Equal Opportunities Committee
The information is from Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.
- to bear overarching responsibility within the disciplinary domain for monitoring and evaluating efforts in support of equal opportunities;
- to serve as the Disciplinary Domain Board’s consultation body;
- to plan and execute equal opportunities measures;
- to act as the steering group for the faculty’s mentoring programme, whose coordinators should report annually to the Committee on the progress of the programme;
- to draft and follow up on domain-specific measures concerning equal opportunities.
Composition: The Deputy Vice-Rector is the chair. The Advisory Committees for Education, Research and Collaboration each propose two members of a different gender, after which the Working Committee decides on a member from each Advisory Committee. The first deputy chair of the Recruitment Committee is a member. A further two faculty members are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain
Board on the recommendation of the Deputy Vice-Rector. Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Equal Opportunities Committee.
- Staffan Svärd, chair
- Jörgen Olsson (Advisory Committee for Education)
- Ulf Jansson (Advisory Committee for Research)
- Joëlle Rüegg (Advisory Committee for Collaboration)
- Ingemar Kaj (Recruitment Committee)
- Karin Stensjö (teacher representative)
- Jonas Fransson (teacher representative)
- Astrid Magnusson (student representative)
- Petra Muir (doctoral student representative)
- Clara Gauffin (union representative)