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- Addley, Camilla, The Rise of International Large-scale Assessments and Rationales for participation, Ingår i: Compare., vol. 47, nr. 3, 2017, s. 434–452Obligatorisk
- Altbach, Philip G., Knowledge and Education as International Commodities: The Collapse of the Common Good, Ingår i: International Higher Education, vol. 28, 2002, s. 2–5Obligatorisk
- Bonal, Xavier, GATS and the Education Service Industry: The Politics of Scale and Global Reterritorialization, Ingår i: Comparative education review., vol. 46, nr. 4, 2002, s. 472–495Obligatorisk
- Börjesson, Mikael, The Global Space of International Students, Ingår i: Journal of ethnic and migration studies., vol. 43, nr. 8, 2017, s. 1256–1275Obligatorisk
- Brooks, Rachel; Waters, Johanna., Student mobilities, migration and the internationalization of higher education, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Obligatorisk
- Brooks, Rachel, The Hidden Internationalism of Elite English Schools, Ingår i: Sociology., vol. 49, nr. 2, 2015, s. 212–228Obligatorisk
- Carlson, Sören, Becoming a Mobile Student - a Processual Perspective on German Degree Student Mobility: Becoming a Mobile Student - a Processual Perspective, Ingår i: Population, space and place, vol. 19, nr. 2, 2013, s. 168–180Obligatorisk
- Dugonjić, Leonora, A Miniature League of Nations: Inquiry into the Social Origins of the International School, 1924-1930, Ingår i: Paedagogica historica., vol. 50, nr. 1-2, 2014, s. 138–150Obligatorisk
- Findlay, Allan M., An Assessment of Supply and Demand-side Theorization of International Student Mobility, Ingår i: International migration., vol. 49, nr. 2, 2011, s. 162–190Obligatorisk
- Ginnerskov-Dahlberg, Mette, "I guess that things can work in the West!": Unravelling the narratives of Eastern European master's students in Denmark., Aarhus Universitet, 2019Obligatorisk (Chapter 6)
- Hayden, Mary, Transnational Spaces of Education: the Growth of the International School Sector, Ingår i: Globalisation, societies and education., vol. 9, nr. 2, 2011, s. 211–224Obligatorisk
- Hogan, Anna, Commercialising Comparison: Pearson puts the TLC in Soft Capitalism, Ingår i: Journal of education policy, vol. 31, nr. 3, 2016, s. 243–258Obligatorisk
- MacHardy, Karin J., Cultural capital, family strategies and noble identity in early modern Habsburg Austria 1579-1620, Ingår i: Past & present, nr. 163, 1999, s. 36–75Obligatorisk
- Marginson, Simon, Dynamics of national and global competition in higher education, Ingår i: Higher Education, nr. 52, 2006, s. 1–39Obligatorisk
- Olwig, Karin Fog, Mobility, education and life trajectories: new and old migratory pathways, Ingår i: Identities: global studies in culture and power., vol. 22, nr. 3, 2015, s. 247–257Obligatorisk
- Perkins, Richard, Geographies of Educational Mobilities: Exploring the Uneven Flows of International Students, Ingår i: The geographical journal: published on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), nr. 180, 2014, s. 246–259Obligatorisk
- Raghuram, Parvati, Theorising the Spaces of Student Migration, Ingår i: Population, space and place, vol. 19, nr. 2, 2013, s. 138–154Obligatorisk
- Rahimi, Mark, Transnational secondary schooling and im/mobileinternational students, Ingår i: Australian educational researcher, nr. 44, 2017, s. 299–321Obligatorisk
- Robertson, Shanthi, Lives in limbo: Migration experiences in Australia's education-migration nexus, Ingår i: Ethnicities., nr. 14, 2014, s. 208–226Obligatorisk
- Rönnberg, Linda, From National Policy-making to Global Edubusiness: Swedish edu-preneurs on the Move, Ingår i: Journal of education policy, vol. 32, nr. 2, 2017, s. 234–249Obligatorisk
- Sassen, Saskia, Sociology of globalization, New York, W.W. Norton, 2006Obligatorisk
- Spring, Joel H., Globalization of education: an introduction, New York, NY, Routledge, 2008Obligatorisk
- Van Mol, Christof, Should I Stay or Should I Go? An Analysis of the Determinants of Intra-European Student Mobility: : Should I Stay or Should I Go? Intra-European Student Mobility Determinants, Ingår i: Population, space and place, vol. 20, nr. 5, 2014, s. 465–479Obligatorisk
- Verger, Antoni, The Emerging Global Education Industry: Analysing Market-making in Education through Market Sociology, Ingår i: Globalisation, societies and education., vol. 15, nr. 3, 2017, s. 325–340Obligatorisk
- Waddling, Jennifer, Struggling with Capital: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Educational Strategies among Internationally Mobile Middle Class Families in Sweden, Ingår i: Discourse: studies in cultural politics of education, vol. 0, nr. 0, 2019, s. 1–20Obligatorisk
- Wedlin, Linda, Going Global: Rankings as Rhetorical Devices to Construct an International Field of Management Education, Ingår i: Management learning: the international journal for managerial and organizational learning and development, vol. April, nr. 42, 2011, s. 199–218Obligatorisk
- Weenink, Don, Cosmopolitanism as a Form of Capital. Parents Preparing their Children for a Globalizing World, Ingår i: Sociology., vol. 42, nr. 6, 2008, s. 1089–1106Obligatorisk
- Wiers-Jenssen, Jannecke, Degree Mobility from the Nordic Countries: Background and Employability, Ingår i: Journal of studies in international education., vol. 17, nr. 4, 2013, s. 471–491Obligatorisk
* Obligatorisk