Mental ill health and stress

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Mental ill health and stress have a great impact on individuals’ health and wellbeing and are a growing social problem. Mental ill health and stress-related problems manifest themselves differently in different people. To find ways to better health, it is important to consider both the individual and the situation.

If you personally experience signs of mental ill health and stress, a possible first step is to try to learn more and talk with someone you trust.

Mental ill health

Mental ill health is currently one of the most common causes of long-term sick leave. The diagnoses concerned are often linked to stress, sleep disorders and depression. Help is available and interventions in response to early signals are often effective.

A close dialogue with your head of department/equivalent is important to find adaptations and measures that may promote wellbeing. If necessary, you can contact a union representative or safety representative. Doctoral students can also turn to the student unions for support.


Stress is a natural reaction that can have positive effects in the short term but can cause stress-related illnesses if we are exposed to it over a long period. The causes of stress are individual. Stress can be work-related and/or linked to an individual’s private life. Often several factors are involved when the effect becomes excessive and stress leads to sick leave. To prevent and manage stress reactions, it is important to look at the whole picture.

If you experience stress at work, it is important to have a dialogue with your head of department/equivalent to consider options for support and adaptation. You can also talk with a union representative or a safety representative. Doctoral students can also turn to the student unions for support.


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