Inger Jonsson
Affilierad Forskare vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
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Present position
Researcher, Uppsala University, Economic History Department
Research Secretary, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Science
Research Interests
My main research interests have been early modern and modern gender history (primarily gender and work), but also social history, labour history and textile history. My doctoral dissertation and some related publications focused on early industrialisation or proto-industrialisation, with special focus on the regional organisation of the linen trade, the gender division of labour and differences between social groups. Later on I turned my interest to questions concerning contemporary society, and during my years at the Museum of Work I became involved in studies of modern working life. I have also done a minor study on consumption history. I have completed a research project concerning part-time work in the Swedish retail trade in a historical perspective. In co-operation with an economist at the National Institute of Working Life, I have furthermore looked into the problems with part-time unemployment in Sweden compared to the situation in other European countries. Questions of underemployment, labour supply and gendered working time regimes are also the subject of a Nordic network that I am co-ordinating. At present I am studying female labour force participation in 19th century Sweden as a part of a collaborative project involving researchers in Uppsala and Gothenburg. The project participates in an international network concerning female labour force participation 1700-1900 (FLFP).
Teaching experiences
I have taught on all levels for undergraduate studies in economic history. I have supervised two doctoral students to the completion of their licentiate’s dissertations, and one to the completion of the PhD thesis and I am currently supervising one doctoral student working on her PhD thesis.
Research Projects
2010 Female Labour during the Early Industrialisation of Sweden – Construction and Reality. (Swedish Research Council).
2002 Part-time work in the Swedish Retail Trade – a Gender Perspective on Industrial Relations. (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Sciences).
1995 Consumption and Welfare from a gender perspective: A study of the History of Consumption in 20th century Sweden. (FRN).
1991 Linen Production in 19th century Hälsingland. (Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse, Handelsbanken).
1993 Linen Production in the 19th century Sweden. (Swedish Council for Forest and Agricultural Research).
Selected Publications
Jonsson, Inger, Linodlare, väverskor och köpmän. Linne som handelsvara och försörjningsmöjlighet i det tidiga 1800-talets Hälsingland. Uppsala: AAU, Uppsala Studies in Economic History 35, 1994, 276 pp.
Chapters in books
Jonsson, Inger, "Part-time work: Gendered dilemmas and solutions in the Swedish retail trade", in Gro Hageman & Hege Roll-Hansen (eds.) Twentieth-century housewives. Meanings and implications of unpaid work. Oslo: Unipub forlag, Issues in Contemporary History, 2005, pp.87-107.
Jonsson, Inger, "Part-time employment in Swedish retail trade: A gender perspective on the development of working time patterns", in Ursula Pasero (ed.) Gender – From Costs to Benefits. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2003, pp.210-220.
Jonsson, Inger, "When Linen provided for All: Wealthy flax growing farmers and poor female scutchers in early 19th century Swedish linen production", in Brenda Collins & Philip Ollerenshaw (eds.) The European Linen Industry in Historical Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, Pasold Studies in Textile History, 13, 2003, pp.209-228.
Jonsson, Inger, "Om forskningen", in Josephine Askegård, Kjersti Bosdotter & Klaus Misgeld (eds.), Kvinnor tar plats. Arbetsmarknad och industriarbete på 1900-talet. Sthlm: Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, 2002, pp.11-19.
Jonsson, Inger, "Välfärd och konsumtionsdrömmar", in Maths Isacson & Lars Magnusson (eds.), Arbetarstaden Uppsala. Gidlunds förlag, 1996, pp.141-165.
Jonsson, Inger, "Women Flax Scutchers in the Linen Production of Hälsingland, Sweden", in Daryl M. Hafter (ed.) European Women and Preindustrial Craft. Indiana Univ. Press, 1995, pp.16-30.
Jonsson, Inger & Nyberg, Anita, "Sweden: Precarious Work and Precarious Unemployment", in L. Vosko, M. MacDonald & I. Campbell (eds.) Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. London and New York, 2009.
Articles in Journals
Jonsson, Inger, "Under deltidens kalla stjärna? Handelsanställdas förbund och deltidsfrågan", Arbetarhistoria nr 117 (1/2006), pp.21-28.
Jonsson, Inger, "Kvinnor och industriarbete. Ett öppet forskningsfält", Arbetarhistoria, nr. 3-4, 2000, pp.4-9.
Jonsson, Inger, "Kvinnor och män i Hälsinglands linhantering under 1800-talet", Bebyggelsehistorisk Tidskrift, Nr 16, 1988, pp.25-42.
Jonsson, Inger, "Arbetssökande kvinnor göre sig icke besvär. Kvinnors arbete på industriorten Ljusne under 1930-talet", Historisk tidskrift, nr 1, 1987, pp.96-113.
Working papers and reports
Forssell, Johanna, Jonsson, Inger, "Deltidsarbetslöshet och deltidsarbete i Europa. Förklaringsmodeller och statistik". Sthlm: Arbetslivsinstitutet, Arbetslivsrapport Nr 2005:30, Working paper från HELA-projektet 2005:6.
Jonsson, Inger, "Deltidsarbete inom svensk detaljhandeln: En genuskritisk studie av arbetstidsmönster". Uppsala universitet: Uppsala Papers in Economic History Research Report No 51 2004, (also Sthlm: Arbetslivsinstitutet, Arbetslivsrapport Nr 2004:11, Working paper från HELA-projektet 2004:3).
Jonsson, Inger, "Deltidsarbete och deltidsarbetslöshet inom svensk detaljhandel: Utvecklingslinjer och tidigare insatser". Sthlm: Arbetslivsinstitutet Arbetslivsrapport 2003:21, Working paper från Hela-projektet 2003:3.
Jonsson, Inger, Yrken och arbetsliv i nya former. Forskningsprogram för Arbetets museum. Norrköping: Arbetets museums skriftserie, 1, 2000.
Jonsson, Inger, "Lokala identiteter i en föränderlig verklighet", in Ann Emilsson & Sven Lilja (eds.), Lokala identiteter - historia, nutid, framtid. Högskolan i Gävle - Sandviken, HS-institutionens skriftserie No.2, 1998, pp.25-35.
Jonsson, Inger, "En kvinnohistoriker går på museum - En undersökning av hur kvinnor och män, kön och makt presenteras i några svenska museiutställningar 1993", in Det dolda budskapet, Konferensrapport. Norrköping: Arbetets Museum, 1994.
Selected Conference papers
Jonsson, Inger, "Female Labour During the Early Industrialisation of Sweden – Construction and Reality", paper presented at ESF Exploratory Workshop on Reconstructing the Female Labor Force Participation Rates in Western Europe, 18th and 19th centuries, Barcelona 5-6/11 2010.
Jonsson, Inger, "Working Hours and Gender Equality – Examples from Care Work in the Swedish Public Sector", paper presented at Gender; Work and Organization Conference, Keele, UK 27-29/6 2007.
Jonsson, Inger & Hedenborg, Susanna, "Women and Work in Swedish Historical Research", paper presented at the IFRWH conference Women’s History Revisited: Historiographical Reflections on Women and Gender in a Global Context, organised in connection to the World Congress of Historical Sciences, Sydney July 3–9 2005.
Jonsson, Inger, "Part-time Work: A Gendered Solution to the Work-Life Balance. The Case of the Swedish Retail Trade." paper presented at the conference Housework: Labour, Consumption, Agency, in Rosendal, Norway 26-28/5 2004.
Jonsson, Inger, "Part-time Employment in the Swedish Retail Trade: A Gender Perspective on Working Time Patterns" paper presented at the Fifth European Social Science History Conference, Berlin 24-27/3 2004, in the session National gendered working time regimes in a comparative perspective, which I organised.
Jonsson, Inger, "Part-time Employment in the Swedish Retail Trade" paper presented at Gender from Costs to Benefits, 6th Symposium on Gender Research at Kiel University, 15-17/11 2002, in the session Gender and the Labour Market.
Jonsson, Inger, "Health Care in Transition: Gender and Identity among Swedish Doctors, Nurses and Assistants", paper presented at The 11th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, 3-6 June 1999, in the session The Gender Division of Labour in European Health care.
Jonsson, Inger, "When Linen Provided for All: Wealthy flax growing farmers and poor female scutchers in early 19th century Swedish linen production", paper presented at Linen in Europe, An International Conference at The Irish Linen Centre, Belfast 16-19/4 1998, in the session Early Linen Production.
Jonsson, Inger, "Consumption and Gender in a Historical Perspective", paper presented at the Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference on Research in Consumption, Lund 18-20/8 1995.
Jonsson, Inger, "Women Flax Scutchers in the Linen Production of Hälsingland – a Study of Skill, Technique and the Gender Division of Labour in Pre-industrial Society", paper presented at the 1992 annual meeting of The Society for the History of Technology, SHOT, in Uppsala, 16-20/8 1992, in the session The Industrial Revolution Revisited: Gender in the Long Life of Artisan Industry.
1994, PhD Economic History, Uppsala University.
1984, Phil Cand, major in Economic History, Uppsala University.
Academic Positions, Appointments and Networks
2010, Associate Professor, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
2010, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
2006, Researcher, National Institute of Working Life.
2006, Co-ordinator of the Nordic Research Network for Underemployment and Part-time Unemployment (Financed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Sciences).
2005, autumn, Guest Researcher, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Uppsala.
2005, Chairperson, Swedish Association for Women’s and Gender History Research (SKOGH).
2005, summer, visiting fellow for two weeks at RMIT University in Melbourne, for research exchange with researchers in the project "The Quality of Part-time Employment in Australia", I also gave a lecture.
2002, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University.
2001, Researcher, Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, EU funded program "Restructuring in Marginal Rural Areas: the role of social capital in rural development" (Restrim).
2001, Research Secretary, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Sciences (FAS).
2000, Programme Manager, Swedish Council for Work Life Research (RALF).
1999, Researcher, National Institute of Working Life.
1996, Head of the Research Department, Museum of Work.
1995, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University.
1994, Visiting Fellow, Post Doc, Department of History, Warwick University, UK.
1987, Post-graduate position, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University.
2010, Swedish Research Council, Research Grant
2006, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Science, Network Grant
2002, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Science, Research Grant
2002, 2004, 2005, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Science, Travel Grants
2005, Uppsala University, Travel Grant
Senaste publikationer
- Gender, Impact Assessment and Research Funding (2013)
- Working Hours and Gender Equality (2011)
- Genusarbetsdelningens regionala variationer i Sverige 1750-1850 – ett makroperspektiv (2011)
- Sweden. Precarious work and precarious unemployment (2009)
- Deltidsarbetslöshet och deltidsarbete i Europa (2005)
Alla publikationer
- Sweden. Precarious work and precarious unemployment (2009)
- Part-time work (2005)
- When Linen provided for All: Wealthy flax growing farmers and poor female scutchers in early 19th century Swedish linen production (2003)
- Part-time employment in Swedish retail trade (2003)
- Lokala identiteter i en föränderlig värld (Local identities in achanging world) (1998)
- Välfärd och konsumtionsdrömmar (1996)
- Women flax scutchers in the linen production of Hälsingland, Sweden (1995)
- Gender, Impact Assessment and Research Funding (2013)
- Genusarbetsdelningens regionala variationer i Sverige 1750-1850 – ett makroperspektiv (2011)
- Deltidsarbetslöshet och deltidsarbete i Europa (2005)
- Deltidsarbete inom svensk detaljhandeln (2004)
- Deltidsarbete inom svensk detaljhandel (2004)
- Deltidsarbete och deltidsarbetslöshet inom svensk detaljhandel: Utvecklingslinjer och tidigare insatser. (Part-time work and part-time unemployment in Swedish retail trade: Trends and earlier actions) (2003)
- Yrken och arbetsliv i nya former. Forskningsprogram för Arbetets museum (Professions and working life in new ways. Research programme for Museum of Work) (2000)