Long-term development through strategic partnerships

Uppsala University has strategic partnerships with a number of companies and organisations. (See which ones further down the page.) The ambition is to continuously develop these collaborations to contribute to societal benefit and innovation while strengthening the university's research and education.

The partnership anchors long-term cooperation, for example through research and development projects; increased mobility in the form of guest professorships and industrial PhD students and direct knowledge exchange through study visits, guest lectures as well as an industry-specific point of view on the content of the education at the university to match the needs of the labor market.

The partnerships are based on joint and mutual intentions. They aim to create mutual knowledge development, make joint work visible, draw attention to results and strengthen the research carried out within the partnership.

The strategic partnerships also work to spread the experiences from previous projects, develop and establish new forms of collaboration and find new areas within the university for collaboration.

Partnerships are concluded with larger companies or public organizations to enrich the university's research and education. They are characterized by a large breadth that includes several fields of science and subjects. The initiative for a partnership can either be taken from Uppsala University's management or from an external partner.

Benefit from the partnerships

The partnerships exist to make it easier for the external parties to get in touch directly with researchers and students at the university.

If you have an idea about collaboration, or just want to know more about the partnerships and the opportunities available, you are welcome to contact the partnership leaders at Uppsala University. You will find their contact details under the respective partnerships below.

The five strategic partnerships of Uppsala University

Uppsala University's partnership with Alleima involves joint commitments for long-term collaboration within research, education and innovation. The strategic partnership will contribute to the recruitment of specialist competence, continued joint research in materials science – and within related areas – as well as increased mobility through, for example, industrial PhD students, guest lecturers and study visits.

The partnership also aims to find new areas for collaboration where the university can work together with Alleima to meet the challenges in the transition to a sustainable society and a circular economy.

The partnership with Alleima was established in April 2024.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University:
Urban Wiklund, professor of materials science at the Department of Materials Science at Uppsala University e-mail: urban.wiklund@angstrom.uu.se, phone: 018-471 3092

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Fredrik Engelmark, collaboration manager at Uppsala University Collaboration, fredrik.engelmark@uu.se, telephone 018-471 7158


The partnership with Cytiva in Sweden was established in November 2024.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University
Helena Danielson, Professor at Department of Chemistry – BMC
email: helena.danielson@kemi.uu.se, phone: 018-471 45 45

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Helena Bysell, Collaboration manager at the Innovation Partnership Office, email: helena.bysell@uu.se, phone: 018-471 7158

Cytiva in Sweden

Uppsala University's partnership with Hitachi Energy focuses on research, competence development, recruitment and communication.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University:
Saman Majdi, Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Uppsala University, e-mail: saman.majdi@angstrom.uu.se, telephone: 018-471 58 54.

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Petter Bertilsson Forsberg, collaboration manager at Uppsala University Collaboration, petter.forsberg@uu.se, telephone 073-648 49 19.

Hitachi Energy (tidigare Hitachi ABB Power Grids)

Uppsala University's partnership with Region Gotland focuses on an attractive university, island and development environment, mutual exchange of knowledge, research and innovation.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University:
Olle Jansson, Head of department at Department of Game Design, phone: 073-4619063, e-mail: olle.jansson@speldesign.uu.se

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Gustav Melén at Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office, phone: 018-471 7052, e-mail: gustav.melen@uu.se

Region Gotland

The partnership with Uppsala municipality has sustainable community building as a special collaboration theme, but also includes activities and forms of collaboration in other areas.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University:
Esbjörn Larsson, professor at Department of Education, phone: 018-471 7628, e-mail: esbjorn.larsson@edu.uu.se

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Anette Persson Stache at Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office, phone: 018-471 1820, e-mail: anette.stache@uu.se

Uppsala kommun

Uppsala University's partnership with Volvo Car Corporation involves joint commitments to, among other things, collaborate within research, education and innovation. In the long term, the strategic partnership hopes contribute to the recruitment of well-educated engineers but also to effective research with the goal that existing and future technologies will contribute to economic and sustainable growth as well as good competitiveness.

The partnership with Volvo Car Corporation was established in April 2022.

Partnership manager at Uppsala University:
Daniel Brandell, professor vid Institutionen för kemi, e-post: daniel.brandell@kemi.uu.se, telefon: 018-471 37 09

Partnership leader at Uppsala University:
Petter Bertilsson Forsberg, collaboration manager at Uppsala University Collaboration, petter.forsberg@uu.se, telephone 073-648 49 19.

Gå till Volvo Car Corporation


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