Ken Mattsson
Professor vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi; Beräkningsvetenskap
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751 05 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FM, Docent, excellent lärare
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Kort presentation
Jag är professor i beräkningsvetenskap (numerisk analys) med fokus på effektiva och tillförlitliga numeriska metoder för tidsberoende partiella differential ekvationer. Tillämpningar där detta är av betydelse hittas tex inom kvantmekanik, geofysik och strömningsmekanik.
- högre ordningens finita differens metoder
- numerisk kvantmekanik
- numerisk optimering
- numerisk vågutbredning
- randvillkor för pde
Uppvuxen i norra Stockholm och flyttade till Uppsala 1992 för att börja studera kemi på Uppsala Universitet. Har en magisterexamen i astronomi (1996) och avslutade min doktorandutbildning i beräkningsvetenskap (numerisk analys) 2003. Mitt vetenskapliga intresse har sedan 1997 mestadels berört effektiva finita differens metoder för tidsberoende partiella differential ekvationer (PDE). Har tidigare arbetat på Stanford Universitet, Vattenfall och FOI.
På fritiden åker jag gärna slalom (på vintern) eller rör mig i naturen. Har ett stort intresse för mat och tittar gärna på science fiction eller vetenskapsprogram.
Min forskning har fokuserat på högre ordningens finita differens metoder, för beräkningsproblem med inslag av vågutbredning. De senaste åren har jag speciellt tillämpat dessa numeriska metoder, i samarbete med andra forskare, inom främst CFD, geofysik och kvantmekanik. Ett aktivt projekt som jag just nu arbetar på är beräkningsmetoder för lågfrekvent bullerspridning både utomhus och inomhus. Jag har nyligen börjat intressera mig för numerisk optimering, där man löser en PDE som bivillkor.
Senaste publikationer
- Boundary and interface methods for energy stable finite difference discretizations of the dynamic beam equation (2023)
- Implicit summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of first and second derivatives (2023)
- Boundary-optimized summation-by-parts operators for finite difference approximations of second derivatives with variable coefficients (2023)
- Energy stable and accurate coupling of finite element methods and finite difference methods (2022)
- Weak Versus Strong Wall Boundary Conditions for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Boundary and interface methods for energy stable finite difference discretizations of the dynamic beam equation (2023)
- Implicit summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of first and second derivatives (2023)
- Boundary-optimized summation-by-parts operators for finite difference approximations of second derivatives with variable coefficients (2023)
- Energy stable and accurate coupling of finite element methods and finite difference methods (2022)
- Weak Versus Strong Wall Boundary Conditions for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (2022)
- A high order accurate finite difference method for the Drinfel’d-Sokolov-Wilson equation (2021)
- High-order finite difference method for the Schrödinger equation on deforming domains (2021)
- A residual-based artificial viscosity finite difference method for scalar conservation laws (2021)
- An efficient finite difference method for the shallow water equations (2020)
- Boundary optimized diagonal-norm SBP operators (2018)
- Simulation of acoustic and flexural-gravity waves in ice-covered oceans (2018)
- An improved projection method (2018)
- Compatible diagonal-norm staggered and upwind SBP operators (2018)
- High-fidelity sound propagation in a varying 3D atmosphere (2018)
- A finite difference method for earthquake sequences in poroelastic solids (2018)
- Diagonal-norm upwind SBP operators (2017)
- A high-order accurate embedded boundary method for first order hyperbolic equations (2017)
- High-fidelity numerical simulation of solitons in the nerve axon (2016)
- High-fidelity numerical simulation of the dynamic beam equation (2015)
- Realization of adiabatic Aharonov–Bohm scattering with neutrons (2015)
- Atmospheric sound propagation over large-scale irregular terrain (2014)
- High-fidelity numerical solution of the time-dependent Dirac equation (2014)
- Stable and high-order accurate boundary treatments for the elastic wave equation on second-order form (2014)
- Diagonal-norm summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of third and fourth derivatives (2014)
- Optimal diagonal-norm SBP operators (2014)
- Acoustic wave propagation in complicated geometries and heterogeneous media (2014)
- A solution to the stability issues with block norm summation by parts operators (2013)
- Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second-derivatives with variable coefficients (2012)
- Stable and accurate interpolation operators for high-order multiblock finite difference methods (2010)
- Stable and accurate second-order formulation of the shifted wave equation (2010)
- Stable Boundary Treatment for the Wave Equation on Second-Order Form (2009)
- A hybrid method for unsteady inviscid fluid flow (2009)
- Stable and accurate wave-propagation in discontinuous media (2008)
- Stable and accurate schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations (2008)
- High-order accurate computations for unsteady aerodynamics (2007)
- Boundary conditions for a divergence free velocity-pressure formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations (2007)
- High order finite difference methods for wave propagation in discontinuous media (2006)
- Steady-State Computations Using Summation-by-Parts Operators (2005)
- Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second derivatives (2004)
- Stable and Accurate Artificial Dissipation (2004)
- Boundary Procedures for Summation-by-Parts Operators (2003)
- Implicit summation by parts operators for initial boundary value problems
- Unsteady simulations of rotor stator interactions using SBP-SAT schemes (2015)
- Stable and accurate simulation of phenomena in relativistic quantum mechanics (2013)
- Stable and accurate wave simulations in complex geometries and discontinuous media (2013)
- Accuracy requirements for transient aerodynamics (2003)
- Diagonal-norm upwind SBP operators (2016)
- Atmospheric sound propagation over large-scale irregular terrain (2013)
- Optimal diagonal-norm SBP operators (2013)
- Stable and conservative time propagators for second order hyperbolic systems (2011)
- Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second-derivatives with variable coefficients (2010)
- Stable boundary treatment for the wave equation on second-order form (2008)
- A Hybrid Method for Unsteady Fluid Flow (2007)
- Boundary Conditions for a Divergence Free Velocity-Pressure Formulation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (2006)
- Boundary Conditions for a Divergence Free Velocity-Pressure Formulation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (2005)
- Finite Difference Approximations of Second Derivatives on Summation by Parts Form (2003)
- Stable Artificial Dissipation Operators for High Order Finite Difference Schemes (2003)
- Steady State Computations Using Summation-by-Parts Operators (2003)
- Accuracy Requirements for Steady and Transient Aerodynamics (2002)
- Stable and accurate artificial dissipation (2002)