Phys-Can (Physical Training and Cancer)
In this multicenter study we evaluate the effects of physical exercise on high or low/moderate intensity in persons undergoing adjuvant cancer treatment, i.e. chemotherapy, radiation and antihormone treatment.
- Start date: 2013-01-01
- Budget: 3,500,000 SEK
- Funder: Swedish Research Council, The Swedish Cancer Society,World Cancer Research Fund, Nordisk Cancerunion, Sjöbergstiftelsen
- Type of funding: Projektanslag
In this multicenter study we evaluate the effects of physical exercise on high or low/moderate intensity in persons undergoing adjuvant cancer treatment, i.e. chemotherapy, radiation and antihormone treatment. Main outcomes are cancer-related fatigue and quality of life, and we perform long-term follow-up on recurrence and survival. In addition, we evaluate the effect of behaviour change support (extra coaching) on performed exercise. Physiological mechanisms are investigated to increase our knowledge about what mediates the effect of exercise on cancer-related fatigue. Health economic evaluations are also performed.
The project is a collaboration between three universities in Sweden, Uppsala, Lund and Linköping, the universities of Agder and Bergen in Norway, University of Copenhagen in Denmark, The Netherlands Cancer Institute and VU University Medical Centre vid University of Amsterdam, and the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.