Ep 9. Chantal Morel & health economy; non-profit antimicrobials; reversing resistance in M. tuberculosis.

Summer episode right here! This month we bring you a thorough discussion we had with Chantal Morel about the economic situation of the antibiotic and diagnostics markets. Why is it no longer working? Can it be changed? In our news section, we talk about a new perspective on how non-profit organizations can help solve these market issues; and a very cool research article proving that resistance in tuberculosis could be reversed by a new kind of chemical.
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Further Reading:
- Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance mechanism MCR-1 in animals and human beings in China: a microbiological and molecular biological study. Article mentioned by Jenny in the discussion about colisting resistance.
- Sustainable Discovery and Development of Antibiotics — Is a Nonprofit Approach the Future?. Perspective article about the role of nonprofit organisations in the antibiotic ecosystem.
- Chemical disarming of isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Research article describing the work of looking and finding a new chemical compound able to target tolerance and reverse resistance in M. tuberculosis.
- Reversing drug resistance in tuberculosis bacteria. Press coverage of the M. tuberculosis article.
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