Bruker Discover
Thin film diffraction with a horizontal motorized sample stage
The system has a fast Lynxeye PDS detector and modular optics. The sample stage is motorized with laser positioning.
Primary optics
- Motorized divergence slits
- Goebel's mirror
- Beam collimators
Sekundary optics
- Motorized slits
- Parallel Beam Collimator
- Lynxeye PSD detector, which can be used as a point detector.
GIXRD, XRR and fast θ-2θ measurements, by using the X-Y motors you can make "phase maps" over larger sample areas in e.g. gradient films.
- If you have questions about our research, you are welcome to contact the programme professor, Professor Martin Sahlberg.
- Prof. Martin Sahlberg