Board for Granting Distinguished University
Teacher Status

The information is from Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.


The tasks of the Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status are:

  • to develop proposals for criteria and guidelines for the granting of distinguished university teacher status at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology (guidelines adopted by the Disciplinary Domain Board);
  • to draft instructions to applicants regarding the formulation of applicants’ teaching portfolios;
  • to establish the procedures for managing matters before the Board;
  • to appoint experts when considering granting distinguished university teacher status;
  • to decide on the granting of distinguished university teacher status


The chair is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Deputy Dean of Education, and one teacher from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. A majority of the members should themselves be designated distinguished university teachers. Three student representatives (of which two are preferably from first-cycle or second-cycle programmes and one is a doctoral student) form part of the board.

The Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021

Distinguished teachers

Admitted 2023/2024

  • Sebastian Willman
  • Thomas Kalscheuer
  • Ekaterina Sokolova
  • Elin Bergeås Kuutmann
  • Petra Pertoft
  • Jonas Mindemark

All Distinguished teachers at the Faculty

  • Magnus Jacobsson, chair
  • Jannika Andersson Chronholm (Physics), deputy chair
  • Francoise Raffalli-Mathieu (Chemistry)
  • Robert Muscarella (Biology)
  • Jarmo Rantakokko (Mathematics-Computer Science)
  • Cecilia Johansson (Earth Sciences)
  • Greger Thornell (Technology)
  • Anna Enerud (student representative)
  • Maria Gregertsen (student representative)
  • Vacant (doctoral student representative)

    Appointed for 2024-01-01 - 2026-12-31, students for one academic year.

