Child Health, en lokal icke-statlig organisation som arbetar med mödra- och barnhälsa i Eswatini (
Mats Målqvist är läkare med en magisterexamen i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Han disputerade i internationell hälsa 2010 vid Uppsala universitet. Han blev docent 2013 och professor i global hälsa 2018. Som läkare har Mats Målqvist gjort ST-tjänst inom akutmedicin (2007-2010) och pediatrik (2010-2013).
Mats Målqvist är initiativtagare till SIHI Sweden (
Uppdrag utanför Uppsala universitet
Svenska Läkaresällskapets kommitté för global hälsa (2024-)
Etisk rådgivare HOLICARE (2024-)
Kyrkornas världsråds kommission för hälsa och helande (2023-)
RFSU förbundsstyrelse (2021-)
Biträdande redaktör för Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (2016-)
Ledamot i Sveriges nationella kommitté för globala miljöförändringar (KVA) (2022-2023)
FORTE - bedömningskommitté för projektbidrag (2022)
Vetenskapsrådet - bedömningskommitté för internationell postdoc (2017-2018)
Ordförande för Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) NeoSupra trial (2018-2019)
Uppdrag inom/för Uppsala universitet
Föreståndare Uppsala University Institute for Sustainable Transformations (2024-)
ENLIGHT styrgrupp (2023-)
Prodekan för utbildning på grund- och avancerad nivå vid Medicinska fakulteten (2023-2024)
Föreståndare Swedesd - Sustainability Research and Learning Centre (2022-)
Forskargruppsledare Uppsala Global Health Research on Implementation and Sustainability (UGHRIS) (2020-)
Ordförande i magisterprogramkommittén vid medicinska fakulteten (2020-2023)
Ordförande för internationaliseringskommittén vid Medicinska programmet (2016-2023)
Styrelseledamot Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa (2017-2023)
ERASMUS-koordinator vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa (2019-2023)
Medlem av elektorskollegiet (2019-)
Mentor inom iMPACToR mentorskapsprogram (2020-2022)
Styrelseledamot, Centrum för miljö- och utvecklingsstudier (CEMUS) (2021-2022)
SACO/UU styrelseledamot (2020-2022)
Representant i ANSER - Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy
Som forskare inom global hälsa och hållbarhet fokuserar Mats Målqvist sin forskning på implementering av insatser för förbättrad hälsa, social hållbarhet och jämlikhet. Med utgångspunkt i mödra- och barnhälsa har han deltagit i och lett ett flertal forskningsprojekt både i Sverige och i låg- och medelinkomstmiljöer i Nepal, Vietnam, Uganda och Tanzania. Mats Målqvist har handlett 9 doktorander till disputation som huvudhandledare och varit bihandledare för 5 doktorander. Han är för närvarande huvudhandledare för 5 och bihandledare för 4 doktorander.
Senaste publikationer
- Neighborhood income inequality, maternal relative deprivation and neonatal health in Sweden (2025)
- “Sleepless nights are a daily reality for us” how women experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia describe street life (2025)
- Assessment of economic burden due to COVID-19 pandemic during institutional childbirth in Nepal (2024)
- Dietary diversity and associated factors among women attending antenatal clinics in the coast region of Tanzania (2024)
- Exploring women’s interpretations of survey questions on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes: Cognitive interviews in Iganga Mayuge, Uganda (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Neighborhood income inequality, maternal relative deprivation and neonatal health in Sweden (2025)
- “Sleepless nights are a daily reality for us” how women experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia describe street life (2025)
- Assessment of economic burden due to COVID-19 pandemic during institutional childbirth in Nepal (2024)
- Dietary diversity and associated factors among women attending antenatal clinics in the coast region of Tanzania (2024)
- Exploring women’s interpretations of survey questions on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes: Cognitive interviews in Iganga Mayuge, Uganda (2024)
- Empowerment strategies of the Mentor Mother peer support program among mothers who have migrated to Sweden (2024)
- Implementing a social innovation for community-based peer support for immigrant mothers in Sweden (2024)
- Characterising proximal and distal drivers of antimicrobial resistance (2024)
- ‘Counselling is the only thing to do’: healthcare providers’ experience of Kangaroo Mother Care in Bangladesh (2024)
- Differences in Antenatal Care Policies in England, Finland, and the Netherlands (2024)
- Qualitative Exploration Study of Perceptions of Women and Nurse-Midwives on Antenatal Care Information and Communication in Tanzania (2023)
- Women's Expectations of and Satisfaction with Antenatal Care Services in a Semi-Urban Setting in Tanzania and Associated Factors (2023)
- Psychosocial effects of adverse pregnancy outcomes and their influence on reporting pregnancy loss during surveys and surveillance (2023)
- Improved obstetric management after implementation of a scaled-up quality improvement intervention (2023)
- Effect of light-touch intervention and associated factors to microbial contamination at small-scale pig slaughterhouses and traditional pork shops in Vietnam (2023)
- Impact of perception and assessment of consumers on willingness to pay for upgraded fresh pork (2023)
- Assessment of a light-touch intervention to reduce microbial contamination at small-scale pig slaughterhouses and traditional pork shops in Vietnam (2023)
- Community perceptions and experiences on the events leading to facility maternal death; a verbal autopsy qualitative study (2023)
- Exploring caregivers' experiences of Kangaroo Mother Care in Bangladesh (2023)
- Contradictions hindering the provision of mental healthcare and psychosocial services to women experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2023)
- Addressing the needs of Ethiopia's street homeless women of reproductive age in the health and social protection policy (2023)
- Implementing quality improvement intervention to improve intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring during COVID-19 pandemic- observational study (2022)
- Effect of a perinatal care quality improvement package on patient satisfaction (2022)
- Service readiness and availability of perinatal care in public hospitals - a multi-centric baseline study in Nepal (2022)
- Factors associated with poor adherence to intrapartum fetal heart monitoring in relationship to intrapartum related death (2022)
- Family planning practices and women?s impression of the reproductive life plan in Eswatini (2022)
- Adverse pregnancy outcome disclosure and women's social networks (2022)
- Adapting a South African social innovation for maternal peer support to migrant communities in Sweden (2022)
- Beyond global health: Redefining the ‘public’ in public health (2022)
- Health, sustainability and transformation (2022)
- Effect of a scaled-up quality improvement intervention on health workers' competence on neonatal resuscitation in simulated settings in public hospitals (2021)
- Performance of health workers on neonatal resuscitation care following scaled-up quality improvement interventions in public hospitals of Nepal-a prospective observational study (2021)
- Respectful maternal and newborn care (2021)
- Mistreatment of newborns after childbirth in health facilities in Nepal (2021)
- Payment mechanism for institutional births in Nepal (2021)
- Using an urban child health index to detect intra-urban disparities in Sweden. (2021)
- The perpetuating cycle of unplanned pregnancy (2021)
- Maternal death surveillance and response in Tanzania (2021)
- Mismatched ambition, execution and outcomes (2021)
- Negotiating social norms, the legacy of vertical health initiatives and contradicting health policies (2020)
- The burden of adolescent motherhood and health consequences in Nepal (2020)
- Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal (2020)
- Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Health in Health Facilities in Nepal (2020)
- Peer support for disadvantaged parents (2020)
- Disclosing suboptimal indications for emergency caesarean sections due to fetal distress and prolonged labor (2020)
- Breastfeeding hampered by complacency and commercial interests (2020)
- Evaluating the implementation of the Reproductive Life Plan in disadvantaged communities (2020)
- Foreign-born women’s lifestyle and health before and during early pregnancy in Sweden (2020)
- Delayed cord clamping was not associated with an increased risk of hyperbilirubinaemia on the day of birth or jaundice in the first 4 weeks (2020)
- Causes of maternal deaths and delays in care (2020)
- Placing children and adolescents at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals will deliver for current and future generations (2019)
- Intact cord resuscitation versus early cord clamping in the treatment of depressed newborn infants during the first 10 minutes of birth (Nepcord III) - (2019)
- Scaling Up Safer Birth Bundle Through Quality Improvement in Nepal (SUSTAIN) - a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial in public hospitals (2019)
- Achieving the SDGs through interdisciplinary research in global health (2019)
- Effect of a scaled-up neonatal resuscitation quality improvement package on intrapartum-related mortality in Nepal (2019)
- Contraception use and unplanned pregnancies in a peri-urban area of eSwatini (Swaziland) (2019)
- Implementing delayed umbilical cord clamping in Nepal - Delivery care staff's perceptions and attitudes towards changes in practice (2019)
- Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping of Term Babies on Neurodevelopment at 12 Months (2019)
- Clinical communication and caregivers' satisfaction with child healthcare in Nepal (2019)
- From skepticism to assurance and control (2018)
- Implementation of Pediatric Early Warning Score (2018)
- Secular trend, seasonality and effects of a community-based intervention on neonatal mortality (2018)
- Community agency and empowerment (2018)
- Maternal health (2018)
- High levels of unmet need for family planning in Nepal. (2018)
- Factors associated with timing of umbilical cord clamping in tertiary hospital of Nepal. (2018)
- Increased immunization coverage addresses the equity gap in Nepal (2017)
- Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states (2017)
- Scaling up quality improvement intervention for perinatal care in Nepal (NePeriQIP); study protocol of a cluster randomised trial (2017)
- Effects of Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping vs Early Clamping on Anemia in Infants at 8 and 12 Months (2017)
- Evaluation of Helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement Cycle (HBB-QIC) on retention of neonatal resuscitation skills six months after training in Nepal (2017)
- Essential newborn care after home delivery in Nepal (2017)
- Persistent inequity in maternal health care utilization in Nepal despite impressive overall gains (2017)
- Care seeking for children with fever/cough or diarrhoea in Nepal (2017)
- Improved postnatal care is needed to maintain gains in neonatal survival after the implementation of the Helping Babies Breathe initiative (2017)
- Teamwork among midwives during neonatal resuscitation at a maternity hospital in Nepal (2017)
- Resuscitation practices of low and normal birth weight infants in Nepal (2017)
- Caring for the Acutely, Severely Ill Child-A Multifaceted Situation with Paradoxical Elements (2016)
- Prolonged Exclusive Breastfeeding Through Peer Support (2016)
- Father's involvement and its effect on early breastfeeding practices in Viet Nam. (2016)
- Delayed Verses Early Cord Clamping (2016)
- Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping on anaemia at 8 and 12 months and later neurodevelopment in late pre-term and term infants (2016)
- Inadequate fetal heart rate monitoring and poor use of partogram associated with intrapartum stillbirth (2016)
- Reducing perinatal mortality in Nepal using Helping Babies Breathe (2016)
- Incidence of intrapartum stillbirth and associated risk factors in tertiary care setting of Nepal (2016)
- Time to step up commitments to child survival and poverty reduction. (2016)
- Screening for Antepartum Depression Through Community Health Outreach in Swaziland (2016)
- Level of mortality risk for babies born preterm or with a small weight for gestation in a tertiary hospital of Nepal (2015)
- Health system context and implementation of evidence-based practices-development and validation of the Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool for low- and middle-income settings (2015)
- Determinants of marginalization and inequitable maternal health care in North-Central Vietnam (2015)
- Validation of the foot length measure as an alternative tool to identify low birth weight and preterm babies in a low-resource setting like Nepal (2015)
- Risk factors for antepartum stillbirth (2015)
- Dimensions of Learning Organizations Questionnaire (DLOQ) in a low-resource health care setting in Nepal (2015)
- Abolishing inequity, a necessity for poverty reduction and the realisation of child mortality targets (2015)
- Preserving misconceptions or a call for action? - A hermeneutic re-reading of the Nativity story (2015)
- Effect of Facilitation of Local Stakeholder Groups on Equity in Neonatal Survival (2015)
- Fathers as Supporters for Improved Exclusive Breastfeeding in Viet Nam (2014)
- Poor adherence to neonatal resuscitation guidelines exposed; an observational study using camera surveillance at a tertiary hospital in Nepal (2014)
- Linking community with primary health care through peer support in Swaziland (2014)
- What interventions are effective on reducing inequalities in maternal and child health in low- and middle-income settings? (2014)
- Lessons learned from stakeholders in a facilitation intervention targeting neonatal health in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam (2013)
- Ethnic minority health in Vietnam (2013)
- Maternal health care utilization in Viet Nam (2013)
- Targeted Interventions for Improved Equity in Maternal and Child Health in Low- and Middle-Income Settings (2013)
- A narrative review of factors influencing detection and treatment of depression in Vietnam (2013)
- Effect of Facilitation of Local Maternal-and-Newborn Stakeholder Groups on Neonatal Mortality (2013)
- The world we want (2013)
- Bringing evidence to policy to achieve health-related MDGs for all (2013)
- Inequity in maternal health care utilization in Vietnam (2012)
- Sex of newborns associated with place and mode of delivery (2012)
- Implementing a simplified neonatal resuscitation protocol-helping babies breathe at birth (HBB) (2012)
- Causes and determinants of inequity in maternal and child health in Vietnam (2012)
- Causes of neonatal death (2012)
- Neonatal mortality (2011)
- Ethnic inequity in neonatal survival (2011)
- Promoting equity to achieve maternal and child health (2011)
- Implementing knowledge into practice for improved neonatal survival (2011)
- Neonatala dödfall - osynligt trauma bland utsatta i Vietnam (2010)
- Distance decay in delivery care utilisation associated with neonatal mortality (2010)
- Perinatal services and outcomes in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam (2010)
- Evidence-based practice in neonatal health (2009)
- Social orättvisa stark orsak till ohälsa och för tidig död (2009)
- Persistent neonatal mortality despite improved under-five survival (2008)
- Unreported births and deaths, a severe obstacle for improved neonatal survival in low-income countries; a population based study (2008)
- Delivery care utilisation and care-seeking in the neonatal period: a population-based study in Vietnam (2008)
- Increased intensive care admission rate after introduction of Early Detection and Treatment program for Children and the establishment of a pediatric intensive care unit at a tertiary hospital in Sweden
- Effect of a quality improvement package on early essential newborn care in public hospitals of Nepal, a multi-center observational cohort study.
- Empowerment strategies of the Mentor Mother peer support program among immigrant mothers in Sweden: a Photovoice study
- Effect of Facilitation of Local Maternal-and-Newborn Health Groups on Continuum of Perinatal Care
- The cost-benefit analysis of a light-touch intervention to improve the safety of pork in Vietnam
- Effect of delayed cord clamping on risk of hyperbilirubinemia in term newborns
- "Councelling is the only thing to do" - Healthcare providers´ experience of Kangaroo Mother Care in Bangladesh
- Mentor Mothers as trust brokers between immigrant communities and the Swedish welfare system: A qualitative study
- "I had no choice but to escape"