Maria Tenje


I lead the research group EMBLA - Enabling Microtechnologies for Biomedical and Life science Applications. The main goal of the lab is to develop microsystems for applications within the life sciences with a special interest on research related to micro/nano fabrication and processing of new materials. I am currently Head of the Biomedical Engineering Division at Uppsala University, Director of the Medtech Science & Innovation Centre, and hold a Faculty position at SciLifeLab where I am also the Director of the pilot facility Customized Microfluidics.

My research is funded by large grants from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2016 and Prolongation Grant 2021) and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2017, ERC Consolidator Grant 2022).

Commissions of trust and larger assignments within my role as professor have included e.g. Chair of MyFab-Uppsala board and Department representative (2020-2025) and member of the Young Academy of Sweden between 2014-2019 (chair 2018-2019 and vice chair 2017-2018).

Short CV

  • 2021 - current, Head of Division, Biomedical Engineering, Uppsala University
  • 2019, Professor Microsystems Technology, Uppsala University
  • 2015, Docent Microsystems Technology, Uppsala University
  • 2007, PhD Microtechnology, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
  • 2003, MSc Physics, Lund University2002, BSc Physics, Imperial College London (UK)
Bild på man i orange tröja. Han ler.

Research Themes

The Biomedical Engineering Division's research is consolidated under four key research themes; precision medicine, sustainability, antimicrobial resistance and data driven life science. My research is focused on each of these.

Key Competences

  • 3D cell culture
  • Integrated electronics
  • Integrated sensors
  • Microfabrication
  • Nanofabrication
  • Microfluidics
  • Droplet microfluidics
  • Biomaterials
  • Biological response
  • Hydrogels
  • Acoustofluidics
  • Acoustic trapping



Telephone: +46 (0)18 471 70 61


ORCiD: 0000-0002-1264-1337

Google Scholar: Maria Tenje


The European Research Council (ERC), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), The Swedish Research Council Formas, Olle Engkvist Foundation, Nycander Foundation, Science for Life Laboratory, The Swedish Research Council (VR)


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