Computer glasses and safety glasses

The university's employees should have a good synergonomic work environment. Therefore, as an employee, you have the opportunity to get computer glasses/terminal glasses or safety glasses.

Your institution or unit is responsible for the cost of both the eye examination and glasses from the basic range.

All lenses must be hard and anti-reflective. For other additions, the employee pays him/herself, for example colored glass or another types of frames.

Glasögon på en arbetsplats

All employees who work at a computer screen for over one hour per day are entitled to an eye test and, where necessary, computer glasses. Prescription safety glasses are provided when standard safety glasses cannot be combined with regular prescription glasses, e.g., for laboratory or workshop activities. Computer glasses (VDU glasses) and prescription safety glasses, including eye test, are paid for by the employer and remain the property of the employer. Regular reading glasses are not subsidised.

  1. Complete and print the requisition form for computer/safety glasses. The requisition applies to both eye test, glasses and frames.
  2. Contact the HR at your institution/equivalent or your manager for information about who is authorized to sign the requisition form.
  3. Book your eye test at Synsam via Glasögon på jobbet - Synsam or alternatively by calling/visiting the store. (Text in Swedish)
  4. Bring the signed requisition form to Synsam. Synsam needs the requisition form so that the institution/equivalent can be invoiced and receive the correct price according to the agreement. The invoice is sent directly to the institution/equivalent and you do not have to make any expenses.

When booking an appointment for an eye examination for monitor glasses or safety glasses at Synsam in Uppsala, this is booked primarily via the website (terminalglasögon/skyddsglasögon, information in Swedish only).

If an appointment is not available within 2 weeks, university employees have the option of emailing the store on Dragarbrunnsgatan, which will then help find an appointment. Email first and last name and date of birth (not the last four digits) and the phone number you want to be contacted on, alternatively email address if that is preferred. Email address: Write Kammarkollegiet in the subject line.


For questions about computer glasses, contact the HR-division.

