Matilda Tudor
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Kort presentation
Matilda Tudor is a media phenomenologist working in the intersections of existential media studies and critical theory, particularly focusing on feminist and queer perspectives. She has been exploring the existential implications of living with and through digital media among sexual minorities in Russia, developing an original framework for a queer digital media phenomenology. Currently, she is working on digital-human vulnerabilities in relation to biometric AI.
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Matilda Tudor PhD., is a media phenomenologist and feminist media researcher. She is currently affiliated as a research fellow and research assistant within the WASP-HS project BioMe: Existential Challenges and Ethical Imperatives of Biometric AI in Everyday Lifeworlds, led by Amanda Lagerkvist and situated at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University
Her work largely focuses on critical and minority perspectives on what it means to live with and through digital media and communication technologies in relation to the micro politics of everyday existence. It includes a particular interest in theories of embodiment and time-space relationships within the post-digital age.
Tudor is coordinating the DIGMEX network for the study of digital media and existential issues and challenges, comprising over 180 members from all over the world. DIGMEX organizes workshops, seminars and open lectures, as well as the international conference series Digital Existence. She is also the main coordinator of The Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence at Uppsala University, led by Amanda Lagerkvist.
Tudor has further been leading and teaching a broad range of courses in Media and Communication Studies, including Gender perspectives in Media Studies, Media History: History of Ideas, Theories of Science in Media Studies, Academic reading and writing, and Qualitative text analysis.
Urval av publikationer
- Body stakes (2024)
- Sonorous Surfaces, Biased Backends (2023)
- Queering digital media spatiality (2023)
- A queer kind of dwelling (2022)
- Space and Place (2021)
Senaste publikationer
- Body stakes (2024)
- Sonorous Surfaces, Biased Backends (2023)
- Queering digital media spatiality (2023)
- A queer kind of dwelling (2022)
- Final report for the WASP-HS Seminar Series Undisciplined AI Ethics (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Body stakes (2024)
- Queering digital media spatiality (2023)
- A queer kind of dwelling (2022)
- "Tala klarspråk om genusmotståndarnas politiska agenda" (2019)
- Velourmannen, bögen och Järn-Hans (2008)