Jon Back
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
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- 018-471 15 25
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Kort presentation
Med ett intresse för design av lek, spel och lekfulla aktiviteter har han fokuserat på hur design påverkar engagemang, känslor och upplevelser. Jon har tidigare studerat och jobbat med programmering och design och gick därifrån vidare mot kommunikation med ett pedagogiskt fokus och spel som främsta verktyg. Han har designat både levande rollspel och publicerat brädspel, både för utbildning och för nöje.
Jon finns även på eller på de flesta sociala medier under @jonbck
- activities
- activity
- activity design
- aktivitet
- aktiviteter
- aktivitetsdesign
- appropriation
- appropriering
- creativity
- design
- design science
- designforskning
- erfarenhet
- erfarenhetsdesign
- experience
- experience design
- experiences
- game design
- games
- gamification
- human computer interaction
- interaction
- interaction design
- internet of things
- kvalitativ metod
- lek
- lekfullhet
- människa-datorinteraktion
- play
- play design
- playfulness
- playification
- populärvetenskap
- qualitative methods
- spel
- speldesign
- upplevelse
- upplevelsedesign
Nuvarande och tidigare forskningsprojekt i urval:
Urval av publikationer
- Playing Cool - Winter Weather’s Influence on Location-Based Gaming (2021)
- Value Driven Design for Playful Technology Enhanced Installations in Public Settings (2021)
- The DigiPhysical Playscape (2020)
- the Quest (2019)
- Larping (Live Action Role Playing) as an Embodied Design Research Method (2019)
- Designing for Outdoor Play (2019)
- Playing Close to Home: (2018)
- Designing for Transformative Play (2017)
- Design, Appropriation, and Use of Technology in Larps (2017)
- Activity as the Ultimate Particular of Interaction Design (2017)
- Designing Public Play (2016)
- Designing Children’s Digital-Physical Play in Natural Outdoors Settings (2016)
- Designing for Children's Outdoor Play (2016)
- DigiFys (2015)
- ‘Knock Once for Yes’ – Knocking as Feedback in the Location-Based Game Passing On (2014)
- Codename Heroes – Designing for Experience in Public Places in a Long Term Pervasive Game (2014)
- "We are two strong women" (2013)
- Talking it Further: From Feelings and Memories to Civic Discussions In and About Places (2012)
Senaste publikationer
- Gamemasters of the Playground (2024)
- Acceptability of a Serious Game About Proton Radiotherapy Designed for Children Aged 5 to 14 Years and Its Potential Impact on Perceived Anxiety (2024)
- Let's Dare to Feel About AI (2024)
- Daddy, You Can Be the Fox (2024)
- Why Larp? (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Gamemasters of the Playground (2024)
- Acceptability of a Serious Game About Proton Radiotherapy Designed for Children Aged 5 to 14 Years and Its Potential Impact on Perceived Anxiety (2024)
- Why Larp? (2024)
- Co-creation of a Serious Game About Radiotherapy (2022)
- Playing Cool - Winter Weather’s Influence on Location-Based Gaming (2021)
- Designing for Transformative Play (2017)
- Behind the scenes of the development of a serious game for health for children
- Evaluation (2022)
- The DigiPhysical Playscape (2020)
- Experimental game design (2017)
- Experimental Game Design (2015)
- Let's Dare to Feel About AI (2024)
- Daddy, You Can Be the Fox (2024)
- Let’s Play Something New! (2023)
- Edu-larp @ CHI (2023)
- Involving children treated for cancer in developing a serious game about radiotherapy (2022)
- Value Driven Design for Playful Technology Enhanced Installations in Public Settings (2021)
- Moving Embodied Design Education Online (2021)
- Sensitizing Scenarios: (2020)
- the Quest (2019)
- Larping (Live Action Role Playing) as an Embodied Design Research Method (2019)
- Designing for Outdoor Play (2019)
- GIFT: Hybrid Museum Experiences through Gifting and Play (2018)
- Playing Close to Home: (2018)
- Design, Appropriation, and Use of Technology in Larps (2017)
- Activity as the Ultimate Particular of Interaction Design (2017)
- Designing Children’s Digital-Physical Play in Natural Outdoors Settings (2016)
- Designing for Children's Outdoor Play (2016)
- DigiFys (2015)
- ‘Knock Once for Yes’ – Knocking as Feedback in the Location-Based Game Passing On (2014)
- Codename Heroes – Designing for Experience in Public Places in a Long Term Pervasive Game (2014)
- "We are two strong women" (2013)
- Talking it Further: From Feelings and Memories to Civic Discussions In and About Places (2012)