Wellness promotion

It is important to us to promote the health of our staff. Uppsala University offers benefits including a weekly wellness hour and a wellness subsidy.

Person promenerar bortåt i solnedgång

The wellness subsidy is a tax-free benefit intended to encourage physical activities. The activity should be relatively simple and inexpensive, and for this reason there are restrictions in the type of exercise, sport or other wellness activity covered by the wellness subsidy (see links in the column on the right).

The wellness subsidy is available to employees at Uppsala University who

  • Are permanently employed.
  • Have a fixed-term contract.
  • Are on parental leave or sick leave.

You do not qualify for the wellness subsidy if you are on a full-time leave of absence other than sick leave or parental leave. You also do not qualify for the wellness subsidy if you are wholly supported by a scholarship or supplementary funding for doctoral students.

You can receive a total subsidy of up to SEK 2,000 per calendar year. If you are employed for part of the year you receive 1/12 of the wellness subsidy per started month of employment. If you would like to see how much wellness subsidy you have received during the current year, you can do so in Primula Web under My page/15. Personal information. If you have not claimed any wellness subsidy, there is no information on this page.

If you are uncertain whether your activity qualifies for the wellness subsidy, contact the Payroll Unit via lon@uu.se

As an employee of Uppsala University, you are entitled to a ‘wellness hour’ – one working hour per week that you can spend on wellness activities. The wellness hour cannot be saved and taken out later and is outside the flexitime system. The wellness hour can be used when employed activities allow and the time chosen must be approved by your line manager. It may be used at the beginning or end of the working day, but must fall within the normal eight-hour working day.

For part-time employees, the wellness hour is in proportion to the percentage of full-time employment. In other words, if you work 50 per cent of full time, you can take 30 minutes per week.

Employees pay wellness expenses (for example, for a gym card) themselves and report them in Primula. You should report wellness expenses as they occur. You need to report your wellness expenses to the HR Division/Payroll Unit electronically in Primula Web by 5 December for the current year. Expenses reported after 5 December will be settled against the next year’s wellness subsidy. Receipts must not be more than 12 months old.

What documentation do I need for autogiro payment?

If you pay for your gym card via autogiro, you can simply attach a certificate of payment from your wellness provider to your submission in Primula. Otherwise, you can attach a scanned extract from your bank account along with a copy of your agreement with the gym (the exercise agreement, not the autogiro agreement).

If you pay via invoice, you should attach the invoice and also a scanned extract from your bank account or a confirmation of payment from the wellness provider.

The certificate of payment/bank account extract must specify name, type of wellness activity concerned, amount paid, date of payment and VAT. You can only receive compensation for payments made, not future payments.

