Education at the basic level (first cycle)
The department offers both freestanding courses and programmes at the basic level.
Main fields of study
These subjects at the department can be the main field of study in a Bachelor's degree:
- Grekiska (Greek)
- Indologi (Indology)
- Iranska språk (Iranian Languages)
- Kinesiska (Chinese)
- Latin (Latin)
- Lingvistik (General Linguistics)
- Semitiska språk (Semitic Languages)
- Språkteknologi (Language Technology)
- Turkiska språk (Turkic Languages)
Minor fields of study
In addition to the possible main fields of study, these subjects at the department can constitute the minor field of study in a Bachelor's degree:
- Arabiska (Arabic)
- Arameiska/syriska (Aramaic/Syriac)
- Hebreiska (Hebrew)
- Jämförande indoeuropeisk språkforskning (Comparative Indo-European Language Studies)
- Kurdiska (Kurdish)
- Persiska (Persian)
- Swahili (Swahili)
- Tidiga språk och kulturer (Ancient Languages and Cultures)
Read more about degrees and about minor and major fields of study at Uppsala University.

The department participates in a number of Bachelor's programmes. See the Swedish version of this page.