Helena Igelström
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Fysioterapi och beteendemedicin
- Telefon:
- 018-471 47 40, 072-999 95 99
- E-post:
- helena.igelstrom@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, MTC-huset
751 85 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Docent och klinisk lektor i fysioterapi.
Jag arbetar som klinisk lektor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa och har min kliniska förankring vid Akademiska sjukhuset. Den patientgrupp som jag framför allt arbetar med är patienter med tumör eller cancerdiagnos.
Min forskning handlar i stort om hälsorelaterade beteendeförändringar hos personer som har eller har haft cancer men ett stort fokus ligger på fysisk aktivitet/träning och stillasittande beteenden samt om mätmetoder för dessa beteenden.
Den undervisning jag är engagerad i bedrivs på Fysioterapeutprogrammet. De kurser jag arbetar med just nu är Vetenskapsmetodik III/PM (termin 5), Magisterkurs i fysioterapi (fristående kurs), och Fysisk träning inom cancerrehabilitering (fristående kurs).
Min forskning kretsar kring hälsorelaterade beteendeförändringar och stort fokus ligger på fysisk aktivitetsbeteende och stillasittande beteenden. Forskningen involverar både psykometri hos mätmetoder, prevalens och sambandsvariabler, effekter av fysisk aktivitet/träning, samt interventioner för att förändra och bibehålla ett förändrat hälsobeteende.
Just nu arbetar jag mycket med hjärttoxicitet efter cancerbehandling och huruvida fysisk aktivitet och träning kan mildra dessa biverkningar. Under våren 2024 startade vi en behandlingsstudie (LYMfit) för att studera effekten på risken för hjärtkärlsjukdom av fysisk träning 2-5 år efter lymfombehandling.
Tidigare har jag också arbetat i projektet Phys-Can (phys-can.uu.se) som handlade om fysisk träning och beteendeförändring under pågående kurativ cancerbehandling, samt projektet AdultCan (U-CARE: u-care.uu.se/adultcan) där vi studerade effekten på psykisk hälsa av en webbaserad psykosocial intervention under pågående kurativ cancerbehandling.
Senaste publikationer
- Injuries and Associated Factors in Swedish Sporting and Utility Trial Dogs-A Cross-Sectional Study (2024)
- Long-term effects on depression and anxiety of an internet-based stepped care intervention for patients with cancer and symptoms of depression and anxiety (2023)
- Agreement of the modified Medical Research Council and New York Heart Association scales for assessing the impact of self-rated breathlessness in cardiopulmonary disease (2022)
- Physical activity and sport-specific training patterns in Swedish sporting and working trial dogs (2022)
- Dog Handler Beliefs regarding Barriers and Facilitators to Canine Health Promotion and Injury Prevention in Swedish Working Dog Trials and Competitions (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Injuries and Associated Factors in Swedish Sporting and Utility Trial Dogs-A Cross-Sectional Study (2024)
- Long-term effects on depression and anxiety of an internet-based stepped care intervention for patients with cancer and symptoms of depression and anxiety (2023)
- Agreement of the modified Medical Research Council and New York Heart Association scales for assessing the impact of self-rated breathlessness in cardiopulmonary disease (2022)
- Physical activity and sport-specific training patterns in Swedish sporting and working trial dogs (2022)
- Dog Handler Beliefs regarding Barriers and Facilitators to Canine Health Promotion and Injury Prevention in Swedish Working Dog Trials and Competitions (2022)
- Development, preliminary validation and reliability testing of SEDA - Self-Efficacy in Daily Activities for children with pain (2022)
- The Phys-Can study (2022)
- Ambulatory Heart Rate Variability in Schizophrenia or Depression (2021)
- Does exercise intensity matter for fatigue during (neo)adjuvant cancer treatment? (2021)
- Positive Self-Perceptions of Aging Play a Significant Role in Predicting Physical Performance among Community-Dwelling Older Adults (2021)
- Minimal Clinically Important Differences and Feasibility of Dyspnea-12 and the Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile in Cardiorespiratory Disease (2020)
- Cocreated internet-based stepped care for individuals with cancer and concurrent symptoms of anxiety and depression (2020)
- Experiences of Internet-Based Stepped Care in Individuals With Cancer and Concurrent Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression (2020)
- User Experiences of an Internet-Based Stepped-Care Intervention for Individuals With Cancer and Concurrent Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression (the U-CARE AdultCan Trial) (2020)
- Effects on obstructive sleep apnea severity following a tailored behavioral sleep medicine intervention aimed at increased physical activity and sound eating (2020)
- The Phys-Can observational study (2020)
- Validation of the Swedish Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile (MDP) in outpatients with cardiorespiratory disease (2019)
- Clinical validation of the Swedish version of Dyspnoea-12 instrument in outpatients with cardiorespiratory disease (2019)
- Improvement in obstructive sleep apnea after a tailored behavioural sleep medicine intervention targeting healthy eating and physical activity (2018)
- The Impact of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Circulating IGF-1 in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (2018)
- Integration of Physiotherapy in Behavioral Medicine Intervention Research (2018)
- Design of a randomized controlled trial of physical training and cancer (Phys-Can) - the impact of exercise intensity on cancer related fatigue, quality of life and disease outcome (2017)
- Exercise during and after curative oncological treatment (2017)
- Comparison between logbook-reported and objectively-assessed physical activity and sedentary time in breast cancer patients (2017)
- Induction of Human Lung Mast Cell Apoptosis by Granule Permeabilization (2017)
- Perceived barriers to and facilitators of being physically active during adjuvant cancer treatment (2016)
- Tailored behavioral medicine intervention for enhanced physical activity and healthy eating in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and overweight (2014)
- Leisure-time physical activity predicts complaints of snoring in women (2014)
- Physical activity and sedentary time in persons with obstructive sleep apnea and overweight enrolled in a randomized controlled trial for enhanced physical activity and healthy eating (2013)
- Level of agreement between methods for measuring moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary time in people with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity (2013)
- Facilitators and barriers for eating behaviour changes in obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity (2013)
- Physical activity in sleep apnea and obesity (2012)
- Experiencens with CPAP treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and obesity (2012)
- Is it safe to exercise during oncological treatment?