Marcus Österman
Forskare vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
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Kort presentation
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I am a researcher in Political Science at the Department of Government. My research interests include political economy, comparative research on educational systems, welfare state research and political participation.
I am currently head teacher on the C-level methods course in Political Science and in Development Studies. I also supervise bachelor and master level theses.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Research interests
My research interests include political economy, comparative research on educational systems and welfare state research. I finished my PhD thesis "Education, Stratification and Reform: Educational Institutions in Comparative Perspective" in December 2017. In the thesis I studied how educational institutions affect equality and social trust, as well as the political background of educational institutions. I particularly focused on the role of tracking.
I am currently working on a project that studies the relationship between unemployment and political participation, using Swedish register data.
PhD in Political Science, Uppsala University, 2017.
MA (pol. mag.) in Political Science, Uppsala University, 2007.
BA (fil. kand) in Statistics, Uppsala University, 2006.
Work experience
Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen), 2008-2011.
Senaste publikationer
- Jolts at the ballot box (2024)
- Making citizens (2024)
- Unemployment, workplace socialization, and electoral participation (2024)
- Köer och valdeltagande i de allmänna valen 2022 (2023)
- Opening a door to politics? (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Jolts at the ballot box (2024)
- Making citizens (2024)
- Unemployment, workplace socialization, and electoral participation (2024)
- Köer och valdeltagande i de allmänna valen 2022 (2023)
- Opening a door to politics? (2023)
- Shielding Free Movement? Reciprocity in Welfare Institutions and Opposition to EU Labour Immigration (2023)
- Free Movement versus European Welfare States? (2023)
- Educating Democrats or Autocrats? (2023)
- Can We Trust Education for Fostering Trust? (2021)
- Does high unemployment mobilize the unemployed? Evidence using Swedish register data (2021)
- Varieties of education and inequality (2018)
- Tracking detracking reforms
- In education we trust?