Research support unit
Part of University Administration; Faculty Offices; Office for Medicine and Pharmacy
The Research support unit at the Office for Medicine and Pharmacy supports researchers and the domain management in matters relating to research funding, internationalisation, collaboration and research infrastructure. We are also responsible for support to the domains committees for external collaboration and research infrastructure. We furthermore provide support for the start-up and implementation of new centres and prioritised major research initiatives.
- Visiting address:
- Segerstedthuset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 256
751 05 UPPSALA - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/medarbetare/vetenskapsomrade/medicin-och-farmaci/organisation-och-styrning/omradeskansliet/enheten-for-forskningsstod
- Head of office:
- Bergström, Joakim
- Research Advisor
- +46 18 471 20 71 +46 73 469 77 08
- joakim.bergstrom@uu.se
- Bäckman, Ulrika
- Project Coordinator
- +46 70 167 94 74
- ulrika.backman@uu.se
- Carlsson, Jenny
- Faculty officer
- +46 18 471 57 14 +46 70 425 01 41
- jenny.carlsson@uu.se
- Ferletta, Maria
- Research Advisor
- +46 18 471 20 72 +46 70 425 08 00
- maria.ferletta@uu.se
- Henriksson, Kerstin
- Project Coordinator
- +46 70 167 93 98
- Lobell, Anna
- Research Advisor
- +46 18 471 50 86 +46 70 425 07 06
- anna.lobell@uu.se
- Marciszko, Carin
- Research Advisor
- +46 18 471 53 68 +46 70 425 09 78
- carin.marciszko@uu.se
- Sjöström, Anna
- Project Coordinator
- +46 18 471 75 92 +46 70 167 95 13
- anna.sjostrom@uu.se
- Ullerås, Erik
- Research Advisor
- +46 18 471 62 59 +46 70 167 95 63
- erik.ulleras@uu.se