Alcohol and harmful use

A workplace free from alcohol and drugs is essential for a good work environment. At Uppsala University drinking alcohol or taking drugs is not allowed in connection with work or teaching. Furthermore, employees are not allowed to come to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Employees and students at Uppsala University have a joint responsibility for preventive efforts against alcohol and drugs.

Staff and students who exhibit signs of ill health related to alcohol or drug use must be offered help and support at an early point.

Röda blommor

Signs of high-risk use, harmful use and addiction may be obvious or less apparent. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between these signs and symptoms related to other problems. Whatever the underlying causes, it is important to take signs or symptoms seriously. Possible signs at work include:

  • Deterioration in performance – lack of effort
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Changes in behaviour
  • Unsociability, withdrawal from workmates
  • Repeated short absences from work
  • Difficulty in getting to meetings, lectures, etc. on time
  • Irritation, aggression, unstable mood towards manager and colleagues
  • Red eyes or changes in pupils

If you feel you have problems with your own consumption of alcohol or drugs, help is available both at the University and outside it. If you do not feel at ease about talking with your head of department/equivalent there are other people and organisations you can get in touch with, such as an HR generalist/equivalent or a safety representative at the department/unit. You can also contact one of those listed below under the heading “Information and support”.

It is common for a problem with alcohol to be discovered by a colleague. As a member of staff, you have a responsibility to contribute to a good and safe work environment. A person who is under the influence of a substance at work can pose a safety risk to themselves and to others.

If anyone smells of alcohol or seems affected in some way – tell them what you see directly, and tell the head of department/equivalent. Stick to the facts, say what you see and how it affects you and the job. Show that you care!

It is part of the role of the head of department/equivalent to create conditions for a good work environment and to prevent employees becoming sick or having accidents.

Members of staff who exhibit signs of alcohol or drug-related ill health are a work environment problem and the head of department/equivalent has a responsibility to act.

Bild på ett kaffebord där två personer anas

Information and support

Many different actors can help when you need support. You can contact the occupational health service via your head of department/equivalent, or via the anonymous consultations that you are entitled to as a member of staff.

Support organisations and health actors in cases of high-risk use and addiction problems:

Alcoholics Anonymous (in Swedish,

Alcohol Help (in Swedish,

Addiction and harmful use (in Swedish,

Support for abuse and addiction (in Swedish, Uppsala Municipality)


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