Doctoral Education Board (FUN)
The information is from Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.
The tasks of the Doctoral Education Board are:
- to prepare matters in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
- to propose the establishment and discontinuance of a doctoral subject in advance of decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
- prepare proposals for subject-specific parts of general study plans for decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board,
- to establish revisions of subject-specific parts of general study plans upon delegation of authority from the Disciplinary Domain Board;
- propose suspension of admission to a doctoral subject, in advance of decision by the Working Committee;
- to take decisions on credit transfers for mandatory courses in research ethics;
- to establish the range of faculty-wide doctoral education courses and publish an online course catalogue;
- to monitor work on individual study plans and completion;
- to bear responsibility for general quality work;
- to bear responsibility for information provided to professors responsible for doctoral education;
- to ensure that the faculty’s supervisors are offered training;
- to collaborate with the departments’ directors of doctoral education;
- to collaborate with the Educational Board of Science (NUN) and the Educational Board of Engineering (TUN);
- to collaborate with other faculties and higher education institutions
The chair (F), one teacher from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary
Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. Two student representatives (preferably doctoral students) form part of FUN.
The Doctoral Education Board appoints a deputy chair from among its members.
The term of office for faculty members is three years as of 1 January 2021.
Please contact the secretary if you wish to consult the minutes of any meeting.
- Jörgen Olsson, chair
- Julian Külshammer (mathematics-computer science)
- Gabriella Andersson (physics)
- Sandra Eriksson (technology)
- Ann Magnuson (chemistry)
- Anders Virtanen (biology)
- Lars Holmer (earth sciences)
- Karl-Fredrik Kylesten Boholm (doctoral student representative)
- Benjamin Eriksson Eneslätt (student representative)