Costs for external users
Costs for the use of XRD and XRF at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory
Instrument | Cost, SEK/h |
XRD Bragg-Brentano | |
Siemens D5000 | 500 |
Bruker D8CuKalfa1 | 800 |
Bruker D8Twin-Twin | 1 800* |
Bruker D8Powder | 1 800* |
XRD Parallell Beam | |
Siemens D5000 Parallel Beam | 500 |
Philips MRDII | 500 |
XRD multioptik |
Philips MRDI | 800 |
Bruker D8Discover | 1 200 |
PAN-Malven Empyrean | 1 200 |
XRF | |
PAN Epsilon 3 | 400 |
*Systems with a sample robot. The refered time is the actual time used (the program time) and not the time booked.
Assistance with measurements and evaluation: 1 400 SEK/h. We can only give you assistance to a limited extent.
- If you have questions about the X-ray laboratory, you are welcome to contact Mikael Ottosson, via e-mail:, or telephone: 070-993 59 01.