Ep 55: Alberto Antonelli & testing diagnostics. Failed AMR language. Resistance begets resistance.
Welcome to April dear listeners! In this episode, we bring you an interview with Dr. Alberto Antonelli, researcher at the University of Florence doing a very important job: taking care of testing and optimizing new diagnostic technologies in high AMR-impacted settings such as Italy. Tune in to listen his path to his research field, the challenges he faces and what we should be looking forward to in the future.
In the news section, we first cover a recent comment article by Otto Cars and Matti Karvanen presenting why the current way we talk and communicate about resistance is blocking global action, and a recent research article published by the group of our center’s director, investigating the mysterious, and sometimes fleeting, fitness of plasmids in different hosts. We hope you have a great time with us!
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Relevant links:
- Albertos's ORCID profile.
Further Reading:
- The language of antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance is blocking global collective action. First paper covered in the news section.
- Antibiotic resistance begets more resistance: chromosomal resistance mutations mitigate fitness costs conferred by multi-resistant clinical plasmids. Second paper covered in the news section.
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