Dag Blanck
Professor i nordamerikastudier vid Engelska institutionen; Avdelningen Svenska institutet för nordamerikastudier (SINAS)
- Telefon:
- 018-471 22 08
- E-post:
- dag.blanck@engelska.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 L
- Postadress:
- Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, doc.
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Kort presentation
I am Professor of North American Studies and director of the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University. Trained as an historian I work in American immigration history and on trans-national relations between Sweden and the U.S. I teach courses in American history and race and ethnicity and serve as a commentator on the U.S. in Swedish media. I share my time between SINAS and the Swenson Swedish Immigration Reserach Center at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois.
Since 1985 I have shared my time between Sweden and the U.S. My base in Sweden is Uppsala University, where I am Professor of North American Studies and the director of the Swedish Institute for North American Studies. I also have a (part-time) affiliation with the Department of History, where I teach and supervise essays. In the U.S. I serve as Director of the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, a national archives, library, and research institute for the study of Swedish migration to North America. For close to three decades I served as the co-director of Augustana College´s Summer School in Sweden (ASSIS).
My research interests include American immigration and ethnic history, with special emphasis on Swedish migration to North America; transnational cultural influences, with special emphasis on the relationship between Sweden and the U.S., and the nature and dynamics of multicultural societies. I have written and edited a dozen books and written some fifty articles. My current research focuses on a book-length study of the trans-Atlantic Swedish-American cultural and social relationships since 1850.
I teach American history, in particular American immigration history. I regularly teach introductory and advanced courses in American history in the American Studies program at SINAS. I have also taught in the areas of Swedish history and general migration history.
My undergraduate degrees are from Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois (B.A., Phi Beta Kappa) and Stockholm University (fil. kand) and my graduate training is from Uppsala University (Ph.D. 1997, docent 2005), with study and research periods at the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota and at the Stanford University Humanities Center.
My academic and administrative assignments include membership on the Board of Directors and the Publications Committee of the Swedish-American Historical Society (Chicago), and chairing Uppsala University’s Committee on Ethnic and Social Diversity. I am also the past President of Nordic Association for American Studies. Since 2015 I am the President of the American Studies Network (ASN). Since 1987, I have arranged some fifteen academic conferences and symposia in the U.S. and Sweden.
Urval av publikationer
- "Very Welcome Home Mr. Swanson" (2016)
- Amerikanska akademiska influenser i Sverige (2016)
- Svenska uppfattningar om USA under två århundraden (2016)
- The Transnational Viking (2016)
- Transnationalizing Swedish-American Relations (2016)
- "A Mixture of People with Different Roots" (2014)
- "Swedish Immigration since 1940" (2013)
- Traveling scholars : Swedish academic travelers across the Atlantic in the 20th century (2013)
- Friends and Neighbors? (2012)
- Norwegians and Swedes in the United States (2012)
- Étudiants et chercheurs suédois aux État-Unis et en France (2011)
- Interpretiing One Hundred Years of Augustana History: Friotiof Ander, Contad Bergemdoff and the 1960 Centennial (2010)
- Amerikabild och emigration (2008)
- Scholars Across the Seas (2008)
- Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural Fields (2008)
- The creation of an ethnic identy (2006)
- Television, education and the Vietnam War (2006)
- Strong Governance and Civic Participation: Some Notes on the Cultural Dimension of the Swedish Model (2006)
- American influences in Sweden (2004)
- The Myrdals and Kontakt med Amerika (2004)
- Scandinavians in old and new lands (2004)
- On and beyond the Mississippi (2004)
- Anti-Americanism in Sweden? (2003)
- `We Have a Lot to Learn from America’ (2002)
- The Concept of Being Scandinavian-American (2002)
- Swedish Americans and the 1918 gubernatorial campaign in Minnesota (2001)
- Definitioner och kategoriseringar i USA (2000)
Senaste publikationer
- The Significance of Location (2024)
- Valet står mellan USA som idé eller etnisk gemenskap (2024)
- History and Ethnicity (2023)
- Vårt behov av USA: Om svensk-amerikanska relationer (2021)
- Från Yon Yohnson till Travis Bickle: Om amerikanska Sverigebilder (2021)
Alla publikationer
- The Significance of Location (2024)
- Valet står mellan USA som idé eller etnisk gemenskap (2024)
- En annorlunda exceptionalism (2020)
- Svensk-amerikanska relationer (2019)
- "Very Welcome Home Mr. Swanson" (2016)
- Pole Raising and Speech Making (2016)
- Pole Raising and Speech Making (2016)
- The Transnational Viking (2016)
- Transnationalizing Swedish-American Relations (2016)
- "A Mixture of People with Different Roots" (2014)
- Two Churches, One Community (2012)
- Från det norröna till välfärdsstaten: Scandinavian Studies i USA (2012)
- Interpretiing One Hundred Years of Augustana History: Friotiof Ander, Contad Bergemdoff and the 1960 Centennial (2010)
- Railroading and Labor Migration. Class and Ethnicity in Expanding Capitalism in Northern Minnesota, the 1880s to the Mid 1920s (2009)
- Scholars Across the Seas (2008)
- Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural Fields (2008)
- Amerika i Sverige (2005)
- Anti-Americanism in Sweden? (2003)
- The Concept of Being Scandinavian-American (2002)
- Academic migration. Sweden and the United States (1999)
- Recension av David C. Mauk, The Colony that Rose from the Sea. Norwegian Maritimes Migration and Community in Brooklyn, 1850-1910 (1998)
- Kategoriseringarnas kraft. Några perspektiv från den amerikanska historien (1998)
- On Being Swedish in America. The Search for Identity (1996)
- North Stars and Vasa Orders. On the Relationship between Sweden and Swedish America (1995)
- History and Ethnicity. The Case of the Swedish Americans (1995)
- Swedish-American Borderlands (2021)
- Norwegians and Swedes in the United States (2012)
- The creation of an ethnic identy (2006)
- Scandinavians in Old and New Lands (2004)
- Scandinavians in old and new lands (2004)
- On and beyond the Mississippi (2004)
- Scandinavians in Old and New Lands. (2004)
- Notions of America (2004)
- Swedes in the Twin Cities (2001)
- Swedes in the Twin Cities (2001)
- Migration och mångfald (1999)
- Becoming Swedish-American (1997)
- Studier och resor i USA (1996)
- Scandinavian Immigrants and Education in North America (1995)
- Swedish-American Life in Chicago (1992)
- Swedish-American life in Chicago (1991)
- Swedish life in American cities (1991)
- American immigrants and their generations : (1990)
- Scandinavia overseas (1990)
- History and Ethnicity (2023)
- Vårt behov av USA: Om svensk-amerikanska relationer (2021)
- Från Yon Yohnson till Travis Bickle: Om amerikanska Sverigebilder (2021)
- Academics on the Move (2021)
- Introduction (2021)
- Demografiska vändpunkter? (2020)
- Four Versions of Swedish America (2020)
- Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen 100 år. (2019)
- Om att skriva svenskamerikansk historia (2017)
- Migration and Modernity (2017)
- Amerikanska akademiska influenser i Sverige (2016)
- Svenska uppfattningar om USA under två århundraden (2016)
- "Swedish Immigration since 1940" (2013)
- Traveling scholars : Swedish academic travelers across the Atlantic in the 20th century (2013)
- Swedes and Swedish Americans, 1940-Present (2013)
- Från det norröna till välfärdsstaten (2013)
- Friends and Neighbors? (2012)
- Étudiants et chercheurs suédois aux État-Unis et en France (2011)
- “Om identitet och konserveringsmedel” (2010)
- Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen. Sveriges förhållande till Frankrike och USA 1919-2009 (2010)
- Amerikabild och emigration (2008)
- Television, education and the Vietnam War (2006)
- Strong Governance and Civic Participation: Some Notes on the Cultural Dimension of the Swedish Model (2006)
- American influences in Sweden (2004)
- The Myrdals and Kontakt med Amerika (2004)
- Introduction (2004)
- `We Have a Lot to Learn from America’ (2002)
- On being Swedish in America today (2002)
- Religion and Ethnicity (2001)
- The Uses of Swedish in the Development of a Swedish-American Culture (2001)
- Swedish Americans and the 1918 gubernatorial campaign in Minnesota (2001)
- Definitioner och kategoriseringar i USA (2000)
- Positiv särbehandling i praktiken (2000)
- Hur har positiv särbehandling fungerat i USA? (2000)
- Swedish-American writing: 1912 and 1904 (2000)
- Att bli svensk-amerikan. Framväxten av en svensk-amerikansk identitet i USA (1998)
- Five Decades of Transatlantic Research on Swedish Emigration to North America (1996)
- Inte bara McDonald's.Amerika i Europa - och i Sverige (1996)
- Teaching Swedes in America to be Swedish. Educational Endeavors in the Augustana Synod (1995)
- Becoming Multicultural? The Development of a Swedish Immigrant Policy (1995)
- Intermarriage and the Melting Pot in Moline, 1910 (1993)
- Swedish Americans and the 1893 Columbian Exposition (1992)