Anna Lindström
Professor i språk och social interaktion vid Institutionen för nordiska språk
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- 018-471 12 86
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- Thunbergsvägen 3L, hus 16, plan 2
Institutionen för nordiska språk - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet
Institutionen för nordiska språk, Box 527
751 20 UPPSALA
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- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, FD, docent i nordiska språk
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Senaste publikationer
- Introducing the C-reactive protein point-of-care test (2022)
- Behandlingsordinationer vid halsont: Ett språkvetenskapligt bidrag till forskning om ansvarsfull användning av antibiotika. (2018)
- Calibrating an agnostic epistemic stance in Swedish conversation: The case of okej-prefacing in calls to the Swedish Board for Study Support (2017)
- Accepting remote proposals (2017)
- From the cradle to the grave: Results and insights from my experience of conducting CA research in clinical and care settings (2016)
Alla publikationer
- Introducing the C-reactive protein point-of-care test (2022)
- The interactional organization of sex assignment after childbirth (2015)
- Orientations to Epistemics and Deontics in Treatment Discussions (2015)
- Managing troubles-talk in the renegotiation of a loan contract (2013)
- Good enough. Low-grade assessments in care giving situations. (2009)
- Assessments in social interaction. Introduction to special issue. (2009)
- Book review of Kang Kwong Luke & Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou (Eds.) Telephone calls. Unity and diversity in conversational structure across languages and cultures. (2005)
- Skärningspunkter mellan sociala och språkliga strukturer i studier av tal-i-interaktion. (2003)
- Motherhood, medicine and morality: Scenes from a medical encounter (1998)
- Identification and Recognition in Swedish Telephone Conversation Openings. (1994)
- Conversational universals and comparative theory: Turning to Swedish and American acknowledgment tokens in interaction. (1992)
- Calibrating an agnostic epistemic stance in Swedish conversation: The case of okej-prefacing in calls to the Swedish Board for Study Support (2017)
- Accepting remote proposals (2017)
- Nå in Swedish conversation. (2016)
- Affiliation in conversation. (2013)
- Advice giving - terminable and interminable: The case of British health visitors. (2012)
- Knowledge, empathy, and emotion in a medical encounter (2012)
- Addressing epistemic incongruency in question-answer sequences through the use of epistemic adverbs. (2011)
- Projecting non-alignment in conversation: A study of the Swedish curled ja. (2009)
- Klander, identitet och professionell solidaritet: Analyser av klagomål i möten mellan lantbrukare och naturvårdsrådgivare (2007)
- Language as social action: A study of how senior citizens request assistance with practical tasks in the Swedish home help service (2005)
- Att inte vara till besvär (2005)
- Språklig variation och social praktik. Om en stiliserad dialektimitation i ett svenskt vardagssamtal. (2003)
- Kammarjungfrun och vårdbiträdet. (2003)
- Samtalsanalys (1999)
- Den sociala konstruktionen av solidaritet runt middagsbordet (1996)
- From the cradle to the grave: Results and insights from my experience of conducting CA research in clinical and care settings (2016)
- Lending a helping hand: Analysis of transactions at the farmer's market (2015)
- Lifestyle discussions in the emergency room: Analysis of interactions between care providers and older patients in Swedish television documentaries (2014)
- No time like the present?: Talking smoke cessation with older patients (2014)
- No time like the present? (2014)
- Concessive markers in Swedish conversation: A contrastive analysis of the turn-inital particles nåja and okej. (2014)
- The flight from conversation: Analysis of efforts to encourage clients to move from talk to text in calls to a Swedish public service agency (2014)
- "Same procedure as every year”: Appeals to routines in Scandinavian home help visits (2013)
- Om bemötande i hemtjänsten (2013)
- Nå in Swedish conversation (2012)
- Money, money, money: Preliminära iakttagelser av samtal och myndighetsutövning på Centrala Studiestödsnämnden (2011)
- Samtalspraktiker i myndighetsutövning: en studie av CSN (2011)
- "I am not interested in getting as little as possible per month": Negative descriptions in interactions between professionals and clients at the Swedish Board for Study Support (2011)
- Uppmanande aktiviteter i hemtjänsten (2002)
- Uppmanande aktiviteter i hemtjänsten (2002)
- Om konsten att spela in naturligt förekommande social interaktion (2000)
- Om deltagarperspektiv i samtalsanalys (1999)
- Directives and the negotiation of work tasks in the Swedish home help service (1999)