Research groups at the Department of Medical Cell Biology

Sebastian Barg - Mechanisms of regulated exocytosis.
Peter Bergsten - Mechanisms of lipotoxicity in beta cells
Bryndis Birnir - The signaling molecule GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) and its role in the brain, pancreatic islets and white blood cells.
Per-Ola Carlsson - Beta cell therapy and regenerative medicine.
Jonathan Cedernaes - Mechanisms for how disrupted sleep and disrupted circadian rythms increase disease risk in humans.
Gustaf Christoffersson - Immune regulation in type 1 diabetes.
Daniel Espes - The destruction and proliferation of beta cells.
Femke Heindryckx - Hepatocellular cancer.
Michael Hultström - Translational studies of organ failure during intensive care.
Olof Idevall-Hagren - Organelles of the β-cell and their interactions.
Paul O'Callaghan - Cell signaling, mechanobiology and cell analysis tools.
Dan Larhammar - The mechanisms of long-term memory, functions of gene families, and the properties of G-protein-coupled receptors.
Joey Lau Börjesson - Strategies to protect transplanted insulin-producing beta cells.
Maria Lindskog - Collaboration of plasticity mechanisms.
Karin Nordström - Coding for visual information in the nervous system.
Olov Andersson - Reversing diabetes and diabetes-associated diseases by chemical-genetic screening in zebrafish.
Fredrik Palm - Kidney physiology and kidney disease.
Mia Phillipson - New functions of immune cells for different tissues and organs.
Markus Sjöblom - Chemotherapy-induced intestinal toxicity.
Anders Tengholm - Release of blood sugar regulating hormones from the pancreatic islets.
Nils Welsh - Signaling events that participate in β-cell death, function and regeneration.
Michael Welsh - Understanding of tumor metastasis.
Svante Winberg - Behavioral neuroendocrinology.
Dick Wågsäter - Immune cell activation and vascular remodellilng in aortic aneurysm.