Henrik Åhman
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- Telefon:
- 018-471 51 35
- E-post:
- henrik.ahman@im.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum (plan 3)
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
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I am interested in understanding interaction as an existential practice through which humans, objects, and meaning emerge as results of ongoing reconfigurations of socio-material structures.
I have mainly worked within a poststructuralist philosophical tradition, but have recently become interested in dispositionalism and how the potentialities of human and non-human entities can be understood as sources of agency.
I am also the Director of Studies for Human-Computer Interaction.
Senaste publikationer
- The Communicative Constitution of Organizations in an Era of Re-materialization (2024)
- En studie om att leda digitala transformationer i komplexa verksamheter (2021)
- När avbilder skapar avbilder som skapar (2021)
- When Facebook Becomes Faithbook (2021)
- Frameworks for studying social media interaction (2019)
Alla publikationer
- When Facebook Becomes Faithbook (2021)
- Conceptualizing the self (2017)
- The aesthetic turn (2016)
- Universal design, inclusive design, accessible design, design for all (2015)
- Social sustainability - society at the intersection of development and maintenance (2013)
- The Communicative Constitution of Organizations in an Era of Re-materialization (2024)
- När avbilder skapar avbilder som skapar (2021)