Marika Edoff

Professor i fasta tillståndets elektronik, ssk solceller vid Institutionen för materialvetenskap; Solcellsteknik

018-471 72 49
070-425 08 95
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
Box 35
751 03 UPPSALA
Akademiska meriter:
Docent i teknisk fysik med inriktning mot elektronik

Kort presentation

Professor i Fasta Tillståndets Elektronik, ssk solceller. Verksam som avdelningschef för avdelningen för Solcellsteknik, men även engagerad mer allmänt i solenergi. Ledamot av styrelsen för Vetenskapsrådet 2019-2021.

Vetenskapliga intressen: Cu(In,Ga)Se2-solceller. Materialforskning och karakterisering, både av solceller och material. Tunnfilmstekniker.


Curriculum Vitae


Name: Marika Christina EDOFF (formerly Bodegård)

Affiliation: Uppsala University

Department of Material Science and Engineering, division of Solar Cell Technology - Ångström Laboratory

Box 35, 751 03 Uppsala, Sweden.

Tel.: +46 18 471 7249 Mobile: +46 425 0895


Place and date of birth: Stockholm, Sweden, 20 April 1965

Marital status: Married, three children, born 1993, 1995 and 2002


Education and qualifications

1990 University exam: Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 1986-1990.

1997 Ph.D. exam: Topic: Solid State Electronics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Date: 27th of November, 1997. Supervisor: Lars Stolt


2004 Docent, Solid State Electronics; Uppsala University, Sweden

Current position

2012- Professor in Solid State Electronics, spec. Solar Cells, Head of Division of Solar Cell Technology, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Uppsala University

Previous appointments and professional experience

2014-2018 Appointed deputy vice rector (pro-dean), faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University

2006-2012 Senior lecturer, Department of Materials Research, Group leader, Solar Cell research, Division of Solid State Electronics, Uppsala University

2005-2014 Part time employment, spin-off company Solibro AB (later Solibro Research AB)

2004-2006 Temporary position as senior lecturer, Group leader, Solar Cell research, Department of Materials Research, Division of Solid State Electronics, Uppsala University

1997-2004 Postdoctoral researcher (Forskare) Uppsala University, Department of Materials Research, Division of Solid State Electronics

1991–1997 Ph.D. studies at the Department of Solid State Electronics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden

Interruption in Research

Parental leave 1993: 7 months, 1995-1996: 8 months, 2002: 6 months

Supervisor of PhD students (Main supervisor) (thesis year)

Dorothea Ledinek, 2019, Olivier Donzel-Gargand, 2018, Piotr Szaniawski (2017), Viktor Fjällström, (licentiate thesis 2015), Timo Wätjen (2013), Jens Schöldström (2012), Sebastian Schleussner (2011), Per-Oskar Westin (2011), Tobias Böhnke (licentitate thesis) (2009), Ulf Malm (2008)

Assistant supervisor to 11 more students with PhD exams between 1998 and 2018,

Presently main supervisor to Faraz Khavari, Klara Kiselman and Elizaveta Yakovleva and assistant supervisor to Björn Landeke Wilsmark

Project leader on behalf of Uppsala University for the following EU projects

FLEXIS (JOR3CT98 0304)

LARCIS (FP6 019757)

PERcIGS (Marie Curie FP7 IEF 300998)

Coordinator for EU project

ARCIGS-M, EU-project H2020, LEIT. Coordinator (13 partners), 2016-2020

SITA, EU-project Horizon Europe (14 partners), 2022-2025)


CIGS tunnfilmssolceller, phase 1-3 (Swedish Energy Agency) Main applicant

Ångström Thin Film Solar Center (Swedish Energy Agency, 2010-2014), Main applicant

Ångström Thin Film Solar Center, Phase II, 2013-2016 (Swedish Energy Agency) Main applicant

Ny teknik för transparenta fönsterskikt för CIGS-solceller, (Vinnova) 2013-2016, main applicant

IEA-PVPS Task 1, phase 1-3 (Swedish Energy Agency) until 2015: Main applicant

Nanosized point contacts for thin film solar cells, nr 2011-3907 (VR, 2012-2014): Main applicant

Ångström Thin film solar cells – nya koncept för hög verkningsgrad, Swedish Energy Agency nr 43238-1, 2017-2019, Main applicant

Koncentrationseffekter i ultratunna CIGS-solceller - nästa steg mot betydligt högre verkningsgradsnivåer, VR and Swedish Energy Agency, nr 43523-1, 2017-2020, Main applicant

Solar cells with higher efficiency and lower environmental impact (Swedish Energy Agency), 50992-1, 2021-2023,main applicant

Advanced optical concepts in (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells, (VR and Swedish Energy Agency), 2021-2025, main applicant

Hi-BITS, EU-project, Horizon Europe 2023-2026, WP leader, WP4

On-going assignments

Boards etc

  • Member of the board of the Swedish Research Council (VR), term: 2019-2021, 2022-2024
  • Member of recruitment board of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UU, 2020-2023, 2024-2026
  • Member of the board of the Department of Material Science and Engineering, UU, 2020-

Entrepreneurial activities

One of four founders of spin-off company Solibro AB.

Board member of Solibro AB 2000-2003

Board member of Nordic Solar Energy AB (subsidiary of Solibro AB) 2003 -2010

Bibliometric information (as April 2021):

183 publications, 5941 citations (clarivate analytics)

H-index (clarivate analytics): 40, Google scholar:51

i-10 index (google scholar):139

Recent invited talks:

2024: MRS Boston, invited talk, upcoming

2024: E-MRS Warsaw, invited talk

2024: Laudatio Speach to Daniel Lincot at EUPVSEC 2024 inauguration

2021: IEEE Photovoltaic specialists conference (virtual), Plenary talk. “The future of CIGS based thin films in tandem and bifacial solar cells”

2021: Material Research Society (MRS), virtual conference 2021, Invited talk. “ Ag-alloying in Cu(In,Ga)Se2”


EU Photovoltaic Energy Conference, Marseille, Keynote presentation 2019-09-11 Marika Edoff

” Research and innovation in CIGS and its alloys – which are the next bottlenecks?”

Marika Edoff

