Faculty Board/Disciplinary Domain Board
The information is from Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.
- exercise overall responsibility for activities within the framework of the instructions issued by the University Board and the Vice-Chancellor;
- decide on the rules of procedure for the disciplinary domain;
- decide on the organisation and implementation of educational programmes and systematically assure, enhance and monitor their quality;
- decide on the organisation and quality of research;
- decide on the establishment and discontinuation of third-cycle subject areas;
- submit proposals or opinions to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the establishment and discontinuation of main fields of study and degree programmes;
- annually submit documentation to the Vice-Chancellor before the University Board decides on the distribution of resources between the disciplinary domains;
- annually draw up an operational plan for the disciplinary domain and decide on tasks and the distribution of resources between departments in the domain;
- submit documentation to the University’s annual report and annual budget input to the government;
- submit documentation to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the University’s long-term premises planning;
- annually submit proposals or opinions to the Vice-Chancellor regarding plans for talent recruitment, development and retention;
- decide on the employment profile for professors following consultation with the Vice-Chancellor;
- decide to initiate recruitment of professors;
- submit proposals to the Vice-Chancellor to nominate an individual for a professorship;
- decide to initiate recruitment of senior lecturers/associate professors (universitetslektor) and associate senior lecturers/assistant professors (biträdande universitetslektor);
- decide to change the field of a senior lecturer/associate professor (universitetslektor), associate senior lecturer/assistant professor (biträdande universitetslektor) or research associate/assistant professor (forskarassistent);
- decide that an appointment as a research associate/assistant professor (forskarassistent) should be converted into an appointment as associate senior lecturer/assistant professor (biträdande universitetslektor);
- monitor students’ conditions of study and study environment and, where necessary, propose or take measures to improve these;
- communicate annual instructions for subject library activities;
- carry out elections to the department board whenever a new department is established.
The Disciplinary Domain Board is to meet at least three times per semester.
The Board for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology is to consist of 15 members, of which 3 must be students. One of the student representatives should be a doctoral student.
The chair (Vice-Rector) of the Disciplinary Domain Board and the deputy chair (Deputy Vice-Rector) are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Electoral Assembly appoints nine faculty members and one external member to the Disciplinary Domain Board. Members appointed by the students are appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Student Union Ordinance (2009:769).
The students may appoint a maximum of two group alternates with the right to attend and speak at meetings. Representatives of the staff organisations have the right to attend and speak at meetings.
The chair of the Recruitment Committee is co-opted to the Disciplinary Domain Board for matters concerning appointment of teachers or promotion.
Mandattiden för lärarledamöter och extern ledamot är treårig fr.o.m. 2020-07-01. Mandatperioden för ordförande och vice ordförande är tre år och får förnyas, dock högst två gånger om högst tre år i taget (UU arbetsordning 7 kap. 6 §).
The Disciplinary Domain Board is to meet at least three times per semester.
Charlotte Platzer Björkman - Vice-Rector, Dean (Chairperson)
Staffan Svärd - Deputy Vice–Rector, Deputy Dean
David Black-Schaffer - Dean of Research
Lisa Freyhult - Dean of Education
Marcus Lindahl - Dean of Collaboration
Lina von Sydow - Section Dean Mathematics-Computer Science
Maxim Zabzine - Section Dean Physics
Klas Hjort - Section Dean Technology
Peter Lindblad - Section Dean Chemistry
Mattias Jacobsson - Section Dean Biology
Anna Rutgersson - Section Dean Earth Sciences
Jens Mattsson - External Member (FOI)
Linnea Wikström - Doctoral Student Representative
Benjamin Eriksson Eneslätt (utb-f@utn.se) - Student Representative
Malin Jansson (soc@utn.se) - Student Representative
Tim Nedergård (ordf@utn.se) - Group Deputy for Students
Anna Enerud (utb-n@utn.se) - Group Deputy for Students
Mahbubur Rahman - Union Representative (SACO) with the right to participate and voice comments
Nils-Einar Eriksson - Union Representative (TCO) with the right to participate and voice comments
(Appointed for 2023-07-01 — 2026-06-30, students and doctoral students for one year at a time)
Secretary: Marie Swanberg