Jan Sundberg
Professor i elektricitetslära, ssk ekologiska aspekter vid Institutionen för elektroteknik; Elektricitetslära
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 09 88
- E-post:
- jan.sundberg@angstrom.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 65
751 03 UPPSALA
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- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, Docent
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Urval av publikationer
- Wave Energy Research at Uppsala University and The Lysekil Research Site, Sweden (2015)
- Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States (2015)
- Hydroacoustic measurements of the radiated noise from Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil project and project WESA (2013)
- Characteristics of the Operational Noise from Full Scale Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil Project (2013)
- Development of a Data Management Platform for the integration of European Wave Energy Impact Assessment datasets (2012)
- How experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry can aid development of the Wave Energy sector: lessons learnt from EIA studies (2012)
- Understanding the role of stakeholders in the wave energy consenting process: engagement and sensitivities (2012)
- Lysekil Research Site, Sweden (2011)
- Ocean wave energy absorption in response to wave period and amplitude (2011)
- Catch the wave to electricity (2009)
- Wave Energy from the North Sea (2008)
- The Lysekil Wave Power Project: Status Update (2008)
- Wave energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea, with reflections on the Skagerrak (2007)
- Experimental results from sea trials of an offshore wave energy system (2007)
- An electrical approach to wave energy conversion (2006)
- Experiments at Islandsberg on the west coast of Sweden in preparation of the construction of a pilot wave power plant (2005)
- Multiphysics Simulation of Wave Energy to Electric Energy Conversion by Permanent Magnet Linear Generator (2005)
- The Marine Current Power Project at the Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2005)
- Environmental questions related to point-absorbing linear wave-generators: Impact, effects and fouling (2005)
- Rotating and Linear Syncronous Generators for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2004)
- Converting kinetic energy in small watercourses using direct drive generators (2004)
- Old, colourful male yellowhammers, Emberiza citrinella, benefit from extra-pair copulations (1996)
- Parasites, plumage coloration and reproductive success in the yellowhammer, Emberiza citrinella (1995)
- Female Yellowhammers (Emberiza-Citrinella) Prefer Yellower Males - A Laboratory Experiment (1995)
- Mate Guarding In The Great Tit - A Reply (1994)
- Paternity Guarding In The Yellowhammer Emberiza-Citrinella - A Detention Experiment (1994)
- Male Coloration As An Indicator Of Parental Quality In The Yellowhammer, Emberiza-Citrinella (1994)
- Female Great Tits, Parus-Major, Avoid Extra-Pair Copulation Attempts (1992)
- Absence Of Mate Guarding In The Yellowhammer (Emberiza-Citrinella) (1992)
- Can Female Preference Explain Sexual Dichromatism In The Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula-Hypoleuca (1990)
Senaste publikationer
- Imaging-sonar observations of salmonid interactions with a vertical axis instream turbine (2023)
- Use of Multibeam Imaging Sonar for Observation Of Marine Mammals and Fish on a Marine Renewable Energy Site (2022)
- Effects of a Wave Power Park with No-Take Zone on Decapod Abundance and Size (2021)
- Colonisation of wave power foundations by mobile mega- and macrofauna - a 12 year study (2020)
- Effects from wave power generators on the distribution of two sea pen species on the Swedish west coast (2019)
Alla publikationer
- Imaging-sonar observations of salmonid interactions with a vertical axis instream turbine (2023)
- Use of Multibeam Imaging Sonar for Observation Of Marine Mammals and Fish on a Marine Renewable Energy Site (2022)
- Effects of a Wave Power Park with No-Take Zone on Decapod Abundance and Size (2021)
- Colonisation of wave power foundations by mobile mega- and macrofauna - a 12 year study (2020)
- Detection of Visual Signatures of Marine Mammals and Fish within Marine Renewable Energy Farms Using Multibeam Imaging Sonar (2019)
- Wave Power as Solution for Off-Grid Water Desalination Systems (2018)
- Deployment and Maintenance of Wave Energy Converters at the Lysekil Research Site (2018)
- Use of Multibeam and Dual-Beam Sonar Systems to Observe Cavitating Flow Produced by Ferryboats (2017)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (2016)
- Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States (2015)
- Characteristics of the Operational Noise from Full Scale Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil Project (2013)
- Ocean wave energy absorption in response to wave period and amplitude (2011)
- Wave power - sustainable energy or environmentally costly? (2010)
- Catch the wave to electricity (2009)
- Wave Energy from the North Sea (2008)
- Wave energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea, with reflections on the Skagerrak (2007)
- Experimental results from sea trials of an offshore wave energy system (2007)
- An electrical approach to wave energy conversion (2006)
- Multiphysics Simulation of Wave Energy to Electric Energy Conversion by Permanent Magnet Linear Generator (2005)
- Temporal variation and reliability of blood parasite levels in captive Yellowhammer males Emberiza citrinella (1997)
- Old, colourful male yellowhammers, Emberiza citrinella, benefit from extra-pair copulations (1996)
- Parasites, plumage coloration and reproductive success in the yellowhammer, Emberiza citrinella (1995)
- Female Yellowhammers (Emberiza-Citrinella) Prefer Yellower Males - A Laboratory Experiment (1995)
- Mate Guarding In The Great Tit - A Reply (1994)
- Paternity Guarding In The Yellowhammer Emberiza-Citrinella - A Detention Experiment (1994)
- Male Coloration As An Indicator Of Parental Quality In The Yellowhammer, Emberiza-Citrinella (1994)
- Female Great Tits, Parus-Major, Avoid Extra-Pair Copulation Attempts (1992)
- Absence Of Mate Guarding In The Yellowhammer (Emberiza-Citrinella) (1992)
- Can Female Preference Explain Sexual Dichromatism In The Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula-Hypoleuca (1990)
- Sonar for environmental monitoring
- An alternative technique for ultra-high resolution bathymetry and seabed inspection for marine renewables
- Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic and Optical Imaging for Structural Inspections for Marine Renewables
- Wave Power in the Electricity Generation Mix
- Effects from wave power generators on the distribution of two sea pen species on the Swedish west coast (2019)
- Environmental effects from wave power-Impacts on the Norway lobster (2018)
- Effects of Wave Energy Generators on Nephrops Norvegicus (2018)
- Environmental effects from wave power devices on local fish and crustacean communities (2018)
- A Review of Methods and Models for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy (2017)
- Sonar for Environmental Monitoring (2015)
- Sonar for Environmental Monitoring. Initial Setup of an Active Acoustic Platform (2015)
- Wave Energy Research at Uppsala University and The Lysekil Research Site, Sweden (2015)
- Hydroacoustic measurements of the radiated noise from Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil project and project WESA (2013)
- Development of a Data Management Platform for the integration of European Wave Energy Impact Assessment datasets (2012)
- How experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry can aid development of the Wave Energy sector: lessons learnt from EIA studies (2012)
- Understanding the role of stakeholders in the wave energy consenting process: engagement and sensitivities (2012)
- Lysekil Research Site, Sweden (2011)
- Design proposal of electrical system for linear generator wave power plants (2009)
- The Lysekil Wave Power Project: Status Update (2008)
- Experiments at Islandsberg on the west coast of Sweden in preparation of the construction of a pilot wave power plant (2005)
- The Marine Current Power Project at the Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2005)
- Environmental questions related to point-absorbing linear wave-generators: Impact, effects and fouling (2005)
- Rotating and Linear Syncronous Generators for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2004)
- Converting kinetic energy in small watercourses using direct drive generators (2004)