Master's Programme in Materials Science

120 credits

Outline, TMV2M

A revised version of the outline is available.
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 9 November 2021
Registration number
TEKNAT 2021/130

The following designations are used:

A1N - Second cycle, has only first-cycle courses as entry requirements, at least 120 credits

A1F - Second cycle, has second-cycle courses as entry requirements

A2E - Second cycle, degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)

Semester 1

All students:

Period 1

Period 2

Semester 2

Track Quantum materials (students with physics background):

Period 3

Period 4

Track Soft materials (students with chemistry background):

Period 3

Period 4

Track Energy-related materials (students with physics/chemistry background):

Period 3

Period 4

Semester 3

Period 1

Track Quantum materials (students with physics background):

Period 2

Track Soft materials (students with chemistry background):

Period 1

Period 2

Track Energy-related materials (students with physics/chemistry background):

Period 1

Period 2

Semester 4

All tracks:


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