Benjamin Martin
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idéhistoria
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Benjamin G. Martin (PhD Columbia University, 2006) är docent och universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria. Mitt pågående forskning, finanserad av Vetenskapsrådet, undersöker hur “internationella idéer” utvecklades inom UNESCO genom storskalig digital textanalys.
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A graduate of Columbia University (PhD, 2006), Benjamin Martin is a historian of twentieth-century international cultural relations. He is the author of The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture (Harvard University Press, 2016), a study of how the German-Italian Axis sought to create a "New Order" in European cultural life in the late 1930s and during WWII. His current research, pursued in close collaboration with Humlab at Umeå University, uses methods from the digital humanities to explore the political and intellectual history of the role of culture in international relations: first in a project exploring the history of bilateral cultural agreements, and now in a project on the development of "international ideas" at UNESCO.
At Uppsala University, Martin is senior lecturer (associate professor) in the Department of History of Science and Ideas, where he teaches several courses in intellectual and cultural history, including co-teaching a course on narrative and the uses of history. From 2010 to early 2017 he was director of the Euroculture Program, an Erasmus Mundus MA program in European studies, where he led the planning of Euroculture’s 2014 summer Intensive Program, which linked European studies to the environmental humanities through a week-long program on “How a New Climate is Changing the Old World.” Martin was likewise involved in the undergraduate Liberal Arts Program at Uppsala’s Campus Gotland, where he helped develop (and co-taught) the course "Människan och miljön" ("Humans and the environment").
Martin has presented on culture and politics in non-academic contexts, including presentations on Italian futurism at SFMOMA, on fascism and intellectuals at the Bard Music Festival, and in historical presentations for the cast and crew of Uppsala Stadsteater's productions of Sound of Music (2012) and Cabaret (2014), for which he also wrote program notes.
Prior to coming to Uppsala, Martin was Assistant Professor of History at San Francisco State University from 2008 to 2010, where he taught on the political and cultural history of twentieth-century Europe.
Please visit also Some publications and papers are available at Ben Martin’s page at
Senaste publikationer
- Recension av Johan Stenfeldt, En global ideologihistoria: Från Konfucius till historiens slut (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2023) (2024)
- A Righteous Smokescreen (2024)
- The Curated UNESCO Courier 1.0 (2024)
- Nature and Culture in the Age of Environmental Crisis (2023)
- The Rise of the Cultural Treaty (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Recension av Johan Stenfeldt, En global ideologihistoria: Från Konfucius till historiens slut (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2023) (2024)
- A Righteous Smokescreen (2024)
- The Curated UNESCO Courier 1.0 (2024)
- Nature and Culture in the Age of Environmental Crisis (2023)
- The Rise of the Cultural Treaty (2022)
- Giuseppe Bottai e la Germania nazista (2021)
- The Birth of the Cultural Treaty in Europe's Age of Crisis (2021)
- Cultural Diplomacy and Europe's Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 (2021)
- [Review of:] Culture in Nazi Germany / Michael H. Kater (2020)
- International legal cooperation in the Nazi-fascist New Order (2018)
- ‘European culture’ is an invented tradition (2017)
- Zarah Leander and the Dream of a (Nazi) European Cinema (2017)
- Review of Alessio Ponzio. Shaping the New Man: Youth Training Regimes in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (2017)
- Alessio Ponzio. Shaping the New Man (2017)
- 'European Literature' in the Nazi New Order (2013)
- Computer-Assisted Research on Cultural Treaties
- Fascist Italy’s Illiberal Cultural Networks (2019)
- The Art of Nazi International Networking (2019)
- Svensk film i Hitlers Europa (2016)
- ‘European Cinema for Europe!’ The International Film Chamber, 1935-42 (2011)
- Celebrating the Nation’s Poets (2005)
- Keeping it Simple (2020)
- Charting the ’Culture’ of Cultural Treaties: Digital Humanities approaches to the history of international ideas (2018)
- Fascist Italy’s ‘Soft Power’ in a Latin Perspective (2017)
- The Culture of International Society: Charting the Emergence of a Global Concept of Culture through Europe’s Cultural Treaties (2017)
- Sveriges plats i Hitlers kulturella ’Neuordnung’ (2017)
- Fascist Italy’s Illiberal Cultural Networks (2017)
- Interpreting the Axis through the History of International Cultural Relations (2017)
- The Culture of International Society (2017)