Karin Nordin
Professor vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Folkhälsa, arbetsliv och rehabilitering
- Telefon:
- 018-471 34 87
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-676 96 34
- E-post:
- karin.nordin@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Professor Ställföreträdare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Folkhälsa, arbetsliv och rehabilitering
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-676 96 34
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Professor Ställföreträdare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Administration
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-676 96 34
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- leg. psyk., MD, docent, professor
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Kort presentation
Karin Nordin is a licensed psychologist, professor and head of the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
PI for the project ;
Physical training and cancer Phys-Can - effects and understanding of mechanisms for prevent and minimizing cancer related fatigue, improve quality of life and disease outcome.
This project is a collaboration between researchers from Uppsala University, Lund University and Linköping University in Sweden, the University of Agder and Bergen in Norway,University of Copenhagen, Denmark, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and University of Leeds, UK. Read more about the project.
Senaste publikationer
- Effects of heavy-load strength training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle strength, muscle fiber size, myonuclei, and satellite cells in women with breast cancer (2024)
- Cost-effectiveness of different exercise intensities during oncological treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2023)
- Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivors participating in a 6-month combined resistance- and endurance exercise program? (2023)
- Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their relatives during the disease trajectory (2023)
- The Role of Long-Term Physical Activity in Relation to Cancer-Related Health Outcomes (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Effects of heavy-load strength training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle strength, muscle fiber size, myonuclei, and satellite cells in women with breast cancer (2024)
- Cost-effectiveness of different exercise intensities during oncological treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2023)
- Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivors participating in a 6-month combined resistance- and endurance exercise program? (2023)
- Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their relatives during the disease trajectory (2023)
- The Role of Long-Term Physical Activity in Relation to Cancer-Related Health Outcomes (2023)
- Reallocating sedentary time to physical activity (2023)
- Pre-treatment levels of inflammatory markers and chemotherapy completion rates in patients with early-stage breast cancer (2023)
- How many days of continuous physical activity monitoring reliably represent time in different intensities in cancer survivors (2023)
- Long-term resource utilisation and associated costs of exercise during (neo)adjuvant oncological treatment (2022)
- Short- and long-term effect of high versus low-to-moderate intensity exercise to optimise health-related quality of life after oncological treatment-results from the Phys-Can project (2022)
- Patterns and determinants of adherence to resistance and endurance training during cancer treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2022)
- Exploring Moderators of the Effect of High vs. Low-to-Moderate Intensity Exercise on Cardiorespiratory Fitness During Breast Cancer Treatment - Analyses of a Subsample From the Phys-Can RCT (2022)
- The Phys-Can study (2022)
- Quality of life among relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2022)
- SLC38A10 knockout mice display a decreased body weight and an increased risk-taking behavior in the open field test (2022)
- Who makes it all the way? (2022)
- Is it possible to increase the amount of physical activity in patients isolated due to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using a nursing intervention? (2022)
- Effects of High and Low-To-Moderate Intensity Exercise During (Neo-) Adjuvant Chemotherapy on Muscle Cells, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Muscle Function in Women With Breast Cancer (2022)
- Taxane-induced pain in breast cancer patients as perceived by nurses (2021)
- Does exercise intensity matter for fatigue during (neo)adjuvant cancer treatment? (2021)
- Is it safe to exercise during oncological treatment? A study of adverse events during endurance and resistance training - data from the Phys-Can study. (2021)
- Effect of self-regulatory behaviour change techniques and predictors of physical activity maintenance in cancer survivors (2021)
- Exercise intensity and markers of inflammation during and after (neo-) adjuvant cancer treatment (2021)
- Effects of heavy-load resistance training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle cellular outcomes in women with breast cancer (2021)
- Exercise (2020)
- Exercise Adherence and Effect of Self-Regulatory Behavior Change Techniques in Patients Undergoing Curative Cancer Treatment (2020)
- Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity is associated with modified fatigue during and after cancer treatment (2020)
- The Phys-Can observational study (2020)
- Early rehabilitation of cancer patients (2019)
- "Finding my own motivation" - A Mixed Methods Study of Exercise and Behaviour Change Support During Oncological Treatment (2019)
- Colored body images reveal the perceived intensity anddistribution of pain in women with breast cancer treated with adjuvant taxanes: (2018)
- Lifestyle changes in cancer patients undergoing curative or palliative chemotherapy (2018)
- Design of a randomized controlled trial of physical training and cancer (Phys-Can) - the impact of exercise intensity on cancer related fatigue, quality of life and disease outcome (2017)
- Exercise during and after curative oncological treatment (2017)
- A prospective study of quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients (2017)
- Stress, coping and support needs of patientes with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (2017)
- Information about first trimester screening and self-reported distress among pregnant women and partners - Comparing two methods of information giving in Sweden. (2017)
- Comparison between logbook-reported and objectively-assessed physical activity and sedentary time in breast cancer patients (2017)
- Objectively Recorded Physical Activity And Perceived Distress At The Beginning Of Oncological Treatment (2017)
- Illness Perception and Psychological Distress in Persons with Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (2016)
- Differences in trial knowledge and motives for participation among cancer patients in phase 3 clinical trials (2016)
- Women Treated for Breast Cancer, Experiences of Chemotherapy-Induced Pain: (2016)
- Perceived barriers to and facilitators of being physically active during adjuvant cancer treatment (2016)
- Coping with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; from diagnosis and during disease progression (2016)
- Swedish University Students' Opinion Regarding Information About Soft Markers (2016)
- Hope for a cure and altruism are the main motives behind participation in phase 3 clinical cancer trials (2015)
- Women With Breast Cancer (2015)
- Relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2015)
- A stepped care stress management intervention on cancer-related traumatic stress symptoms among breast cancer patients (2015)
- Effects of a Stepped Care Stress Management Intervention on Cancer-Related Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Breast Cancer Patients (2014)
- Identifying Variables Associated With the Course of Fatigue Among Cancer Patients During Adjuvant and Curative Treatment (2014)
- Women with breast cancer (2014)
- Coping strategies among patients with newly diagnosed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2014)
- Sickness absence and disability pension following breast cancer (2014)
- Cognitive processing in relation to psychological distress in women with breast cancer (2014)
- Group versus individual stress management intervention in breast cancer patients for fatigue and emotional reactivity: (2014)
- Early rehabilitation of cancer patients (2013)
- Phase 1 clinical trials in end-stage cancer (2013)
- Changes in health-related quality of life by occupational status among women diagnosed with breast cancer (2013)
- Factors influencing primary care physicians' decision to order prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for men without prostate cancer (2013)
- Challenges of safe medication practice in paediatric care (2013)
- Predictors of Heart-Focused Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Genetic Investigation and Counseling of Long QT Syndrome or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (2012)
- What Information Do Cancer Genetic Counselees Prioritize? (2012)
- Change in working time in a population-based cohort of patients with breast cancer (2012)
- How can health care help female breast cancer patients reduce their stress symptoms? (2012)
- General anxiety, depression, and physical health in relation to symptoms of heart-focused anxiety (2011)
- Health-related quality of life among women with breast cancer (2011)
- Is genetic counseling a stressful event? (2011)
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- Affective and cognitive attitudes, uncertainty avoidance and intention to obtain genetic testing (2011)
- Health status in patients at risk of inherited arrhythmias and sudden unexpected death compared to the general population (2010)
- Disclosing cancer genetic information within families (2010)
- Editorial comment on "Disregarding clinical trial-based patient-reported outcomes is unwarranted: Five advances to substantiate the scientific stringency of quality-of-life measurement" (2010)
- Factors associated with psychological distress and grief resolution in surviving spouses of patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer (2010)
- How to Handle Genetic Information (2010)
- Pregnant women are satisfied with the information they receive about prenatal diagnosis, but are their decisions well informed? (2009)
- Does enhanced information at cancer genetic counseling improve counselees' knowledge, risk perception, satisfaction and negotiation of information to at-risk relatives? (2009)
- Cancer genetic counselees' self-reported psychological distress, changes in life, and adherence to recommended surveillance programs 3-7 years post counseling (2009)
- Expectations for the recovery period after cancer treatment – a qualitative study (2009)
- Quality of life for patients with exacerbation in inflammatory bowel disease and how they cope with disease activity (2008)
- The importance of expectations on the recovery period after cancer treatment (2008)
- "Between Men" (2007)
- Living with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (2007)
- Confidentiality versus duty to inform - An empirical study on attitudes towards the handling of genetic information (2007)
- Comparison of a questionnaire commonly used for measuring coping with a daily-basis prospective coping measure (2006)
- Relevance of philosophy of life and optimism for psychological distress among individuals in a stage where death is approaching. (2006)
- Intention to test for prostate cancer. (2005)
- Factors influencing intention to obtain a genetic test for a hereditary disease in an affected group and in the general public. (2004)
- Substantial changes in life (2004)
- Quality of life in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). (2003)
- Genetic counselling for cancer and risk perception (2003)
- Health-related quality of life and psychological distress in a population-based sample of Swedish patients with inflammatory bowel disease. (2002)
- Coping style, psychological distress, risk perception, and satisfaction in subjects attending genetic counselling for hereditary cancer (2002)
- Differential Effects of Cancer Rehabilitation Depending on Diagnosis and Patients' Cognitive Coping Style (2002)
- Daily assessment of coping in patients with gastrointestinal cancer (2002)
- Predicting anxiety and depression among cancer patients (2001)
- Discrepancies between attainment and importance of life values and anxiety and depression in gastrointestinal cancer patients and their spouses (2001)
- The Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (1999)
- Predicting delayed anxiety and depression in patients with gastrointestinal cancer (1999)
- Reactions to gastrointestinal cancer (1998)
- Psychological reactions in newly diagnosed gastrointestinal cancer patients (1997)
- Anxiety, depression and worry in gastrointestinal cancer patients attending medical follow-up control visits (1996)
- Nurses’ experiences of taxane-induced pain in people treated for breast cancer
- Is it safe to exercise during oncological treatment?