Att förstå USA: centrala frågor i amerikansk samhällsutveckling
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Litteraturlista, Avancerad nivå, 5EN570
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Huvudgrupp 1
- Black, Megan, Global Interior: Mineral Frontiers and American Power, 2018Obligatorisk (Urval.)
- Grandin, Greg, The end of the myth: from the frontier to the border wall in the mind of America, First edition., New York, Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, [2019]Obligatorisk
- Lepore, Jill, This America: the Case for the Nation, London, John Murray, 2020Obligatorisk
- Mason, Lilliana, Uncivil agreement: how politics became our identity, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2018Obligatorisk
- Rothstein, Richard, The color of law: a forgotten history of how our government segregated America, First edition., New York, Liveright Publishing Corporation, [2017]Obligatorisk (Urval.)
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell, Strangers in their own land: anger and mourning on the American right, First paperback edition, New York, The New Press, 2018Obligatorisk (Urval.)
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