Peter Oppeneer
Professor i fysik, ssk teoretisk magnetism vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Materialteori
- Telefon:
- 018-471 37 48
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- 070-960 40 16
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- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
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751 20 UPPSALA
Professor i fysik, ssk teoretisk magnetism vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Materialteori; Materialteori
- Telefon:
- 018-471 37 48
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-960 40 16
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
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The research group of Prof. Peter Oppeneer focuses on several topics in theoretical condensed matter theory. Our main topics include development of theory for femtosecond magnetism, ultrafast spin and orbital currents, theory for out-of-equilibrium magnon and phonon dynamics, theory of unconventional forms of superconductivity, and ab initio theory for multipolar and hidden order parameters, and orbitronics, as well as computational theory for molecular spintronics and spin-crossover materials.
- light-induced magnetism
- non equilibrium magnon dynamics
- non equilibrium phonon dynamics
- orbitronics theory
- selfconsistent theory of superconductivity
- theoretical condensed matter physics
- ultrafast magnetism
- unconventional superconductivity
The research group of Prof. Peter Oppeneer focuses on several topics in theoretical condensed matter theory. Our main topics include development of theory for femtosecond magnetism, theory for out-of-equilibrium phonon and magnon dynamics, theory for ultrafast spin and orbital currents, ab initio theory for unconventional forms of superconductivity and for multipolar and hidden order parameters, as well as computational theory for molecular spintronics and spin-crossover materials. Specifically, we address femtosecond coherent light-induced magnetic processes, such as ultrafast demagnetization, magnetization switching and ultrafast light imparted magnetization. We develop theory to describe ultrafast spin dissipation channels, such as superdiffusion and Elliott-Yafet electron-phonon spin-flip scattering, and we develop computer codes for numerical simulations of these processes in real materials. We also perform ab initio studies of unconventional forms of superconductivity in real materials, as odd-frequency and d-wave superconductivity, using our home-made self-consistent multiband Eliashberg code. Another area of our interest is theory of hidden order and multipolar magnetic order, in correlated materials as URu2Si2 and UO2 and NpO2. Other strongly correlated electron systems we have investigated with our own dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) code. Our aim is to combine advancement of analytical theory hand-in-hand with development of numerical simulation codes.
Research - Some press releases
- Ultrafast decoupling of intra-atomic exchange interaction
- A step forward for ultrafast spintronics
- Now can magnetism be measured with nanoscale precision
- Molecular spintronics with graphene: the best of both worlds?
- On the origin of ultrafast demagnetization
- A new perspective for molecular spintronics
Research Interests
- Theory of ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization and spin reversal
- Ab initio theory of Elliott-Yafet electron-phonon spin-flip scattering
- Quantum kinetic theory for out-of-equilibrium phonon and magnon dynamics
- Theory of ultrafast thermalization processes in metals after laser excitation
- Ab initio theory of Hidden Order and of multipolar ordering
- Computational theory of unconventional and odd-frequency superconductivity
- First-principles theory of X-ray magnetic and magneto-optical spectroscopies (XMCD, XMLD, magneto-optical Kerr effect, Faraday & Schäfer-Hubert effect)
- Analytic theory for Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert damping and magnetic inertia
- Ab initio theory of on-surface magnetochemistry of spin-bearing metalorganic molecules
- Computational theory of spin-crossover molecular materials
- Electronic structure theory of strongly correlated electron systems with DMFT
- Materials modeling for oxidation/reduction reactions at nuclear fuel surfaces
- Magnetic model Hamiltonians, exchange interactions & spin-dynamics
Selected Publications
Schrodi, Aperis, and Oppeneer, Induced odd-frequency superconducting state in vertex-corrected Eliashberg theory. Phys. Rev. B 104, 174518 (2021).
Schrodi, Aperis, and Oppeneer, Eliashberg theory for spin fluctuation mediated superconductivity: Application to bulk and monolayer FeSe. Phys. Rev. B 102, 014502 (2020).
Ritzmann, Baláž, Maldonado, Carva, and Oppeneer, High-frequency magnon excitation due to femtosecond spin-transfer torques. Phys. Rev. B 101, 174427 (2020).
Salemi, Berritta, Nandy, and Oppeneer, Orbitally dominated Rashba-Edelstein effect in noncentro-symmetric antiferromagnets. Nature Communications 10, 5381 (2019).
Berritta, Mondal, Carva, and Oppeneer, Ab Initio Theory of Coherent Laser-Induced Magnetization in Metals. Phys. Rev. Lett.117, 137203 (2016).
Maldonado, Carva, Flammer, and Oppeneer, Theory of out-of-equilibrium ultrafast relaxation dynamics in metals. Phys. Rev. B 96,174439 (2017).
Frietsch, Bowlan, Carley, Teichmann, Wienholdt, Hinzke, Nowak, Carva, Oppeneer, and Weinelt, Disparate ultrafast dynamics of itinerant and localized magnetic moments in gadolinium metal. Nature Communications 6, 8262 (2015)
Magnani, Caciuffo, Wilhelm, Colineau, Eloirdi, Griveau, Rusz, Oppeneer, Rogalev, and Lander, Magnetic polarization of the J=0 ground state in AmFe2. Physical Review Letters 114, 097203 (2015)
Muto, Rusz, Tatsumi, Adam, Arai, Kocevski, Oppeneer, Bürgler, and Schneider, Quantitative characterization of nanoscale polycrystalline magnets with electron magnetic circular dichroism. Nature Communications 5, 4138 (2014)
Ballav, Wäckerlin, Siewert, Oppeneer, and Jung, Emergence of on-surface magnetochemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4, 2303 (2013)
Hermanns, Tarafder, Bernien, Krüger, Chang, Oppeneer, and Kuch, Magnetic coupling of porphyrin molecules through graphene. Advanced Materials 25, 3473 (2013)
Kampfrath, Battiato, Maldonado, Eilers, Nötzold, Radu, Freimuth, Mokrousov, Blügel, Wolf, Oppeneer, and Münzenberg, Terahertz spin current pulses controlled by magnetic heterostructures. Nature Nanotechnology 8, 256 (2013)
Eschenlohr, Battiato, Maldonado, Pontius, Kachel, Holldack, Mitzner, Föhlisch, Oppeneer, and Stamm, Ultrafast spin transport as key to femtosecond demagnetization, Nature Materials 12, 322 (2013)
Tarafder, Kanungo, Oppeneer, and Saha-Dasgupta, Pressure and Temperature Control of Spin-switchable Metal-organic Coordination Polymers from Ab Initio Calculations, Physical Review Letters 109, 077203 (2012)
Rudolf, La-O-Vorakiat, Battiato, Adam, Shaw, Turgut, Maldonado, Mathias, Grychtol, Nembach, Silva, Aeschlimann, Kapteyn, Murnane, Schneider, and Oppeneer, Ultrafast magnetization enhancement in metallic multilayers driven by superdiffusive spin current. Nature Communications 3, 1037 (2012)
Mydosh and Oppeneer, Hidden Order, Superconductivity, and Magnetism – The Unsolved Case of URu2Si2. Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 1301 (2011)
Carva, Battiatio, and Oppeneer, Is the controversy over femtosecond magneto-optics really solved? Nature Physics 7, 665 (2011)
Oppeneer, Rusz, Elgazzar, Suzuki, Durakiewicz, and Mydosh, Electronic structure theory of the hidden order material URu2Si2. Physical Review B 82, 205103 (2010)
Battiato, Carva, and Oppeneer, Superdiffusive Spin-Transport as a Mechanism of Ultrafast Demagnetization. Physical Review Letters 105, 027203 (2010)
Elgazzar, Rusz, Amft, Oppeneer, and Mydosh, Hidden order in URu2Si2 originates from Fermi surface gapping induced by dynamic symmetry breaking. Nature Materials 8, 337 (2009)
Hild, Maul, Schönhense, Elmers, Amft, and Oppeneer, Magnetic circular dichroism in two-photon photoemission. Physical Review Letters 102, 057207 (2009)
Senaste publikationer
- A first principles investigation of the electronic, mechanical and optical properties of XPbN2 (X=Mg, Zn) (2024)
- First-principles calculation of orbital Hall effect by Wannier interpolation (2024)
- Ultrafast opto-magnetic effects in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range (2024)
- Ab initio investigation of laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization of L 1 0 FePt (2024)
- Magnetization precession after non-collinear dual optical excitation (2024)
Alla publikationer
- A first principles investigation of the electronic, mechanical and optical properties of XPbN2 (X=Mg, Zn) (2024)
- First-principles calculation of orbital Hall effect by Wannier interpolation (2024)
- Ultrafast opto-magnetic effects in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range (2024)
- Ab initio investigation of laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization of L 1 0 FePt (2024)
- Magnetization precession after non-collinear dual optical excitation (2024)
- Demagnetization dynamics after noncollinear dual optical excitation (2024)
- Magnetization switching in GdFeCo induced by dual optical excitation (2024)
- Doping dependence and multichannel mediators of superconductivity (2024)
- Real-time observation of non-equilibrium phonon-electron energy and angular momentum flow in laser-heated nickel (2024)
- Relocalization of uranium 5f electrons in the antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion superconductor UPd2Al3 (2024)
- All-optical switching in Cr- and Mn-doped L10 FePt thin films (2024)
- Optical control of 4f orbital state in rare-earth metals (2024)
- Element-specific ultrafast lattice dynamics in FePt nanoparticles (2024)
- Theory of superdiffusive spin transport in noncollinear magnetic multilayers (2023)
- Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, Rb, and K) (2023)
- Quantum-well states at the surface of a heavy-fermion superconductor (2023)
- Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, Rb, K) (2023)
- Magneto-Optical Detection of the Orbital Hall Effect in Chromium (2023)
- Pressure-induced electride phase formation in calcium (2023)
- Inertial effects in ultrafast spin dynamics (2023)
- Probing the spin states of tetra-coordinated iron(II) porphyrins by their vibrational and pre K-edge x-ray absorption spectra (2023)
- Néel vector switching and terahertz spin-wave excitation in Mn2Au due to femtosecond spin-transfer torques (2023)
- Antiferromagnetic order in Kondo lattice CePd5Al2 possibly driven by nesting (2023)
- Strong momentum-dependent electron-magnon renormalization of a surface resonance on iron (2022)
- Observation of anisotropic Dirac cones in the topological material Ti2Te2P (2022)
- Evidence for a delocalization quantum phase transition without symmetry breaking in CeCoIn5 (2022)
- Plasmonic lasers turn magnetic (2022)
- Observation of multiple nodal lines in SmSbTe (2022)
- First-principles theory of intrinsic spin and orbital Hall and Nernst effects in metallic monoatomic crystals (2022)
- Theory of magnetic spin and orbital Hall and Nernst effects in bulk ferromagnets (2022)
- Current-induced switching of antiferromagnetic order in Mn2Au from first principles (2022)
- Nonequilibrium sub-10 nm spin-wave soliton formation in FePt nanoparticles (2022)
- Behavior of intrinsic defects in BaF2 under uniaxial compressions (2021)
- Ultrafast coherent all-optical switching of an antiferromagnet with the inverse Faraday effect (2021)
- Anisotropically large anomalous and topological Hall effect in a kagome magnet (2021)
- Signature of magnon polarons in electron relaxation on terbium revealed by comparison with gadolinium (2021)
- The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap (2021)
- Influence of intersublattice coupling on the terahertz nutation spin dynamics in antiferromagnets (2021)
- Pressure-driven structural and spin-state transition in a Hofmann clathrate coordination polymer (2021)
- Direction-Sensitive Magnetophotonic Surface Crystals (2021)
- Quantitative comparison of electrically induced spin and orbital polarizations in heavy-metal/3d-metal bilayers (2021)
- Cascade of replica bands in flat-band systems (2021)
- Induced odd-frequency superconducting state in vertex-corrected Eliashberg theory (2021)
- Influence of phonon renormalization in Eliashberg theory for superconductivity in two- and three-dimensional systems (2021)
- Exploring multichannel superconductivity in ThFeAsN (2021)
- Unconventional superconductivity mediated solely by isotropic electron-phonon interaction (2021)
- Analyzer-free, intensity-based, wide-field magneto-optical microscopy (2021)
- Frequency-Independent Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in DyCo5, Co32Fe68, and Gd27Fe73 Thin Films from DC to 40 THz (2021)
- The 4f-Hybridization Strength in CemMnIn3m+2n Heavy-Fermion Compounds Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (2021)
- Anisotropic ultrafast spin dynamics in epitaxial cobalt (2021)
- Element-Specific Magnetization Dynamics in Co-Pt Alloys Induced by Strong Optical Excitation (2021)
- Phonon-mode specific contributions to room-temperature superconductivity in atomic hydrogen at high pressures (2021)
- Prediction of an unusual trigonal phase of superconducting LaH10 stable at high pressures (2021)
- Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy view on the nature of Ce 4f electrons in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice CePd5Al2 (2021)
- Influence of electron-phonon coupling strength on signatures of even and odd-frequency superconductivity (2020)
- Surface-orientation- and ligand-dependent quenching of the spin magnetic moment of Co porphyrins adsorbed on Cu substrates (2020)
- Fe-porphyrin on Co(001) and Cu(001) (2020)
- Domain wall dynamics due to femtosecond laser-induced superdiffusive spin transport (2020)
- Magnetic and all-optical switching properties of amorphous TbxCo100-x alloys (2020)
- The role of ultrafast magnon generation in the magnetization dynamics of rare-earth metals (2020)
- Accelerating the laser-induced demagnetization of a ferromagnetic film by antiferromagnetic order in an adjacent layer (2020)
- Three-dimensional and temperature-dependent electronic structure of the heavy-fermion compound CePt2In7 studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (2020)
- Nanoscale magnetophotonics (2020)
- Tracking the ultrafast nonequilibrium energy flow between electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in crystalline nickel (2020)
- Dynamics of the relativistic electron spin in an electromagnetic field (2020)
- Hidden order and beyond (2020)
- High-frequency magnon excitation due to femtosecond spin-transfer torques (2020)
- Theory of out-of-equilibrium electron and phonon dynamics in metals after femtosecond laser excitation (2020)
- Prominent Cooper pairing away from the Fermi level and its spectroscopic signature in twisted bilayer graphene (2020)
- Eliashberg theory for spin fluctuation mediated superconductivity (2020)
- Multichannel superconductivity of monolayer FeSe on SrTiO3 (2020)
- Full-bandwidth Eliashberg theory of superconductivity beyond Migdal's approximation (2020)
- Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry (2020)
- Coherent modulation of the electron temperature and electron-phonon couplings in a 2D material (2020)
- High-Pressure Synthesis of Magnetic Neodymium Polyhydrides (2020)
- Magneto-optical properties of Au upon the injection of hot spin-polarized electrons across Fe/Au(001) interfaces (2019)
- Modifying the Magnetic Anisotropy of an Iron Porphyrin Molecule by an on-Surface Ring-Closure Reaction (2019)
- Hydrogen-Induced High-Temperature Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Materials (2019)
- Crystal electric field splitting and f-electron hybridization in heavy-fermion CePt2In7 (2019)
- Terahertz spin dynamics driven by a field-derivative torque (2019)
- Interfacial Spin Manipulation of Nickel-Quinonoid Complex Adsorbed on Co(001) Substrate (2019)
- Orbitally dominated Rashba-Edelstein effect in noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnets (2019)
- Increased performance of Matsubara space calculations (2019)
- Ultrafast electron calorimetry uncovers a new long-lived metastable state in 1T-TaSe2 mediated by mode-selective electron-phonon coupling (2019)
- Ultrafast demagnetization of Pt magnetic moment in L1(0)-FePt probed by magnetic circular dichroism at a hard x-ray free electron laser (2019)
- Multiband full-bandwidth anisotropic Eliashberg theory of interfacial electron-phonon coupling and high-Tc superconductivity in FeSe/SrTiO3 (2018)
- Transport theory for femtosecond laser-induced spin-transfer torques (2018)
- Advanced first-principles theory of superconductivity including both lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations (2018)
- Element-selective investigation of femtosecond spin dynamics in NiPd magnetic alloys using extreme ultraviolet radiation (2018)
- Discovery of topological nodal-line fermionic phase in a magnetic material GdSbTe (2018)
- Observation of gapless Dirac surface states in ZrGeTe (2018)
- Distinct multiple fermionic states in a single topological metal (2018)
- Magnetic moment generation in small gold nanoparticles via the plasmonic inverse Faraday effect (2018)
- Dissecting spin-phonon equilibration in ferrimagnetic insulators by ultrafast lattice excitation (2018)
- Giant magneto-optical Faraday effect of graphene on Co in the soft x-ray range (2018)
- Generalisation of Gilbert damping and magnetic inertia parameter as a series of higher-order relativistic terms (2018)
- Unified theory of magnetization dynamics with relativistic and nonrelativistic spin torques (2018)
- Route to achieving giant magnetoelectric coupling in BaTiO3/Sr-2 CoO3F perovskite heterostructures (2018)
- Beyond a phenomenological description of magnetostriction (2018)
- Self-consistent temperature dependence of quasiparticle bands in monolayer FeSe on SrTiO3 (2018)
- Coherent and incoherent ultrafast magnetization dynamics in 3d ferromagnets driven by extreme terahertz fields (2018)
- First-principles Theory of Magnetic Multipoles in Condensed Matter Systems (2018)
- Critical behavior within 20 fs drives the out-of-equilibrium laser-induced magnetic phase transition in nickel (2018)
- Revealing the Nature of the Ultrafast Magnetic Phase Transition in Ni by Correlating Extreme Ultraviolet Magneto-Optic and Photoemission Spectroscopies (2018)
- Direct measurement of the static and transient magneto-optical permittivity of cobalt across the entire M-edge in reflection geometry by use of polarization scanning (2018)
- Evolution of multigap superconductivity in the atomically thin limit (2017)
- Free surfaces recast superconductivity in few-monolayer MgB2 (2017)
- Single-shot Monitoring of Ultrafast Processes via X-ray Streaking at a Free Electron Laser (2017)
- Distinguishing attosecond electron-electron scattering and screening in transition metals (2017)
- Long-range ferrimagnetic order in a two-dimensional supramolecular Kondo lattice (2017)
- Speed and efficiency of femtosecond spin current injection into a nonmagnetic material (2017)
- Tunability of the topological nodal-line semimetal phase in ZrSiX-type materials (X = S, Se, Te) (2017)
- Magnetisation switching of FePt nanoparticle recording medium by femtosecond laser pulses (2017)
- Theory of out-of-equilibrium ultrafast relaxation dynamics in metals (2017)
- Magneto-optical reflection spectroscopy on graphene/Co in the soft x-ray range (2017)
- Relativistic theory of magnetic inertia in ultrafast spin dynamics (2017)
- Signatures of relativistic spin-light coupling in magneto-optical pump-probe experiments (2017)
- Materials Optics (2017)
- Localization of magnetic circular dichroic spectra in transmission electron microscopy experiments with atomic plane resolution (2017)
- Magneto-Optical Detection of the Spin Hall Effect in Pt and W Thin Films (2017)
- Ab Initio Theory of Coherent Laser-Induced Magnetization in Metals (2016)
- Local Symmetry Effects in Actinide 4f X-ray Absorption in Oxides (2016)
- Possible Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Self-Assembled Ensembles of Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Molecular Semiconductors (2016)
- Generation mechanism of terahertz coherent acoustic phonons in Fe (2016)
- X-ray natural birefringence in reflection from graphene (2016)
- Crystal dynamics and thermal properties of neptunium dioxide (2016)
- Relativistic theory of spin relaxation mechanisms in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of spin dynamics (2016)
- Observation of topological nodal fermion semimetal phase in ZrSiS (2016)
- Magnetic measurements with atomic-plane resolution (2016)
- Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation (2016)
- Stoner versus Heisenberg (2016)
- Unraveling the Electronic Structure, Spin States, Optical and Vibrational Spectra of Malaria Pigment (2015)
- Ab initio theory of magnetic-field-induced odd-frequency two-band superconductivity in MgB2 (2015)
- Possible Demonstration of a Polaronic Bose-Einstein(-Mott) Condensate in UO2(+x) by Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy and Microwave Dissipation (2015)
- Bright circularly polarized soft X-ray high harmonics for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (2015)
- Disparate ultrafast dynamics of itinerant and localized magnetic moments in gadolinium metal (2015)
- Multiscale modeling of ultrafast element-specific magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic alloys (2015)
- Interference Effects in T-MOKE Spectra of Fe Thin Films at the 3p Edges - Theory and Experiment (2015)
- Magnetic Polarization of the Americium J=0 Ground State in AmFe2 (2015)
- 5 f-Shell correlation effects in dioxides of light actinides studied by O 1s x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies and first-principles calculations (2015)
- Ab initio investigation of light-induced relativistic spin-flip effects in magneto-optics (2015)
- Relativistic interaction Hamiltonian coupling the angular momentum of light and the electron spin (2015)
- Magnetic, electrical, and thermodynamic properties of NpIr (2015)
- Quantum theory of the inverse Faraday effect (2014)
- Treating the effect of interface reflections on superdiffusive spin transport in multilayer samples (invited) (2014)
- Exchange Interaction of Strongly Anisotropic Tripodal Erbium Single-Ion Magnets with Metallic Surfaces (2014)
- Electronic properties of Co2FeSi investigated by X-ray magnetic linear dichroism (2014)
- Optical excitation of thin magnetic layers in multilayer structures Reply (2014)
- Investigating magneto-chemical interactions at molecule-substrate interfaces by X-ray photo-emission electron microscopy (2014)
- Antiferromagnetic coupling of Cr-porphyrin to a bare Co substrate (2014)
- Structural investigation of Np2Co17 and analogue compounds under pressure (2014)
- Influence of the crystal structure of thin Co films on X-ray magnetic linear dichroism-Comparison of ab initio theory and reflectometry experiments (2014)
- First-principles theory of multipolar order in actinide dioxides (2014)
- Ab Initio Atomistic Thermodynamics of Water Reacting with Uranium Dioxide Surfaces (2014)
- Detection of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in X-Ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism Reflection Spectra Across the Fe 3p and 2p Edges (2014)
- On the path toward organic spintronics (2014)
- Quantitative characterization of nanoscale polycrystalline magnets with electron magnetic circular dichroism (2014)
- Hidden order behaviour in URu2Si2 (A critical review of the status of hidden order in 2014) (2014)
- Computational design of magnetic metal-organic complexes and coordination polymers with spin-switchable functionalities (2014)
- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in x-ray magnetic linear dichroism at the 3 p edges of crystalline Fe thin films (2014)
- Exceptional Ising magnetic behavior of itinerant spin-polarized carriers in URu2Si2 (2014)
- Theory of fast time evolution of nonequilibrium spin states in magnetic heterostructures (2014)
- Designing the Redox-Driven Switching of Ferro- to Antiferromagnetic Couplings in Organic Diradicals (2013)
- Emergence of On-Surface Magnetochemistry (2013)
- Ab initio theory of electron-phonon mediated ultrafast spin relaxation of laser-excited hot electrons in transition-metal ferromagnets (2013)
- Ultrafast spin transport as key to femtosecond demagnetization (2013)
- Magnetic Coupling of Porphyrin Molecules Through Graphene (2013)
- Terahertz spin current pulses controlled by magnetic heterostructures (2013)
- Ab Initio Prediction of Surface Stability of Fluorite Materials and Experimental Verification (2013)
- Two-step spin-switchable tetranuclear Fe(II) molecular solid (2013)
- Imaging the Three-Dimensional Fermi-Surface Pairing near the Hidden-Order Transition in URu2Si2 Using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (2013)
- Unified character of correlation effects in unconventional Pu-based superconductors and delta-Pu (2013)
- Microscopic theory of the insulating electronic ground states of the actinide dioxides AnO(2) (An= U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm) (2013)
- Magnetic exchange coupling of a synthetic Co(II)-complex to a ferromagnetic Ni substrate (2013)
- Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Electron Spin Arrays (2013)
- Ammonia Coordination Introducing a Magnetic Moment in an On-Surface Low-Spin Porphyrin (2013)
- Magnetic coupling of Fe-porphyrin molecules adsorbed on clean and c(2 x 2) oxygen-reconstructed Co(100) investigated by spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy (2013)
- Orbital-resolved spin model for thermal magnetization switching in rare-earth-based ferrimagnets (2013)
- X-ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments and theory of transuranium Laves phase compounds (2013)
- Electronic Structure, Spin-States, and Spin-Crossover Reaction of Heme-Related Fe-Porphyrins (2012)
- Beyond linear response theory for intensive light-matter interactions (2012)
- Theory of laser-induced ultrafast superdiffusive spin transport in layered heterostructures (2012)
- Direct observation of a ferri-to-ferromagnetic transition in a fluoride-bridged 3d-4f molecular cluster (2012)
- Electronic structure and Fermi surface of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic UPt2Si2 (2012)
- Investigation of on-site interorbital single-electron hoppings in general multiorbital systems (2012)
- An advanced multi-orbital impurity solver for dynamical mean field theory based on the equation of motion approach (2012)
- Dominance of the first excitation step for magnetic circular dichroism in near-threshold two-photon photoemission (2012)
- Metal-Organic Hybrid Interface States of A Ferromagnet/Organic Semiconductor Hybrid Junction as Basis For Engineering Spin Injection in Organic Spintronics (2012)
- Ultrafast magnetization enhancement in metallic multilayers driven by superdiffusive spin current (2012)
- Pressure and Temperature Control of Spin-Switchable Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers from Ab Initio Calculations (2012)
- On-surface coordination chemistry of planar molecular spin systems (2012)
- Phonon spectrum, thermal expansion and heat capacity of UO2 from first-principles (2012)
- Influence of Noncovalent Cation/Anion-pi Interactions on the Magnetic Exchange Phenomenon (2011)
- Small-q phonon-mediated unconventional superconductivity in the iron pnictides (2011)
- Valence-band electronic structure of iron phthalocyanine (2011)
- Ab Initio Investigation of the Elliott-Yafet Electron-Phonon Mechanism in Laser-Induced Ultrafast Demagnetization (2011)
- Is the controversy over femtosecond magneto-optics really solved? (2011)
- Indirect Magnetic Coupling of Manganese Porphyrin to a Ferromagnetic Cobalt Substrate (2011)
- Anomalous femtosecond quasiparticle dynamics of hidden order state in URu(2)Si(2) (2011)
- Fast multi-orbital equation of motion impurity solver for dynamical mean field theory (2011)
- Element-specific magnetic properties of Co(2)(Mn(1-x)Fe(x))Si films probed by x-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism (2011)
- Indication of single-crystal PuO2 oxidation from O 1s x-ray absorption spectra (2011)
- Colloquium: Hidden order, superconductivity, and magnetism (2011)
- Spin and orbital hybridization at specifically nested Fermi surfaces in URu(2)Si(2) (2011)
- Local electronic structure information contained in energy-filtered diffraction patterns (2011)
- Influence of plural scattering on the quantitative determination of spin and orbital moments in electron magnetic chiral dichroism measurements (2011)
- Spin-crossover in cyanide-based bimetallic coordination polymers (2011)
- Theoretical investigation of electronic structure, electric field gradients, and photoemission of PuCoGa5 and PuRhGa5 superconductors (2011)
- Ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of thin Fe/W(110) films (2011)
- First-principles investigation of higher oxides of uranium and neptunium (2011)
- First-principles design of next-generation nuclear fuels (2011)
- Superdiffusive Spin Transport as a Mechanism of Ultrafast Demagnetization (2010)
- Quest for Band Renormalization and Self-Energy in Correlated f-Electron Systems (2010)
- Ab initio computational and experimental investigation of the electronic structure of actinide 218 materials (2010)
- Experimental and ab initio volume compressibility curves of NpCoGa5 (2010)
- Energy- and angle-dependent threshold photoemission magnetic circular dichroism from an ultrathin Co/Pt(111) film (2010)
- Reciprocal and real space maps for EMCD experiments (2010)
- Anisotropy of the L-2,L-3 x-ray magnetic linear dichroism of Fe films on GaAs (2010)
- Electronic structure theory of the hidden-order material URu2Si2 (2010)
- Halide Ligated Iron Porphines (2010)
- Quantitative magnetic measurements with transmission electron microscope (2010)
- Asymmetry of the two-beam geometry in EMCD experiments (2010)
- The electronic structure of UCoGe by ab initio calculations and XPS experiment (2010)
- First-principles theory of multipolar order in neptunium dioxide (2010)
- Computational modeling of actinide materials and complexes (2010)
- Charge-induced spin polarization in nonmagnetic organic molecule Alq(3) (2010)
- Quadratic X-Ray Magneto-Optical Effect upon Reflection in a Near-Normal-Incidence Configuration at the M Edges of 3d-Transition Metals (2010)
- The Role of the Actinides in a Performance Assessment of a Nuclear Waste Repository. SKB's Supporting Actinide Research (2010)
- Influence of Solute-Solvent Hydrogen Bonding on Intramolecular Magnetic Exchange Interaction in Aminoxyl Diradicals (2009)
- Tuning the Magnetic Interaction between Manganese Porphyrins and Ferromagnetic Co Substrate through Dedicated Control of the Adsorption (2009)
- First-principles calculations of optical and magneto-optical properties of Ga1-xMnxAs and MnAs (2009)
- Tailoring the Nature of Magnetic Coupling of Fe-Porphyrin Molecules to Ferromagnetic Substrates (2009)
- Influence of laser-excited electron distributions on the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra (2009)
- A Closer Look Into Magnetism (2009)
- Hidden order in URu2Si2 originates from Fermi surface gapping induced by dynamic symmetry breaking (2009)
- Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Two-Photon Photoemission (2009)
- Quantitative magnetic information from reciprocal space maps in transmission electron microscopy (2009)
- Nature of the magnetic interaction between Fe-porphyrin molecules and ferromagnetic surfaces (2009)
- Dynamical mean-field theory of a correlated gap formation in plutonium monochalcogenides (2009)
- Unusual quasiparticle renormalizations from angle resolved photoemission on USb2 (2009)
- First-principles modeling of He-clusters in UO2 (2009)
- Theory of He trapping, diffusion, and clustering in UO2 (2009)
- First-principles theory for helium and xenon diffusion in uranium dioxide (2009)
- Defect energetics and Xe diffusion in UO2 and ThO2 (2009)
- Observation of a kink in the dispersion of f-electrons (2008)
- Electronic structure and Fermi surface of PrMIn5 (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) compounds (2008)
- High-kinetic-energy photoemission spectroscopy of Ni at 1s: 6-eV satellite at 4 eV (2008)
- GGA+U modeling of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of iron porphyrin-type molecules (2008)
- Spin and orbital moment sum-rules for the electron energy loss chiral magnetic dichroism (2008)
- Probing the electronic structure of pure and doped CeMIn5 (M=Co,Rh,Ir) crystals with nuclear quadrupolar resonance (2008)
- Calculated magneto-optical Kerr spectra of the half-Heusler compounds AuMnX (X = In, Sn, Sb) (2007)
- Fermi surface changes due to localized-delocalized f-state transitions in Ce-115 and Pu-115 compounds (2007)
- Fermiology of PuCoGa5 and of related Pu-115 compounds (2007)
- Sum rules for electron energy loss near edge spectra (2007)
- Substrate-induced magnetic ordering and switching of iron porphyrin molecules (2007)
- Electronic structure of the americium monopnictides: Ab initio calculations and photoemission experiments (2006)
- Angle-resolved photoemission study of dispersive and narrow-band 5f states in UAsSe (2006)
- Ab initio study of the electronic properties and Fermi surface of the uranium dipnictides (2006)
- Structural relaxation and magnetic anisotropy: Co wire at the Pt(111) step edge (2006)
- Calculated de Haas-van Alphen frequencies of NpCoGa5 (2006)
- Ab initio electronic structure calculations of Pu-115 compounds (2006)
- Electronic structure and nonmagnetic character of delta-Pu-Am alloys (2006)
- Faraday rotation spectra at shallow core levels (2006)
- Electronic structure and de Haas-van Alphen quantities of CeMIn5 (M=Co, Rh, and Ir) (2005)
- Electronic structure and optical properties of americium monopnictides (2005)
- Soft X-ray magnetic reflection spectroscopy at the 3p absorption edges of thin Fe films (2005)
- Polarized soft-X-ray reflection spectroscopy of giant-magnetoresistive Co/Cu multilayers (2005)
- Thickness dependent and anisotropic transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in the vincinity of the 2p edges of ultrathin Co films on W(110) (2005)
- Magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy with soft-X-rays (2005)
- Photoemission study of the electronic structure of Am, AmN, AmSb, and Am2O3 (2005)
- Monatomic Fe and Co wires at the Pt surface step edge: Theory of the unconventional magnetic anisotropy (2005)
- Calculated de Haas-van Alphen quantities of CeMIn5 (M=Co, Rh, and Ir) compounds (2004)
- Layer-selective magnetization reversal in GMR layer systems (2004)
- Understanding the XMLD and its magnetocrystalline anisotropy at the L23-edges of 3d transition metals (2004)
- X-ray natural birefringence in reflection of graphite (2004)
- Longitudinal X-ray Kerr rotation and ellipticity spectra at the 2p edges of Fe, Co, and Ni (2004)
- Direct observation of local ferromagnetism on carbon (2004)
- Electronic structure of the Pu-based superconductor PuCoGa5 and of related actinide 115 compounds (2004)
- Ultrafast demagnetization in Ni: Theory of magneto-optics for non-equilibrium electron distributions (2004)
- Anomalous ferromagnetism of monatomic Co wire at the Pt(111) surface step edge (2004)
- Interference effects in the X-ray Kerr rotation spectrum at the Fe 2p edge (2004)
- Anisotropic X-ray magnetic linear dichroism at the L2,3 edges of cubic Fe, Co, and Ni (2003)
- Observation of minority spin character of the new electron-doped manganite La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 from tunneling magnetoresistance (2003)
- Superconductivity caused by the pairing of Plutonium 5f electrons in PuCoGa5 (2003)
- The new Pu-based superconductor PuCoGa5 (2003)
- Buried antiferromagnetic films investigated by X-ray magneto-optical reflection spectroscopy (2003)
- Alternative geometries for the determination of X-ray magneto-optical coefficients (2003)
- Efficient selfconsistent calculations of multiband superconductivity in UPd2Al3 (2003)
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of optical properties of dysprosium monopnictides (2003)
- Unusual manetism and MAE in CrPt$_3$ (2002)
- A novel spectroscopy (2002)
- Tuning the orbital moment in transition metal compounds using ligand states (2001)
- Sign reversal of the orbital moment via ligand states - art. no. 172405 (2001)
- Indication of single-crystal PuO2 oxidation from O 1s X-ray absorption spectra
- Self-consistent calculation of current-induced spin and orbital magnetization in metallic nanodevices
- The nature of non-equilibrium ultrafast demagnetization in ferromagnetic nickel (2019)
- The nature of the ultrafast magnetic phase transition in nickel revealed by correlating EUV-MOKE and ARPES spectroscopies (2019)
- Study of Ultrafast Magnetism by THz Emission Spectroscopy (2019)
- On the origin of magnetic inertia (2018)
- Off-resonant magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films initiated by ultrastrong THz field (2017)
- Off-resonant magnetization dynamics in Co, Fe and Ni thin films driven by an intense single-cycle THz field (2017)
- Heisenberg vs. Stoner (2017)
- Generation of Bright Soft X-ray Harmonics with Circular Polarization for X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (2016)
- New relativistic Hamiltonian (2016)
- Theory of femtosecond laser-induced demagnetization (2015)
- Multiscale modeling of ultrafast element- specific magnetization dynamics in FeNi ferromagnetic alloys (2015)
- Inverse Faraday effect as mechanism for ultrafast all-optical magnetic switching (2015)
- Ultrafast spin precession and transport controlled and probed with terahertz radiation (2015)
- Element Selective Investigation of Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Multilayers (2015)
- Quantitative assessment of EMCD signals in real and reciprocal space in single and multilayer samples (2012)
- Influence of plural scattering on quantitative magnetic information measured by EMCD (2011)
- Mapping of the EMCD signal in real and reciprocal space forquantitative analysis of magnetic samples (2010)
- Calculations of orientation-sensitive ELNES on crystalline materials (2010)
- Theory of the insulator ground state of the plutonium monochalcogenides (2010)
- Quantitative EMCD yields nano-information on magnetic moments (2009)
- In-situ contacting of nanosheets and remote EMCD (2009)
- On precision of ELNES calculations for EMCD applications (2009)
- EMCD in the TEM - Optimization of signal acquisition and data evaluation (2008)
- Experimental conditions and data evaluation forquantitative EMCD measurements in the TEM (2008)
- Electron magnetic circular dichroism -Optimization of signal acquisition and data evaluation (2008)
- Conductivity engineering of graphene and carbon nanosheets by defect formation (2008)
- The electronic structure of the Pu-based superconductor PuCoGa5: LSDA and LSDA+U investigations (2006)