Advisory Committee for Education

The information is from Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.


The duties of the Advisory Committee for Education are:

  • preparation of matters relating to education in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • preparation of operational planning for education, funding allocation and dimensioning in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • to follow up on and develop overarching principles for the disciplinary domain’s activities relating to quality, evaluation and its range of programmes, teacher recruitment, teaching and learning development and links to research and professional life within programmes;
  • to follow up on and develop overarching principles for the internationalisation of education and national and international collaborations;
  • to follow up on and submit proposals relating to premises and equipment, student and teacher services, student recruitment and visibility;
  • to appoint a member to the Advisory Committee for Collaboration;
  • collaboration on overarching matters with the Advisory Committee for Research and the Advisory Committee for Collaboration.


The Deputy Dean of Education serves as chair of the Advisory Committee for Education. The respective chairs of FUN, NUN and TUN as well as the subject coordinators – who are appointed by the section deans – are members of the Committee. Three student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) with one group alternate form part of the Advisory Committee for Education. One representative from the faculty’s Council for Educational Development (TUR) has the right to attend and speak at meetings.

The Advisory Committee for Education appoints one of its members as deputy chair. The Advisory Committee for Education nominates two members of a different gender to the Equal Opportunities Committee. The Working Committee subsequently decides which of these is to become a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee, as well as the Advisory Committee for Education’s member with special responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities are considered in the work of the Committee. Staff at the faculty office provide administrative support to the Advisory Committee for Education.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.


Please contact the secretary Emma Kristensen if you wish to consult the minutes of any meeting.

  • Lisa Freyhult, chair
  • Gesa Weyhenmeyer (chair NUN)
  • Jan Andersson (chair TUN)
  • Jörgen Olsson (chair FUN)
  • Martin Herschend (mathematics)
  • Hans Karlsson (computer science)
  • Urban Eriksson (physics)
  • Annica Nilsson (technology)
  • Felix Ho (chemistry)
  • Mikael Thollesson (biology)
  • Sebastian Willman (earth sciences)
  • Maja Elmgren (TUR representative)
  • Jacob Lundblad (doctoral student representative)
  • Maria Gregertsen (student representative)
  • Deimante Kasparaviciute (student representative)
  • Benjamin Eriksson Eneslätt (group deputy students)

    (Members appointed for the period 2024-01-01—2026-12-31,
    student represenatives appointed for the academic year 2024-2025)

