Andreas Solders
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Tillämpad kärnfysik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 26 31, 070-167 92 16
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- 0000-0003-4725-3083
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Kort presentation
Jag är universitetslektor i tillämpad kärnfysik och bedriver forskning med målet att bidra till bättre förståelse av fissionprocessen, det vill säga hur det går till när en atomkärna klyvs. För tillfället är jag kursansvarig för två kurser, Reaktorfysik på KKI-programmet och Experimentell metodik på kandidatprogrammet i fysik. Jag är också en av två studierektorer på institutionen, med särskilt ansvar för pedagogisk utveckling.
Jag är även medlem i mentorskollegiet som handleder nya lärare.
- fission
- flipped classroom
- kärnklyvning
- mentoring
- mentorsnätverket
- nuclear fission
- reactor physics
- reaktorfysik
Urval av publikationer
- Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ionguide for neutron-induced fission products (2022)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Accurate fission data for nuclear safety (2014)
- A compact time-resolving pepperpot emittance meter for low-energy highly charged ions (2011)
- Evaporative Cooling and Coherent Axial Oscillations of Highly Charged Ions in a Penning Trap (2011)
- MATS and LaSpec (2010)
- Determination of the proton mass from a measurement of the cyclotron frequencies of D+ and H2+ in a Penning trap (2008)
- High-frequency Ramsey excitation in a Penning trap (2007)
- Precision mass measurements of 40Ca17+ and 40Ca19+ ions in a Penning trap (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- "Every morning I take two steps to my desk..." (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
Alla publikationer
- "Every morning I take two steps to my desk..." (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
- New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility (2023)
- Isomeric yield ratios in proton-induced fission of 238U (2023)
- Templates of expected measurement uncertainties (2023)
- Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ionguide for neutron-induced fission products (2022)
- Isomer yields in nuclear fission (2021)
- Prompt fission neutron yields in thermal fission of 235U and spontaneous fission of 252Cf (2020)
- Extraction of angular momenta from isomeric yield ratios (2019)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- Simulated production rates of exotic nuclei from the ion guide for neutron-induced fission at IGISOL (2017)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Developments for neutron-induced fission at IGISOL-4 (2016)
- Simulations of the fission-product stopping efficiency in IGISOL (2015)
- Measuring independent yields of fission products using a penning trap (2015)
- Experiments and Theoretical Data for Studying the Impact of Fission Yield Uncertainties on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle with TALYS/GEF and the Total Monte Carlo Method (2015)
- Isomeric Yield Ratios of Fission Products Measured with the Jyfltrap (2014)
- Independent fission yield measurements with jyfltrap (2014)
- Development of a neutron converter for studies of neutron-induced fission fragments at the IGISOL facility (2014)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Accurate Fission Data for Nuclear Safety (2014)
- Recommissioning of JYFLTRAP at the new IGISOL-4 facility (2013)
- A compact time-resolving pepperpot emittance meter for low-energy highly charged ions (2011)
- Evaporative Cooling and Coherent Axial Oscillations of Highly Charged Ions in a Penning Trap (2011)
- Optimization of the Stockholm R-EBIT for the production and extraction of highly charged ions (2010)
- Improved temperature regulation of Penning trap mass spectrometers (2010)
- MATS and LaSpec (2010)
- The new Stockholm Electron Beam Ion Trap (S-EBIT) (2010)
- Re-trapping and cooling of highly-charged (2009)
- Precise Atomic Masses for Fundamental Physics Determined at SMILETRAP (2008)
- Determination of the proton mass from a measurement of the cyclotron frequencies of D+ and H2+ in a Penning trap (2008)
- Q value related mass determinations using a Penning trap (2007)
- High-frequency Ramsey excitation in a Penning trap (2007)
- Precise measurements of ionic masses for QED tests (2006)
- Precision mass measurements of 40Ca17+ and 40Ca19+ ions in a Penning trap (2006)
- Comparison of Fission Models with the DElFIN code
- Determination of the Plasma Delay Time in PIPS detectors for fission fragments at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer (2023)
- Independent isotopic fission yields of Cf-252 spontaneous fission via mass measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher (2023)
- Flipping the physics classroom – First observations (2021)
- Remote research reactor exercises during pandemic induced lockdown (2021)
- On teaching experimental reactor physics in times of pandemic (2021)
- Employing TALYS to deduce angular momentum rootmean-square values, J(rms), in fission fragments (2020)
- Fission studies at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP (2020)
- I could rewind and understand and google – Insights into a mixed-methods study on flipped classrooms in higher physics education (2020)
- Studying fission neutrons with 2E-2v and 2E (2018)
- Measurement of fission yields and isomeric yield ratios at IGISOL (2018)
- Neutron-multiplicity experiments for enhanced fission modelling (2017)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- Simulations of the stopping efficiencies of fission ion guides (2017)
- Analysis of prompt fission neutrons in U-235(nth,f) and fission fragment distributions for the thermal neutron induced fission of U-234 (2016)
- Fission yield measurements at IGISOL (2016)
- Comparing Nuclear Fission Codes (2016)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2016)
- Fission Activities of the Nuclear Reactions Group in Uppsala (2015)
- Prompt fission neutron emission from 235U(n,f): thermal and resonance region (2015)
- Characterization of a Be (p, xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Measurement of the energy spectrum from the neutron source planned for IGISOL (2014)
- Target thickness dependence of the Be(p,xn) neutron energy spectrum (2014)
- Accurate fission data for nuclear safety (2014)
- Design of a High Intensity Neutron Source for Neutron-Induced Fission Yield Studies (2012)
- Accurate FissiOn data for Nuclear Safety (AlFONS) (2015)
- Ion counting efficiencies at the IGISOL facility (2014)