Elisabeth Darj
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Internationell kvinno- och mödrahälsovård och migration
- Telefon:
- 018-611 57 62
- E-post:
- elisabeth.darj@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- MD
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Kort presentation
Elisabeth Darj, MD. PhD. Jag är gästprofessor vid IMCH, där jag tidigare har arbetat under många år. Sedan 2013 är jag den första professorn i global hälsa vid Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet, NTNU. Jag är också anställd som överläkare och ledare för forsknings- och utvecklingsgruppen vid kvinnokliniken, St Olavs hospital samt ledare för den nationella forskarskolan i global hälsa. Min forskning rör olika aspekter av reproduktiv hälsa och framför allt i Afrika, Asien och Europa.
Elisabeth Darj, MD. PhD, gästprofessor vid IMCH, sedan 2013, då jag blev utnämnd till den första professorn i global hälsa vid Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet, NTNU. Jag är gynekolog/obstetriker och överläkare vid St Olavs Hospital i Trondheim, där jag leder forsknings- och utvecklingsgruppen vid kvinnokliniken. FoU går igenom alla projekt som genomförs vid kliniken och på uppdrag av klinikchefen ansvarar för att all formalia uppfylls. I Norge samarbetar de fyra stora universiteten i en nationell forskarskolan i global hälsa, som stöds finansiellt av Norges Forskningsråd . Jag är dirketör för forskarskolan, som har 145 doktorander från hela världen. Alla är dock registrerade vid ett norskt universitet. Jag undervisar och handlleder Master studenter, doktorander och medicinstudenter. Min forskning bedrivs framför allt i låg och medelinkomstlämder och omfattar olika aspekter av reproduktiv hälsa, hälsosystem, mödravård, gravistetskomplikationer, över- och underbruk av kejsarsnitt, STI/HIV, våld mot kvinnor och mäns syn på våld och reproduktiv hälsa. I mitt arbete ingår att träffa politiker och synliggöra behovet av satsning på global hälsa. Jag anser det viktigt att utveckla Nordiska samarbeten i form av gemensamma kurser, ansökningar, handledning och vid examina. Under läsåret 2019/20 har jag sabbatsår från undervisningen i Trondheim och tillbringar mest av min tid vid Uppsala universitet med vidareutveckling av min forskning och kurs nya undervisningsmetoder.
Senaste publikationer
- Challenges and possible improvements for healthcare teams at outreach clinics in Nepal (2024)
- Awareness of postpartum depression among midwives and pregnant women in Arkhangelsk, Arctic Russia (2024)
- Challenges and recommendations for addressing under-five pneumonia morbidity and mortality in Nigeria (2023)
- Response to letter to the editor (2020)
- Bilirubin estimates from smartphone images of newborn infants' skin correlated highly to serum bilirubin levels. (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Challenges and possible improvements for healthcare teams at outreach clinics in Nepal (2024)
- Awareness of postpartum depression among midwives and pregnant women in Arkhangelsk, Arctic Russia (2024)
- Challenges and recommendations for addressing under-five pneumonia morbidity and mortality in Nigeria (2023)
- Response to letter to the editor (2020)
- Bilirubin estimates from smartphone images of newborn infants' skin correlated highly to serum bilirubin levels. (2020)
- 'Violence exists to show manhood' (2020)
- Improving Safety Among Pregnant Women Reporting Domestic Violence in Nepal-A Pilot Study. (2020)
- Perceptions on the sexual harassment of female nurses in a state hospital in Sri Lanka (2019)
- Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening in Nepal (2019)
- Pharmacists' perception of their challenges at work, focusing on antimicrobial resistance (2019)
- Novel Y-Chromosome Long Non-Coding RNAs Expressed in Human Male CNS During Early Development (2019)
- "Confidence comes with frequent practice" (2019)
- Domestic violence and perinatal outcomes - a prospective cohort study from Nepal (2019)
- Caesarean section performed by medical doctors and associate clinicians in Sierra Leone. (2019)
- A much valued tool that also brings ethical dilemmas - a qualitative study of Norwegian midwives' experiences and views on the role of obstetric ultrasound (2019)
- Training university teachers and students in Sri Lanka on Gender Based Violence: testing of a participatory training program (2018)
- Challenges in day-to-day midwifery practice (2018)
- Norwegian obstetricians’ experiences of the use of ultrasound in pregnancy management (2018)
- Effects of refresher training on the use of manual vacuum aspiration in the treatment of incomplete abortions (2018)
- The Use of Manual Vacuum Aspiration in the Treatment of Incomplete Abortions (2018)
- 'When helpers hurt' (2018)
- Exposure to domestic violence influences pregnant women's preparedness for childbirth in Nepal (2018)
- Prevalence and associated factors of domestic violence among pregnant women attending routine antenatal care in Nepal (2018)
- Women's experiences of miscarriage related to diagnosis, duration, and type of treatment (2018)
- Longitudinal study of emotional experiences, grief and depressive symptoms in women and men after miscarriage (2018)
- Induction of labor after one previous Cesarean section in women with an unfavorable cervix (2018)
- 'Even though a man takes the major role, he has no right to abuse' (2017)
- Midwives’ and obstetricians’ views on appropriate obstetric sonography in Norway (2017)
- "I Am Ready and Willing to Provide the Service … Though My Religion Frowns on Abortion"-Ghanaian Midwives' Mixed Attitudes to Abortion Services (2017)
- Why do women not adhere to advice on maternal referral in rural Tanzania? (2017)
- Labor Induction with Orally Administrated Misoprostol (2017)
- Evaluation of a training program for health care workers to improve the quality of care for rape survivors (2016)
- Effectiveness of the Home Based Life Saving Skills training by community health workers on knowledge of danger signs, birth preparedness, complication readiness and facility delivery, among women in Rural Tanzania (2016)
- Community Health workers can improve male involvement in maternal health (2016)
- The Impact of the West Africa Ebola Outbreak on Obstetric Health Care in Sierra Leone. (2016)
- Agenda setting and framing of gender-based violence in Nepal (2016)
- Spatial sexual dimorphism of X and Y homolog gene expression in the human central nervous system during early male development (2016)
- Community perceptions on domestic violence against pregnant women in Nepal (2016)
- Exploring the Role of Ad Hoc Grassroots Organizations Providing Humanitarian Aid on Lesvos, Greece (2016)
- Lactate in Amniotic Fluid (2016)
- Knowledge and attitude towards rape and child sexual abuse - a community-based cross-sectional study in Rural Tanzania (2015)
- A community-based intervention for improving health-seeking behavior among sexual violence survivors: A controlled before and after design study in rural Tanzania (2015)
- Birth preparedness and complication readiness - a qualitative study among community members in rural Tanzania (2015)
- Men's Knowledge of Obstetric Danger Signs, Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness in Rural Tanzania (2015)
- "The fairer the better?" (2015)
- Community perceptions of rape and child sexual abuse (2014)
- Level of lactate in amniotic fluid and its relation to the use of oxytocin and adverse neonatal outcome (2014)
- Twelve-month follow-up of advance provision of emergency contraception among teenage girls in Sweden-a randomized controlled trial (2013)
- Increasing caesarean section rates among low-risk groups (2013)
- Sverige har Nordens höögsta aborttal (2013)
- Autonomy and dependence (2013)
- Prolonged sexual abstinence after childbirth (2013)
- Safe injections and waste managment among healthcare workers at a regional hospital in northen Tanzania (2013)
- Women and men's satisfaction with care related to induced abortion (2012)
- Risk factors among men who have repeated experience of being the partner of a woman who requests an induced abortion (2012)
- Access to healthcare for disabled persons (2012)
- Repeat induced abortion - a matter of individual behaviour or societal factors? (2011)
- Informal support to first-parents after childbirth (2011)
- Self-reported sexual behaviour among adolescent girls in Uganda (2011)
- Knowledge of cervical cancer and screening practices of nurses at a regional hospital in Tanzania (2011)
- STI-prevalence and differences in social background and sexual behavior among urban and rural young women in Uganda (2010)
- First-time parents' experiences of home-based postnatal care in Sweden (2010)
- Effectiveness of maternal referral system in a rural setting (2010)
- Quality of antenatal care in rural Tanzania (2010)
- An illusion of power (2009)
- Rural Tanzanian women's awareness of danger signs of obstetric complications (2009)
- Advance provision of emergency contraceptive pills reduces treatment delay (2008)
- Qualitative study on maternal referrals in rural Tanzania: Decision making and acceptance of referral advice (2008)
- Preventing pregnancy (2007)
- Responses to VCT for HIV among young people in Kampala, Uganda (2007)
- Prevalence of seuxally transmitted infections among adolescents in Kampala, Uganda, and theoretical models for improving syndromic management (2006)
- Vulnerability and risk factors for sexually transmitted infections and HIV among adolescents in Kampala, Uganda (2006)
- Ungdomars syn på kondomanvändning (2004)
- Brädan (2004)
- What type of information do parents need after being discharged directly from the delivery ward? (2004)
- Kortare kö och bättre arbetsmiljö! (2003)
- Ungdomars syn på kondomanvändning (2003)
- Gene expression of cytochrome P450 1B1 and 2D6 in leukocytes in human pregnancy (2003)
- Mödrahälsovården utnyttjas inte av alla gravida kvinnor (2002)
- “Safe sex advice is good - but so difficult to follow”. Views and experiences of the youth in a health centre in Kampala (2002)
- Sorg och omsorg (2001)
- Very early discharge from hospital after normal deliveries (2000)
- The Misgav Ladach method for cesarean section compared to the Pfannenstiel method (1999)
- Ultrasonographic blood flow measurement in the carotid arteries in postmenopausal women (1999)
- Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1, a quick way to detect amniotic fluid (1998)
- Engelsk undervisning stimulerar och hämma (1997)
- Induction of CYP2D6 in pregnancy (1997)
- Oral progesterone opposing postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy (1995)
- Natural micronized progesterone orally administered in postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (1995)
- Ki-67 Immunostaining of endometrial biopsies with special reference to hormone replacement therapy (1995)
- Liver metabolism during treatment with estradiol and progesterone (1993)
- Effects on lipids and lipoproteins in women treated with estradiol and progesterone (1992)
- Clinical and endometrial effects of oestradiol and progesterone in postmenopausal women (1991)
- The prophylactic effect of doxycycline on postoperative infection rate after first-trimester abortion (1987)