
Uppsala University works actively to improve accessibility for students, employees, visitors and people who come into contact with the University in various ways.


Employees at Uppsala University with functional variations are entitled to reasonable support and adaptation measures in their work situation. As an employee or doctoral student with an employment contract and in need of support or adaptation in your work situation, you should primarily turn to your immediate manager.

As an employee and doctoral student with employment, you have access to the university's occupational health service.

Doctoral students without employment can read more under Studies and disability.

Social Insurance Agency

For adaptations that are not part of the University's responsibility for a good work environment, you or your employer can apply for a financial contribution from Försäkringskassan.

Sign language interpreter

If you need a sign language interpreter, contact Tolkcentralen at Uppsala County Council. If you are employed at Campus Gotland, contact the Interpretation Center, Region Gotland.

If you need a sign language interpreter for training or conferences, you can apply for a grant from the Public Employment Service.

Public employment service

The Public Employment Service offers grants for assistive devices for people with disabilities and grants to employers for assistive devices or workplace adaptations.

Accessibility adaptations - urgent needs

The need for accessibility adaptations for individual persons with disabilities may arise before general measures have been implemented. Such adaptations usually need to be implemented without delay. Link to the procedure for adapting premises and furnishings and equipment: Adaptation of premises and equipment.

Accessibility in premises

Go to your campus webbsite for more information.

Facts about disability

If you want to learn more about disability, more information is available on Region Uppsala's website: Infoteket om funktionshinder.

If you need a sign language interpreter for training or conferences, you can apply for a grant from the Swedish Public Employment Service.

