Introduktion till modern historia
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Huvudgrupp 1
- "Victuri Salutamus", Ingår i: The journal of modern history, vol. 1, nr. 1, 1929, s. 2Obligatorisk
- Ahonen, S, The Lure of Grand Narratives: A dilemma for History teachers, Ingår i: International perspectives on teaching rival histories: pedagogical responses to contested narratives and the history wars, Basingstoke, Springer Science and Business Media, 2017, s. chapter 3, 22 pagesObligatorisk
- Bauman, Zygmunt, Modernity and the holocaust, 1. pbk ed., Cambridge, Polity, 1991Obligatorisk (pp 1–111, 149–150, 113 p)
- Burk, K; Geary, D, Editorial, Ingår i: Contemporary European history, 1992, s. 2 pObligatorisk
- Chakrabarty, D, The Muddle of modernity, Ingår i: The American historical review, vol. 116, nr. 3, 2011, s. 13 pagesObligatorisk
- Clark, P, Rwamda's Recovery: When Remembrance Is Official Policy, Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 6Obligatorisk
- Cohen, D; Mandler, P, The History Manifesto: A Critique, Ingår i: The American historical review, vol. 120, nr. 2, 2015, s. 13 pagesObligatorisk
- Conrad, S, Globalizing the Beatiful Bpdy: Eugen Sandpw, Bodybuilding, and the Ideal of Muscular Manliness at turn of the Twentieth Century, Ingår i: Journal of world history.: official journal of the World History Association, vol. 32, nr. 1, 2021, s. 30Obligatorisk
- Editorial, Ingår i: Journal of modern European history =: Zeitschrift für moderne europäische Geschichte = Revue d'histoire européenne contemporaine., vol. 1, nr. 1, s. 2Obligatorisk
- Editorial note, Ingår i: Journal of contemporary history, vol. 1, nr. 1, 1966, s. 4Obligatorisk
- Erlandsson, Susanna, Personal politics in the postwar world: Western diplomacy behind the scenes, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022Obligatorisk (Preface pp xi-xii and Introduction &
Part 1 pp 1–54, 56 p) - Evans, R J, From Nazism to Never Again: How Germany Came to Terms with its Past, Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 8–16Obligatorisk
- Evans, R J, History, Memory, and the Law: The Historian as Expert Witness, Ingår i: History and theory: studies in the philosophy of history, vol. 41, nr. 3, 2002, s. 326–345Obligatorisk
- Gidley, R; Turner, M, Judicialicing History: Mass Crimes Trials and the Historian Expert Witnses in West Germany, Cambodia, and Bangladesh, Ingår i: Genocide Studies and Prevention, vol. 12, nr. 3, 2018, s. 16Obligatorisk
- Goldring, P, Historians and Inuit: Learning from the Qikitani Truth Commision, Ingår i: Canadian journal of history, vol. 50, nr. 3, 2015, s. 32Obligatorisk
- Gordon Reed, A, "America's Original Sin: Slavery and the Legacy of White Supremecy", Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 6Obligatorisk
- Guldi, Jo; Armitage, David, The history manifesto, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014Obligatorisk (Introduction and Conclusion, pp 1–13 and 117–125)
- Hobsbawm, Eric J., Nations and nationalism since 1780: programme, myth, reality, 2. ed., Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992Obligatorisk (Introduction &
chapter 1, 4, 5 & 6) - Holton, W, "Chilling Affects: The Far Right Takes Aim at Black History", Ingår i: The American historical review, vol. 129, nr. 1, s. 17Obligatorisk
- Hunt, L, "Modernity: Are Modern Times Different?", Ingår i: Historia critica, vol. 54, 2014, s. 18Obligatorisk
- Hunt, T, "Whose Truth?: Objective Truth and a Challenge for History", Ingår i: Criminal Law Forum, vol. 15, nr. 1-2, 2004, s. 6Obligatorisk
- Introduction, Ingår i: Global biographies: lived history as method, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2022, s. 22 pagesObligatorisk
- Kochlin, P, "Whiteness studies: The New History of Race in America", Ingår i: The journal of American history, vol. 89, nr. 1, s. 19Obligatorisk
- Marvin, G, "Wolves in Sheep's (and Others') Clothing", Ingår i: Beastly Natures, University of Virginia Press, 2010, s. 20Obligatorisk
- McBride, I, The Shadow of the Gunman: Irish Historians and the IRA, Ingår i: Journal of contemporary history, vol. 46, nr. 3, 2011, s. 25Obligatorisk
- McCarthy, Helen, Double lives: a history of working motherhood in modern Britain, London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021Obligatorisk (Introduction, chapters 1, 5, 10, 12 and Conclusion, 141 p)
- Motadel, D, "The Political Role of the Historian", Ingår i: Contemporary European history, s. 8Obligatorisk
- Msimang, S, "All is not forgiven: South Africa and the Scars of Apartheid", Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 7Obligatorisk
- Müller,, J-W, European Intellectual History as Contemporary History, Ingår i: Journal of contemporary history, vol. 46, nr. 3, 2011, s. 574–590Obligatorisk
- Palmovski, J; Sporh Readman, K, "Speaking Truth to Power: Contemporary History in the Twenty-first Century, Ingår i: Journal of contemporary history, vol. 46, nr. 3, 2011, s. 20Obligatorisk
- Petrov, N, Don't Speak Memory: How Russia Represses its Past, Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 16–22Obligatorisk
- Schell, O, "China's Cover-Up: When Communists Rewrite History", Ingår i: Foreign affairs, vol. 97, nr. 1, 2018, s. 6Obligatorisk
- Shainkman, M, "Introduction: The Continuity and Change of Antisemitism", Ingår i: Antisemitism today and tomorrow: global perspectives on the many faces of contemporary antisemitism, Brighton, MA, Academic Studies Press, 2018, s. 17Obligatorisk
- Shimazu, N, "What is Sociability in Diplomacy?"¨, Ingår i: Diplomatica, vol. 1, nr. 1, 2019, s. 17Obligatorisk
- Spencer D. Segalla, Empire and catastrophe.: decolonization and environmental disaster in North Africa and Mediterranean France since 1954, Lincoln, University of Nebraska, 2020Obligatorisk (Chapter 1 &
2, 53 p) - Sörlin, S, The Contemporaneity of Environmental History: Negotiating Scholarship, Useful History, and the New Human Condition, Ingår i: Journal of contemporary history, vol. 46, nr. 3, 2011, s. 610–630Obligatorisk
- Vartija, D.J., "Introduction to the special Issue 'Enlightenment and modernity", Ingår i: International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, vol. 8, nr. 3-4, 2020, s. 11Obligatorisk
- Venn, C; Featherstone, M, "Modernity", Ingår i: Theory, culture & society., vol. 23, nr. 2-3, 2006, s. 9Obligatorisk
- Virmani, A, "Social Responsibility of the Historian: The Annales' Agenda in Perspective", Ingår i: Economic and political weekly., vol. 52, nr. 36, 2017, s. 8Obligatorisk
- Wagner, P, "The End of European Modernity", Ingår i: Changing Societies & Personalities, vol. 1, nr. 2, 2017, s. 8Obligatorisk
- Zainaldin,, J, The Price of the Truth: History, Deborah Lipstadt and the Libel Trial, Noteworthy, 2002Obligatorisk (5 p)
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