Student records (Ladok)

The University's student records are managed in a system known as Ladok. Ladok contains information about all Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students.

Once you have been accepted to a course, your name, personal identity number and address will be registered in Ladok. Once you have enrolled, registrations and results will be recorded by the department you are studying at. Credit transfers and qualifications awarded will also be recorded, as well as information regarding payments of tuition fees.

Services in Ladok

You have access to your own student record in Ladok through your student account. In Ladok you can

  • register for courses
  • sign up for examinations
  • change your contact details
  • order transcripts
  • apply for degree certificates.

If any information is missing in your record, please contact the department offering the course.

Access to Ladok without a student account

If you have finished your studies and your student account is no longer active, you can log in to a limited version of Ladok, Ladok for alumni. There you can download certificates of studies and apply for a degree. From 1 January 2024, you can also download digital degree diplomas.

Former students with a Swedish personal identity number without an active student account can log in to Ladok for alumni with BankID or with Freja eID+.

For former students without a Swedish personal identity number, there is currently no possibility to log in to Ladok when the student account is no longer active.

If you are not able to log in to Ladok, you can use the web form for official certificate of studies. For other matters, contact the University for assistance.

Change of address and personal data

If you have to change your name or population registration address, you need to do that at the Swedish Tax Agency.

Ladok is updated every weekday with changes from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding your first name, any middle name, last name and residential address. The day after a change is made at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), the information is registered in Ladok.

Change of address

The University registers your population registration address in Ladok. If you want your mail to an address other than the one where you are registered, or if you are not registered in Sweden, you may enter an alternative address in Ladok. If you are going to change your population registration address, you need to contact the Swedish Tax Agency.

Change of name

When the Swedish Tax Agency changes a name in its registry, the University system will receive the new name on the first Tuesday after the information has been updated. Name changes do not affect your user identity and password at Uppsala University.

A change of name only affects your email address and, if applicable, where your name is displayed using data from Ladok. Any forwarding of emails to another email address is moved to the new email address.

Other features such as Studium, and file areas, etc. are not affected by this other than that the display name is changed.

In some cases there may be complications regarding the given first name of a person with multiple names. It is important that you state your correct first name, the one that is registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, when contacting Uppsala University or other authorities.

If it is not quite clear which is your "right" given name, we recommend that you contact the Swedish Tax Agency for clarification.

Change of personal identity number

If you have received a permanent personal identity number, it has to be updated in Ladok. To get help with this you can either send an email to Student service at or visit the service center at any of our campuses.

You need to state your temporary personal identity number (T-number) and your new personal identity number and also show/attach a copy of a valid ID before a change can be made.

How the information in Ladok is used

The information in Ladok may be used by the authorities and universities for decisions regarding admissions and student grants, statistics and certain other purposes. The Ordinance on the Reporting of Studies in Higher Education (1993:1153) states which information should be recorded and the purposes the data may be used for.

Your rights to access your personal data and receive information about its use are regulated in the General Data Protection Regulation. They are outlined in the University's Data protection policy.


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