Erika Comasco
Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Neuropsykofarmakologi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 50 20
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- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala
Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Neuropsykofarmakologi
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, Docent
- 0000-0002-2174-2068
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Kort presentation
Forskningen är inriktad på att undersöka vilken roll miljö och gener spelar för psykisk ohälsa på individnivå (främst missbruk, depression) med användande av ett tvärvetenskapligt synsätt. Tyngdpunkten ligger på individer i specifika faser i livet (t.ex. tonårstid, graviditet), i bräckliga förhållanden (t.ex. polyviktimisering), och på betydelsen av könsskillnader för sannolikheten att utveckla sjukdomar (t.ex. depression).
- addiction
- adolescent mental health
- brain
- depression
- epigenetics
- genetics
- hormones
- mood
- treatment
- women
- womher
Med fokus på psykoneurobiologi ägnar sig forskargruppen i huvudsak med forskning kring:
- Hur könshormoners molekylära mekanismer påverkar kvinnors beteende och psykiska hälsa. Genom tillämpning av genetiska, endokrina, farmakologiska, neurofysiologiska samt hjärnavbildande metoder och analyser ämnar vi att karaktärisera biomarkörer relaterade till könsspecifika sjukdomstillstånd och därigenom skapa förutsättningar som underlättar diagnos och behandling.
- Hur tidig exposition för stress och alkohol har effekter på hjärna och beteende undertonåren. Interaktioner mellan gener och miljö har studerats hos gnagare liksom i populationsbaserade mänskliga urval för att identifiera biomarkörer som påvisar ökad känslighet för alkoholanvändning och alkoholmissbruk.
Senaste publikationer
- Progestagens and progesterone receptor modulation (2025)
- White matter integrity upon progesterone antagonism in individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2025)
- Emotion regulation-based internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2025)
- Mid-pregnancy allopregnanolone levels and trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms (2024)
- Cortical morphology variations during the menstrual cycle in individuals with and without premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Progestagens and progesterone receptor modulation (2025)
- White matter integrity upon progesterone antagonism in individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2025)
- Emotion regulation-based internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2025)
- Mid-pregnancy allopregnanolone levels and trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms (2024)
- Cortical morphology variations during the menstrual cycle in individuals with and without premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
- Electroencephalography findings in menstrually-related mood disorders (2024)
- White matter volume and treatment with selective progesterone receptor modulator in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
- Modeling brain sex in the limbic system as phenotype for female-prevalent mental disorders (2024)
- Peripartum depression symptom trajectories, telomere length and genotype, and adverse childhood experiences (2024)
- Acute nicotine exposure blocks aromatase in the limbic brain of healthy women (2023)
- Sex differences in distribution and identity of aromatase gene expressing cells in the young adult rat brain (2023)
- Editorial (2023)
- Emotion-induced brain activation across the menstrual cycle in individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and associations to serum levels of progesterone-derived neurosteroids (2023)
- New Pharmacological Approaches to the Management of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2023)
- Vesicular glutamate transporter 2 expression in the ventral tegmental area of outbred male rats following exposure to nicotine and alcohol (2023)
- Differential grey matter structure in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Grey matter correlates of affective and somatic symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- White matter microstructure and volume correlates of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Grey matter morphology in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder treated with a selective progesterone receptor modulator. (2022)
- Maternal prenatal depressive symptoms and toddler behavior (2022)
- Prevalence and correlates of current suicidal ideation in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Association of levonorgestrel intrauterine devices with stress reactivity, mental health, quality of life and sexual functioning (2021)
- Ulipristal Acetate for Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2021)
- Neuroimaging the menstrual cycle (2021)
- Brain reactivity during aggressive response in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder treated with a selective progesterone receptor modulator (2021)
- DNA methylation in cord blood in association with prenatal depressive symptoms (2021)
- DNA methylation of Vesicular Glutamate Transporters in the mesocorticolimbic brain following early-life stress and adult ethanol exposure-an explorative study (2021)
- Monoamine oxidase A genotype and methylation moderate the association of maltreatment and aggressive behaviour (2020)
- Neuroimaging premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2020)
- Quantification of aromatase binding in the female human brain using [11 C]cetrozole positron emission tomography. (2020)
- Handling ties in continuous outcomes for confounder adjustment with rank-ordered logit and its application to ordinal outcomes. (2020)
- Progesterone - Friend or foe? (2020)
- Early life stress and voluntary alcohol consumption in relation to Maoa methylation in male rats. (2019)
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness, startle response, and sensorimotor gating in late pregnancy (2019)
- Constitutive serotonin transporter reduction resembles maternal separation with regard to stress-related gene expression (2019)
- Association between Transcription Factor AP-2B genotype, obesity, insulin resistance and dietary intake in a longitudinal birth cohort study (2019)
- Stress-related genetic polymorphisms in association with peripartum depression symptoms and stress hormones (2019)
- Negative Association Between Allopregnanolone and Cerebral Serotonin Transporter Binding in Healthy Women of Fertile Age (2019)
- VGLUT2 rs2290045 genotype moderates environmental sensitivity to alcohol-related problems in three samples of youths (2019)
- Maltreatment, the Oxytocin Receptor Gene, and Conduct Problems Among Male and Female Teenagers (2018)
- Associations Between MAOA-uVNTR Genotype, Maltreatment, MAOA Methylation, and Alcohol Consumption in Young Adult Males (2018)
- Associations of monoamine oxidase A gene first exon methylation with sexual abuse and current depression in women (2018)
- Neurological and neuropsychological effects of low and moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (2018)
- Gene-environment interaction of monoamine oxidase A in relation to antisocial behaviour (2018)
- Differential susceptibility effects of oxytocin gene (OXT) polymorphisms and perceived parenting on social anxiety among adolescents (2018)
- Personality as an intermediate phenotype for genetic dissection of alcohol use disorder. (2018)
- A Biopsychosocial Approach to Risk and Resilience on Behavior in Children Followed from Birth to Age 12 (2017)
- Maoa Methylation (2017)
- Emotional anticipation after delivery - a longitudinal neuroimaging study of the postpartum period (2017)
- The expression of opioid genes in non-classical reward areas depends on early life conditions and ethanol intake (2017)
- Allopregnanolone levels and depressive symptoms during pregnancy in relation to single nucleotide polymorphisms in the allopregnanolone synthesis pathway (2017)
- Associations between a polymorphism in the hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 gene, neuroticism and postpartum depression (2017)
- Tracer kinetic analysis of [C-11] Cetrozole as a PET tracer for aromatase in the human brain (2017)
- Maternal and female fetal testosterone levels are associated with maternal age and gestational weight gain (2017)
- Evidence for a Link Between Fkbp5/FKBP5, Early Life Social Relations and Alcohol Drinking in Young Adult Rats and Humans (2017)
- Interaction between oxytocin gene variants and perceived parenting in relation to social anxiety in adolescents (2017)
- COMT genotype and non-recovery after a whiplash injury in a Northern European population (2017)
- Sex differences in depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period (2017)
- Ethanol affects limbic and striatal presynaptic glutamatergic and DNA methylation gene expression in outbred rats exposed to early-life stress (2017)
- Vgluts In The Mesocorticolimbic Brain Of Adolescent Outbred Rats Exposed To Alcohol And Nicotine (2017)
- Early predictors of behavioural problems in pre-schoolers (2016)
- Sleep duration, depression, and oxytocinergic genotype influence prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in postpartum women (2016)
- Genetic and Functional Study of L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1 in Schizophrenia (2016)
- Mid-pregnancy corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in association with postpartum depressive symptoms (2016)
- Associations between the FKBP5 haplotype, exposure to violence and anxiety in females (2016)
- Gender transition affects neural correlates of empathy (2016)
- HPA Axis Gene Expression and DNA Methylation Profiles in Rats Exposed to Early Life Stress, Adult Voluntary Ethanol Drinking and Single Housing (2016)
- Physical and verbal aggressive behavior and COMT genotype (2016)
- Corticolimbic anatomical characteristics predetermine risk for chronic pain (2016)
- Behaviour problems in children-a longitudinal study of genetic and environmental factors (2015)
- Early Life Stress and Voluntary Alcohol Consumption in Adulthood Affect Maoa Expression in the Nucleus Accumbens of Outbred Rats (2015)
- Effect of voluntary alcohol consumption on Maoa expression in the mesocorticolimbic brain of adult male rats previously exposed to prolonged maternal separation. (2015)
- Psychiatric Symptoms in Adolescents (2015)
- Supraphysiological hormonal status, anxiety disorders, and COMT Val/Val genotype are associated with reduced sensorimotor gating in women (2015)
- Pregnancy, anxiety symptoms and catecholaminergic genotype are associated with prepulse inhibition of the startle response in women (2015)
- Neuroimaging the Menstrual Cycle and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2015)
- Alpha 2a-Adrenoceptor Gene Expression and Early Life Stress-Mediated Propensity to Alcohol Drinking in Outbred Rats (2015)
- Treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors during pregnancy is associated with elevated corticotropin-releasing hormone levels (2015)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Evening Salivary Cortisol Levels in Association with Peripartum Depressive Symptoms (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Genotypes do not confer risk for delinquency but rather alter susceptibility to positive and negative environmental factors (2015)
- Expression of Stress and DNA Methylation Regulatory Genes in the Hypothalamus and Pituitary of Rats Exposed to Early Life Stress and Adult Voluntary Ethanol Drinking (2015)
- Personality as an Intermediate Phenotype for Genetic Dissection of Alcohol Use Disorder (2015)
- Ethanol Affects Limbic and Striatal Expression of Vesicular Glutamate Transporters in Outbred Rats Exposed to Early Life Stress (2015)
- Effect of early life stress and ethanol consumption on Pomc and Avp expression in rat hypothalamus (2014)
- Functional and molecular neuroimaging of menopause and hormone replacement therapy (2014)
- Emotional fronto-cingulate cortex activation and brain derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2014)
- Haplotype-tag single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporter (VGLUT) genes in severely alcoholic women (2014)
- Clinical and experimental evidence of a link between adrenergic genes, early life stress and alcohol-related phenotypes (2014)
- Gene-set-based expression and DNA methylation in hypothalamus and pituitary of rats exposed to early life stress and ethanol drinking (2014)
- The Effects Of Early Environment And Adult Voluntary Drinking On Pomc Gene Expression In Rats (2014)
- Mitigating aggressiveness through education? (2014)
- Transcription Factor Activating Protein-2β (TFAP-2β) genotype and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in relation to symptoms of depression in two independent samples (2014)
- Neurobiological and behavioural studies on early life stress and adolescent alcohol drinking in a translational initiative (2014)
- Early Life Stress Causes Long Term Effects On Neuropeptides, Alcohol Consumption And Behaviour (2014)
- Emotional and cognitive functional imaging of estrogen and progesterone effects in the female human brain (2014)
- Effect of gene, environment and maternal depressive symptoms on pre-adolescence behavior problems (2013)
- Influence of catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism on startle response in the presence of high estradiol levels (2013)
- Adipocytokines levels at delivery, functional variation of TFAP2 beta, and maternal and neonatal anthropometric parameters (2013)
- Three-way interaction effect of 5-HTTLPR, BDNF Val66Met, and childhood adversity on depression (2013)
- Neuropsychiatric deep brain stimulation for translational neuroimaging (2013)
- Epistatic Effects of Bdnf, 5Httlpr and Maoa in Interaction with Environmental Adversity on Adolescent Criminality (2013)
- Effect Of Early Life Stress And Ethanol Consumption On Pomc In Rat Hypothalamus (2013)
- Serotonin transporter genotype by environment (2013)
- Self-Reported Family Socioeconomic Status, the 5-HTTLPR Genotype, and Delinquent Behavior in a Community-Based Adolescent Population (2013)
- The effect of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and menstrual cycle phase on brain activity during response inhibition (2012)
- Alcohol Consumption Among Pregnant Women in a Swedish Sample and Its Effects on the Newborn Outcomes (2012)
- Influence of COMT val158met polymorphism on startle response during pregnancy (2012)
- Haplotype tag single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis of the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 gene in severe alcoholism among women (2012)
- MAOA VNTR genotype, psychiatric vulnerability and life course in a population-representative longitudinal study (2012)
- Biological aspects of postpartum depression (2012)
- Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of delivery (2011)
- Postpartum depression symptoms (2011)
- MAOA genotype, family relations and sexual abuse in relation to adolescent alcohol consumption (2011)
- Maltreatment, MAOA, and delinquency (2011)
- Why Do Adolescents Drink? (2010)
- The clock gene PER2 and sleep problems (2010)
- Neuroticism-related personality traits are related to symptom severity in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and to the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphism 5-HTTPLPR (2010)
- Adolescent alcohol consumption (2009)
- Personality and the serotonin transporter gene (2009)
- The Transcription Factor TFAP2B Is Associated With Insulin Resistance and Adiposity in Healthy Adolescents (2009)
- Transcription factor AP2 beta involved in severe female alcoholism (2009)
- Impact of the interaction between the 5HTTLPR polymorphism and maltreatment on adolescent depression. (2009)
- Selective progesterone receptor modulation and brain activity at rest in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Vglut2 gene expression in limbic brain areas of outbred rats following exposure to nicotine and ethanol
- DNA methylation of Vesicular Glutamate Transporters in the mesocorticolimbic brain following early life stress and ethanol exposure in adulthood
- Mental health trajectories and dimensional phenotypes throughout pregnancy and postpartum in relation to pre-pregnancy premenstrual symptoms (2024)
- Premenstrual symptoms and depression during pregnancy and postpartum in two large cohorts of pregnant women (2023)
- Exploring the relationship between early life adversity, telomere length and peripartum depression (2022)
- VGLUT2 genotype interacts with environmental experiences to predict alcohol misuse in young adults (2016)